#1: rear quarter Author: Elldan, Location: CoventryPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:32 pm ---- can anybody direct me to a thread or site that will talk me through changing a rear quarter
#2: Re: rear quarter Author: Steve206, Location: UKPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:38 pm ---- Panel? Ive your going to do it, you wouldnt be asking how to. I.E. you will not have th tools/skills. No offense, but its a difficult job.
#3: Re: rear quarter Author: Seabook, Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:48 pm ---- drill it off and spot weld the new one on, then respray.
sounds easy enough?
i got no idea how it could be done
#4: Re: rear quarter Author: LeeThr, Location: North West WalesPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:55 pm ---- If your doing it and you have to ask remind me never to get in your car...
#5: Re: rear quarter Author: Elldan, Location: CoventryPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:07 pm ---- it cant be that hard surely. ive got a spot welder. just found a thread for a cc too
#6: Re: rear quarter Author: LeeThr, Location: North West WalesPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:10 pm ----
Elldan wrote:
it cant be that hard surely. ive got a spot welder. just found a thread for a cc too
Your talking about playing around with the whole structure of the body shell. I think it might be a bit harder than what your thinking.
#7: Re: rear quarter Author: Ghosty, Location: WiltshirePosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:45 am ---- actually have some experience in this as before i got my 206, i was getting my civic coupe rear 1/4s done due to heavy rust (in the end i scrapped the car, rusted floorpan ), i did however watch my mate (a fully qulified wielder/mechanic) when he was working on my car.
1, place new panel against car (mark around the outside so you know where your cutting)
2, check there is nothing structural in the way (support bars, fuel pipes ect)
3, cut out old panel, about 1cm below the line you drew
4, wield in new panel, using a tig/mig wielder (not spot wielded, wont be strong enough, you can spot wield it to keep it in place while you wield it the other way)
5, grind the panel flat
6, fill any remaining gaps/uneven parts
7, sand smooth
8, prime panel
9, sand smooth
10, spray colour of choice
11, laquer panel.
that is just a rough guide, i accept NO responsibilty for you damaging you car or injuring yourself.
if you want an honest oppinion, get a professional to do it, will cost maybe £250 for just the cutting and wielding, also at least it will be done to conform to the structeral regs required.
#8: Re: rear quarter Author: Edward, Location: In the garagePosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:09 am ---- Easy. Not.
#9: Re: rear quarter Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ?Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:08 am ----
Elldan wrote:
it cant be that hard surely. ive got a spot welder. just found a thread for a cc too
If you have to ask how to do it then you havent got the skills to make a safe repair
Im starting to worry about a lot of the questions being asked on here lately, I dread to think how many bodged up & unsafe 206's are driving around after diy repairs have been done!
#10: Re: rear quarter Author: Big_Rich180, Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:11 am ----
MrBSI wrote:
Elldan wrote:
it cant be that hard surely. ive got a spot welder. just found a thread for a cc too
If you have to ask how to do it then you havent got the skills to make a safe repair
Im starting to worry about a lot of the questions being asked on here lately, I dread to think how many bodged up & unsafe 206's are driving around after diy repairs have been done!
All of them...remember Peugeot made them
#11: Re: rear quarter Author: Nic_206, Location: cleaning the carPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:22 pm ---- if I was you id let a pro do it dont try and save a couple of quid on something that could jeopardize the safety of you and others common sense really though
if I was you id let a pro do it dont try and save a couple of quid on something that could jeopardize the safety of you and others common sense really though
amen to that
some filler and a re-spray will do the job, just thought if it was an easy switch i could put a new one on
#13: Re: rear quarter Author: Nic_206, Location: cleaning the carPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:22 pm ---- what sort of damage is there to your quarter panel im guessing it must be bad if you thought of fitting a new panel?
#14: Re: rear quarter Author: Elldan, Location: CoventryPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:30 pm ---- its dented the arch and just behind it, its not even too bad was just being tight and fancied the challenge
#15: Re: rear quarter Author: Nic_206, Location: cleaning the carPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:35 pm ---- ahh I get you it would be easyier just to sand fill etc and cheaper, im in the process of sanding the whole car down for a respray atm done the quarter panels quicker then expected too few pics on my project thread
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