#31: Re: ZiAn's pride & joy 206GTi Author: coops180, Location: leicesterPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:06 pm ---- white looks awsome wish they made the 180 in white
#32: Re: ZiAn's pride & joy 206GTi Author: =ZiAn=, Location: SloveniaPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:39 pm ----
apjs87 wrote:
loving this. how easy were the linkages to access with the battery out??? i need to re grease mine? cheers
Quite easy but you'll be swearing pretty bad when you'll try to reach the end of the longest linkage (at least we did)
#33: Re: ZiAn's pride & joy 206GTi Author: =ZiAn=, Location: SloveniaPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:45 pm ---- @vanman_sw, I'll probably be going down the same road as Edward and Jamie
@Austin, I F'ed it up a bit and then had to grind it down by hand because we forgot we have the right drills in the garage. So instead of a 5 minute job it took half an hour.
I recommend you use this type of drills:
@coops180, I don't know about 180s, but RC was definitely available in white
#34: Re: ZiAn's pride & joy 206GTi Author: Austin, Location: TelfordPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:50 pm ---- Lol ah yeah good idea, forgot about a step drill, i'll do it that way when i get one.
#35: Re: ZiAn's pride & joy 206GTi Author: =ZiAn=, Location: SloveniaPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:10 am ---- Brake Update:
Due to my brakes being a disaster, I was squealing down the road like a steam train while trying to stop I knew something had to be done. So in the summer of 2009 I opted for:
- P307 2.0HDi calipers (same as gti180)
- Roesch 283mm VR-2 discs
- Roesch XC-4 Kevlar carbonceramic pads
- Goodridge braided hoses
- ATE Super blue racing brake fluid
When I bought the calipers they were a bit rusty and really dirty. So I needed to clean them up and while I was at it I thought it would be good to give them a new coat of paint. After cleaning (wire brush and a dremel) I tried to pick a color that wouldn't stand out yet it didn't want the standard silver. Weeeell that didn't turn out like I thought it would, as I think they stand out quite a bit now. I know most of you won't understand the joke so I'll write a short explanation later on...
This is what they looked like:
A bit of grinding and swearing later...:
So I picked a color (not what I first had in mind but okay):
And then the caliper mod had to wait a while until I recived a few stickers:
Let me now explain what this is all about:
[Warning humor lost in translation]
As you know a lot of "chav drivers paint all sorts of Brembo, AP racing, Rotora etc. decals onto their calipers. Because of that a joke started going around a few of my friends that somebody should write "Bremze" onto their calipers (its a slang word for brakes, some of the guys from ex-Yu will understand it), as we mostly have modified brake parts instead of standard stuff. Seeing nobody wanted to do it I took the plunge and went ahead with it...told you its not going to be funny
Then the installation:
New discs:
Braided hoses:
OEM hoses:
As I've had them for quite some time, I need to say, the brakes feel really good only when its extremely cold you need to press the brakes a bit at first so that they heat up a bit. Nothing drastic though. But when they get to their operational temperature...that's when the fun begins. I thought I was going to break the steering wheel I just need to replace the tires as they can't grip as much as they would need to with the new setup
Oh and just so I don't forget,we also replaced the heater matrix as the old one as leaking:
Mission impossible anyone?...(Q:"how do you replace the heater matrix?"..A:"with great difficulty")...But as we later figured out you can replace it without taking out the whole dashboard. Wooohooo
#36: Re: ZiAn's pride & joy 206GTi Author: =ZiAn=, Location: SloveniaPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 6:11 am ---- Well seeing I've got a few winter style pics on my comp, why not stick 'em up here
You can see the new member of the family on the right. Its a (standard height) C4 coupe, Loeb edition with a 2.0HDi 136. I could call it my winterwagon as you can see my car is going nowhere fast in this snow
Oh and this Monday I've also tracked down the 206RC speedo, for a very nice price so I went to Zagreb for it ( about a 100 miles each direction). Diesel rox when it comes to fuel consumption
So here they are after almost a year of searching:
Even the cat wants to have a go at them
In all their glory :
Last photo of the old dials
Final result:
I was so happy to have them, that just couldn't wait until evening to go to the garage and changed them in the middle of a parking lot. The looks I got from some of the neighbors were priceless
p.s. This was the last update from the past, now we're back to present time so no more quick updates Well actually the next part is supposed to arrive next week. And I'm finally moving to the engine now
#37: Re: ZiAn's pride & joy 206GTi Author: Chi, Location: North LondonPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 6:26 am ---- Car is looking good!!! Can't believe I've missed this thread!
Reminds me that I need to fit some braided hoses and the gear linkages this summer!
#38: Re: ZiAn's pride & joy 206GTi Author: Ams1592, Location: West MidlandsPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 7:25 am ---- You cars amazing! Love white 206's
Keep the good work up!
#39: Re: ZiAn's pride & joy 206GTi Author: _Jay_, Location: LutonPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 8:26 am ---- Mate loving the car, looks mint! You have given me the urge to spray my 180 white now as well lol.
#40: Re: ZiAn's pride & joy 206GTi Author: =ZiAn=, Location: SloveniaPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:48 pm ---- Totally missed that anybody even commented I guess 206info just gets too many updates in the Project section
@Chi, I recommend it I've noticed quite a difference after fitting those linkages. Not sure about the hoses yet as I haven't had time to test them properly yet (started getting cold too quickly).
@Jay, thanks I'd love to see a white 180
#41: Re: ZiAn's pride & joy 206GTi Author: =ZiAn=, Location: SloveniaPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:41 pm ---- Damn this page is getting stretched out having 3 updates on one page
Well no matter because something new arrived. Again. I'm worse than ladies in a shoe store, just can't stop buying things
Anyway here it is. This time the package arrived from the Fatherland, jahwol, Deutchland
Quick peek into the box reveals a Raceland 4-1 exhaust manifold:
Still in bubble wrap. I love to pop this suff
In all its beauty
So this stainless steel 4-1 manifold is going to replace the original 10kg of scrap metal. I'm not saying this one is perfect, far from it, but a lot better the the OEM one. At first I was looking for a 4-2-1 but the only one I found was the one Edward has and that one was a bit too expensive for my taste. So this is it (all 4,4kg of inox) with my budget. We'll try to get it installed ASAP but that usually means it might take a while
Comments are welcome
#42: Re: ZiAn's pride & joy 206GTi Author: =ZiAn=, Location: SloveniaPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 5:47 pm ---- I'm going to make another update, just trying to get to page 4 as this one is getting stretched out quite a bit now
#43: Re: ZiAn's pride & joy 206GTi Author: =ZiAn=, Location: SloveniaPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 5:48 pm ---- Lets see how many more till the next page
#44: Re: ZiAn's pride & joy 206GTi (page 3=extremly pic heavy) Author: =ZiAn=, Location: SloveniaPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 5:51 pm ---- If I counted it correctly three more posts to go
#45: Re: ZiAn's pride & joy 206GTi (page 3=extremly pic heavy) Author: =ZiAn=, Location: SloveniaPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 5:52 pm ---- 2....
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