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206 temperature problems
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-> 206 Problems

#16: Re: 206 temperature problems Author: kandlbarrett, Location: Swindon PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:47 pm
Does the car actually over heat or is it just the gauge fluctuating. Does the cooling fan cut in eventually? What engine is in your car and year?

#17: Re: 206 temperature problems Author: 206DAG, Location: Wakefield PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 6:25 am
No the fan doesn't kick in, infact i have never heard the fan so i couldn't even tell you if it works or not, when i put the heater on it does blow hot any after running it yesterday and the temp gauge again went rather high when i pulled up at home i popped the bonnet and the radiator was only warm, i could touch it with my hand.

The car is a 1.4 lx 2001 'Y' plate


#18: Re: 206 temperature problems Author: kit325, Location: London PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 6:43 am
two things u can check this. The 1st easy thing u can check is the thermostat, it is very common that this unit will failed and jammed up so only little or even no hot water can flow thru the radiator. Just remove it, put it in boiling hot water see if the thermostat valve will open up. If it does open up, is ok and functioning. Otherwise u need to replace it. Cost less than a tenner from eurocarparts.

The second thing u can check is the green temperature sensor, there's guide or topic regarding this on this forum. Just look for it!

Good luck!

#19: Re: 206 temperature problems Author: 206DAG, Location: Wakefield PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:34 am
thanks very much will get my bro to check the thermo tonight if he can.

#20: Re: 206 temperature problems Author: Taff!, Location: Havant nr Portsmouth PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:58 am
How to

Thats for a 1.6. On a 1.4 I think it's right next to your dip stick [NE direction] vut someone else can confirm.

#21: Re: 206 temperature problems Author: kandlbarrett, Location: Swindon PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:40 am
Having now watched the video I am pretty certain that you have a thermostst that is sticking and slow to respond.

If the stat is not opening quickly enough then the radiator will be cool (warm) while your engine can be overheating. I wouldn't bet my house on it but I will be quite surprised if a new thermostst doesn't fix it.

I wouldn't bother with the hot water test; if you are taking the stat off just change it. And if the stat is just a bit slow to react then hot water test isn't good enough.

#22: Re: 206 temperature problems Author: gixxerkev, Location: wiltshire PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 5:00 am
What He Said

Also has the water pump ever been replaced? If its been erroded away over the years it wont help your problem.

#23: Re: 206 temperature problems Author: 206DAG, Location: Wakefield PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:19 pm
not sure about the water pump as i have only had the car 6 months

#24: Re: 206 temperature problems Author: 206DAG, Location: Wakefield PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:23 pm
does the system have to be drained before taking off the thermostat because when i started unscrewing the bolts i got some water so i quickly screwed them back up and thought i had best check before moving on.

#25: Re: 206 temperature problems Author: Steve206, Location: UK PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:53 pm
There is no way you've got a a faulty thermostat, or a broken waterpump. My guess is the coolant sensor is playing up, there is no reason why the temp gauge would go up and down so erratically. If the Thermostart was stuck, the temperature would never come down.

Do you have A/C, if so switch it on and the low speed fan should come on. Your fan relays mayu have corroded if id does not, which is a common problem. Only way to tell for sure is get the codes read.

Also if your going to check the thermsostat, the system will need to be drained.

#26: Re: 206 temperature problems Author: kandlbarrett, Location: Swindon PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:16 pm
Steve206 / 206diag:

I have seen this with a sticking stat. Not one that is stuck partially open or shut but has a tight spot.

I have also seen it with an airlock in the system.

I have, as you state, also seen it with a defective sensor but that is more rare.

I would still bet thermostat but would not put my house on it.

I have also seen this with defective gauges and electronics.

Being a 1.4 the sensor is a blue one on the front right hand side of the cylinder head. It is a bugger to see and get at. It is NOT the green one on the thermostat housing, that one is a temperature sensor but it sends it's signal to the ECU to control fuelling. It is not the blue one on a thin steel pipe on the right of the engine bay that is for the power steering. It is not the blue one on the top of the radiator that is for the fan.

#27: Re: 206 temperature problems Author: Steve206, Location: UK PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:01 am
The best way to tell if the thermostat was opening, would-be to feel the top and bottom radiator hoses to see if they get hot.

#28: Re: 206 temperature problems Author: 206DAG, Location: Wakefield PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:26 am
ok so i have now checked the hoses and found that the top one is getting hot but the bottom hose isn't?

Also i switched the A/C on and the heater still blew warm air and no sign of the radiator fan turning?

#29: Re: 206 temperature problems Author: millerman, Location: Kent PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:04 am
206DAG wrote:
ok so i have now checked the hoses and found that the top one is getting hot but the bottom hose isn't?

Also i switched the A/C on and the heater still blew warm air and no sign of the radiator fan turning?

My Wifes car had the same symptoms, top hose was hot, i changed the stat anyway, bottom hose was stone cold, from this we came to the conclusion the rad is completly blocked, the expansion bottle had what looked like the remains of a product called "Radweld" Looks like some one had filled the system with the bloody stuff to mask a leakage problem!! We also figured if the water cant get out the bottom of the rad this would then explain why it was being forced along the overflow pipe into the expansion bottle. Hope to get the new rad fitted this Saturday, only cost £34, bargain, courtesy of the Bay of E. Wink
Re; you're a/c, on most cars when the a/c is switched on yes the fan should kick in, seems you have a problem on that front, also just because a/c is active dont mean it should be ice cold, it still works with heating control, turn it to cold and it will be, turn it to hot and it will be, in the hot position with a/c engaged this will help clear misted windows faster as the system absorbs moisture, again, i'm not an authority on Peugeot, but, this relates to most makes of Automobile.

#30: Re: 206 temperature problems Author: 206DAG, Location: Wakefield PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:25 am
the more i read the worse things are sounding. I don't want to get ripped off with the garage because they sometimes do have a tendancy to see a female and screw her over, speaking from past experience the one time. So its going to be a garage job by the sounds of it but the repair could be a simple stat replacement, temp sensor replacement and now a possible new radiator needed. What a bad buy this car is turning out to be, i have just forked out for a exhaust from cat to back box and now this, funny thing is, the latest problems did not start until after the new exhaust system was fitted., maybe they saw me coming a second time, and now im gunna get screwed a second time. Oh well thanks everybody for your input it has been, lets say educational if not depressing lol. Take care guys and stay safe. Debs x

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