#1: Take Upper Grille Off Author: hayes_ctfc, Location: CheltenhamPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:24 am ---- By the looks of things, it looks as though it's only held on with some plastic rivet clips, do these just pull/break out or do they have to be surgically removed because mine don't seem to want to move anywhere.
All I wanna do is to paint the Lion on the front
#2: Re: Take Upper Grille Off Author: nathanmcauley, Location: Northern IrelandPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:33 am ---- I want to do the same! It looks soo easy but soo hard. I want to remove the upper grille and cover it in carbon fibre vinyl! I got my car buffed and polished and now the paint is peeling, looks a mess
#3: Re: Take Upper Grille Off Author: LeeThr, Location: North West WalesPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:36 am ---- Just give it a real good yank. The clips are pennies from peugeot if you break them. They do need a bit of force if they have been sat there a while though
#4: Re: Take Upper Grille Off Author: tomd0801754, Location: MoscowPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:41 am ---- If its the ones on the black plastic: flathead screwdriver under the smaller top circle and pull up. They are called mushroom clips and it's obv. why.
On the end of the grill (into the wing): just pull. Never snapped mine, but of they do new ones are next to nothing.
#5: Re: Take Upper Grille Off Author: hayes_ctfc, Location: CheltenhamPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:18 pm ---- What size and what headed screwdriver do I use to get the badge off the moulding under the lights? A broken upper grille, and a gaping hole in a pair of Lyle and Scott gloves later, the badge still isn't off
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