#1: what's missing from my engine kit? Author: TheWhiteRasta, Location: North East EnglandPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:39 am ---- Hi I got an engine conversion kit from a brakers yard it's a 3.0L v6 (ES9 J4)from a 406 coupe. I'm a bit of a novice, I got it for educational purposes really I want to learn from it and hopefully put it in a 206 van one day myself. The thing is I got it yesterday and I need to let the bloke know by Monday morning if there is anything missing before the car goes. I intend to get the engine running completely independently on my garage floor but I think I'm missing a few things here's the list:
complete engine (all sensors, starter, coil packs, injectors, pumps etc)
complete engine bay loom no cuts
Single plug ECU + Key
Engine bay fuse box
Fuel pump + tank
I asked him about the immobiliser he said he didn't know what it looked like or where it was? As far as I understand mine is the earlier non BSI type? I only just heard the word multiplexing recently lol. So is it just a little black box somewhere? And will I need some sort of receiver & some wiring around the ignition barrel?
Any help would be much appreciated cheers
#2: Re: what's missing from my engine kit? Author: Seabook, Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:20 am ---- you need the gearbox+driveshaft too
#3: Re: what's missing from my engine kit? Author: TheWhiteRasta, Location: North East EnglandPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:37 am ---- I have everything like that, I mean have i got enough electrical wise to turn over the engine over on the floor
#4: Re: what's missing from my engine kit? Author: Lee, Location: EnglandPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:40 am ---- Immo is in the ECU and BSI and the chip in the key
#5: Re: what's missing from my engine kit? Author: Edward, Location: In the garagePosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:40 am ---- Starter motor? I assume you won't have the cooling system connected to anything? You'll soon fry the engine with no water in the block.
#6: Re: what's missing from my engine kit? Author: TheWhiteRasta, Location: North East EnglandPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:58 am ---- Yes got the starter I don't intend to run the engine for long just trying to get the systems together to start it
#7: Re: what's missing from my engine kit? Author: Edward, Location: In the garagePosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:18 am ---- I wouldn't run it at all with no water in the block. It will get very hot, very quickly with no water.
#8: Re: what's missing from my engine kit? Author: Addaz, Location: SuffolkPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:56 pm ---- Why do one of the hardest conversions when you know not much?
Yes its a learning curve, but walk before you can run
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