#1: Couple of questions from a newbie. Author: millerman, Location: KentPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:23 pm ---- First question, heater is warm but never hot, Wife has had the car 10mths and she only tells me now, is this a poss air lock?
Second question, car came with only one key, how much is a new key and more importantly how much to program a new key?
Car is a "W" reg 1.4.
#2: Re: Couple of questions from a newbie. Author: Lee, Location: EnglandPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:32 pm ---- I can supply you with a key, then you just need to get it coded. I supply with security code which usually costs £25
#3: Re: Couple of questions from a newbie. Author: Gems, Location: OxfordPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:45 pm ---- coding in a dealership is normally around £40 ish - get the key from lee and not from the dealership as they cost a fortune!
Air lock or Air leak probably.
#4: Re: Couple of questions from a newbie. Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ?Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:20 pm ----
millerman wrote:
First question, heater is warm but never hot, Wife has had the car 10mths and she only tells me now, is this a poss air lock?
Thermostat could be jammed open, what the coolant temp gauge on the dash showing after about 5 / 10 minutes of driving around?
It should be just under / around the 90 deg C mark.
#5: Re: Couple of questions from a newbie. Author: millerman, Location: KentPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:32 am ---- Thanks for replies guys. Lee, i will be in touch, i'm just leaving for Newcastle now for a family funeral, will speak poss Sun or Mon.
Temp gauge is showing a steady 90 deg, sometimes creeps a little higher if the engine is pressed a bit or we encounter heavy stop start traffic.
I noticed a plastic bleed screw near the firewall/bulkhead, do these have a tendancy to snap?
#6: Re: Couple of questions from a newbie. Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ?Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:52 pm ---- I reckon a new temp sensor & thermostat will fix this
#7: Re: Couple of questions from a newbie. Author: millerman, Location: KentPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:12 am ---- Ok an update, did the drive to Newcastle and back, over 600mls, the problem still existed on both journeys with the temp sitting about 95 all the time! I have just put in a new thermastat and bled the system, i also noticed hot coolant being forced up the overflow pipe on the end of the rad into the expansion bottle, further investigation found the bottom of the rad cold including the bottom hose, this was after the cooling fans had gone thru 2 cycles, so the engine was up to temp at a steady 90. Question; this is an Auto, so do the gearbox cooling pipes go into the rad as on my Saab or can i just remove top and bottom hoses plus overflow hose and reverse flush the rad because i'm thinking the rad is well silted up? Also, any tips on rad removal please?
#8: Re: Couple of questions from a newbie. Author: Lee, Location: EnglandPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:16 am ---- Can you read the live data to see if it's actually at 95 or it's just the cluser playing silly beggars.
You can take the pipes off as long as you bled and refill
#9: Re: Couple of questions from a newbie. Author: millerman, Location: KentPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:54 pm ---- Lee, sometimes it went a couple of markers on the temp scale over 90, so i'm guessing 95/100 possibly.
Still need to know if i can just remove the rad on a 1.4 Auto and back flush it without having to remove anything else, ie; any gearbox cooling pipes?
#10: Re: Couple of questions from a newbie. Author: kandlbarrett, Location: SwindonPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 5:58 pm ---- With gauge reading 90 (ish) and heater only warm I suspect either:-
Defective heater control.
Blocked heater matrix. If heater matrix is blocked Isuggest the whole cooling system gets a flush!
Most failing gauges and sensors I know tend to give a low reading with gauge showing 70-80 and engine actually at 90. I haven't seen any with gauge showing 90 and engine colder. Others may have a different experience of how sensors / gauges in these cars read.
#11: Re: Couple of questions from a newbie. Author: PaddyC, Location: IrelandPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:44 am ----
MrBSI wrote:
Thermostat could be jammed open, what's the coolant temp gauge on the dash showing after about 5 / 10 minutes of driving around?
It should be just under / around the 90 deg C mark.
For every 206 or his particular model? Mine always sits about the 70ºC mark after about 10 minutes of driving about and on long drives it goes close to 75/80ºC, but never any higher. My heating is always nice and warm, in fact, after a few minutes you have to turn it down or it becomes unbearably hot inside the car! I would have thought being around 90ºC or higher was too much and would be cause for concern, not normal!
#12: Re: Couple of questions from a newbie. Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ?Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:46 am ----
PaddyC wrote:
MrBSI wrote:
Thermostat could be jammed open, what's the coolant temp gauge on the dash showing after about 5 / 10 minutes of driving around?
It should be just under / around the 90 deg C mark.
For every 206 or his particular model? Mine always sits about the 70ºC mark after about 10 minutes of driving about and on long drives it goes close to 75/80ºC, but never any higher. My heating is always nice and warm, in fact, after a few minutes you have to turn it down or it becomes unbearably hot inside the car! I would have thought being around 90ºC or higher was too much and would be cause for concern, not normal!
Diesels engines ( like you have ) run cooler then petrol engines, diesels also normally have a lower opening temp thermostat fitted.
millerman - has a PETROL engine, these normally run around 90 deg C.
#13: Re: Couple of questions from a newbie. Author: PaddyC, Location: IrelandPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:38 am ---- Ahh, silly me. At least now I know!
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