#1: Project Aftermath. - big audio now in and snakeskin wrap! Author: Elreidy, Location: WrexhamPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:08 pm ---- Hey all,
If any of you have read my welcome post, you might know abit about me and why i called this project Aftermath, but for those who havent this is why...
i Recently purchased a 2002 1.4 peugeot 206 GLX ( 53k miles on it ) due to writing off my beloved 106xs (vts conversion fully stripped track car) managed this by slipping on some diesal and being inexperienced let off the throttle and landed into a tree...... but on the plus still can start and steer the car fine and its in our storage.
But yeah back to the 206, planning more of a different route with this car and will update here when ever i can, and feel free to ask any questions about either pug
debadged the rear as soon as i got the car home, no need for a big write up on this as i see the guides are really helpfull and detailed on here. Last edited by Elreidy on Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:05 am; edited 3 times in total
#2: Re: Project Aftermath Author: Timon2210, Location: PalestinePosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:22 pm ---- nice car,love the 106 :),about the 206 good start with debadged boot :),but you need new wheels and some tint for the back quarter :),phase 2 boot strip to make it debadged 100%,and phase 2 tail lights,about the front,a set of Morettes would be nice :D,good luck and welcome to the forum.
nice car,love the 106 :),about the 206 good start with debadged boot :),but you need new wheels and some tint for the back quarter :),phase 2 boot strip to make it debadged 100%,and phase 2 tail lights,about the front,a set of Morettes would be nice :D,good luck and welcome to the forum.
Thanks mate, i have alot in mind for this 206, need to get the stuff which will make a mess out the way first, the serious modding should start as soon as i get some more money in, and will be verticle doors, th elittle bits such s the phase 2 strip and lights will be swapped as i go along
#4: Re: Project Aftermath Author: BigGreenDave, Location: The RiftPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:58 pm ---- nice one shall keep an eye on this.
#5: Re: Project Aftermath Author: Elreidy, Location: WrexhamPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:06 pm ---- Hey all, a little update on more small modifications I have done ( still gathering money up for the more expensive mods, as buying the car cost me alot being only an apprentice! )
But anyways first up I got myself some tailered car mats all round, thought they add abit more class than the standard black ones, without looking tacky, and suprisngly for £22 off ebay they are good quality
Next up is some SMD LED's as recomended on here these in the headlights are the 9 block tower and recomend them to anyone. I also purchased a rear number plate set with 4 facing down SMD LED's and recomend these aswell.
Finally I ran all my wires through the bulkhead and through the annoying tight peugeot carpet and fitted my headunit, speakers and subwoofers ( I dont drive around booming to dance music, but I do enjoy the added bass they produce, not to mention the look i like about them in your boot)
The headunit is an Alpine IDA X100, had it in both my peugeots and it is great if you dont mind loosing the function of a cd player and only ipod/usb connection.
#6: Re: Project Aftermath Author: ryanovsalford, Location: manchesterPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:05 pm ---- Them headunits save all the clutter of cds all over the car just chuck it all on usb i find i tidyer lol
#7: Re: Project Aftermath Author: Elreidy, Location: WrexhamPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:06 pm ---- yeah and they give out some good performance from my experience, and look nice.
#8: Re: Project Aftermath Author: Elreidy, Location: WrexhamPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:52 am ---- Well its been a while and a lot of money but I finally got my LSD kit fitted, not to everyone's taste, but at the end of the day I am chuffed to bits with it, but anyways here is some pictures of the install and finished product
For those interested the kits are £1100 from LSD, and from multiple sources are the only kits which are decent enough and durable to be used day to day, they come with all the brackets, extension wires, connectors etc, and the company i used to fit them are called BD-Performance, and would recommend them to anyone, top quality job and even cleaned the car for me, they charged £300 but if you bring someone you recommended both of you receive discount
#9: Re: Project Aftermath- LSD doors fitted :) Author: richpowell91, Location: Melton Mowbray LeicestershirePosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:01 am ---- Dont take this the wrong way but £1400 for lambo doors on an otherwise standard 206, seems like youve got more money than sense.
But so long as you like them thats all that matters.
What other plans have you got for it?
#10: Re: Project Aftermath- LSD doors fitted :) Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ?Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:06 am ---- Always wondered what would happen in a multistory car park OR if it was upside down on its roof
#11: Re: Project Aftermath- LSD doors fitted :) Author: Elreidy, Location: WrexhamPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:09 am ----
richpowell91 wrote:
Dont take this the wrong way but £1400 for lambo doors on an otherwise standard 206, seems like youve got more money than sense.
But so long as you like them thats all that matters.
What other plans have you got for it?
Ah I always just fancied them, keeping a clean look, no body kits etc, next step will be a GTI-180 interior, then go from there one step at a time.
#12: Re: Project Aftermath- LSD doors fitted :) Author: Elreidy, Location: WrexhamPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:11 am ----
MrBSI wrote:
Always wondered what would happen in a multistory car park OR if it was upside down on its roof
Never taken any my cars into one yet so I should be ok, but they open as normal over a foot if you want so entry isn't effected anymore than if someone parked next to you.
#13: Re: Project Aftermath- LSD doors fitted :) Author: Mike_XS, Location: SouthamptonPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:56 pm ---- I quite like lambo doors, but did the car even cost as much as the doors fitted?
#14: Re: Project Aftermath- LSD doors fitted :) Author: craigdmjv, Location: WiltshirePosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 5:29 pm ---- im wondering why it has digital heating controls in base spec 206 i though these only come on 2.0
#15: Re: Project Aftermath- LSD doors fitted :) Author: Mike_XS, Location: SouthamptonPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:54 pm ---- You can choose them as an optional extra from the factory I think.
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