#1: What to do with the shell Author: rick-gti, Location: welshpool, mid walesPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:48 am ---- I have stript a 206 gti and am unsure what to do with the shell. It is in good condition no dings and only a few small scratches.
What do people think it will be worth in scrap?
Also i could sell it but i cant see anyone wanting a bare shell.
Comments welcome.
#2: Re: What to do with the shell Author: Martind, Location: Woolsery, North DevonPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:07 am ---- A few months back we stript a 2003 streetka and just for the bare shell we got £85 picked up would of got abit more if we took it there.
#3: Re: What to do with the shell Author: Martind, Location: Woolsery, North DevonPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:11 am ---- We would of got £100 if we took it there
#4: Re: What to do with the shell Author: furryhobnob, Location: NuneatonPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:21 am ---- I though a weighed in shell was about £60??
If you had offered this up a month ago I'd have had it off you for the Gti engine I had. But I gave it away a couple of weeks back
#5: Re: What to do with the shell Author: rick-gti, Location: welshpool, mid walesPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:25 am ---- I was thinking around £60 i got £100 for a 306 but that was almost a complete car.
How much do catalytic converters fetch these days?
#6: Re: What to do with the shell Author: CD-B3, Location: Salisbury / New ForestPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:26 am ---- I was offered £50 cash if I delivered the shell to the scrap yard. Or a free collection (30 miles away).
#7: Re: What to do with the shell Author: CD-B3, Location: Salisbury / New ForestPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:26 am ----
rick-gti wrote:
I was thinking around £60 i got £100 for a 306 but that was almost a complete car.
How much do catalytic converters fetch these days?
I sold an MX5 cat a few weeks ago. £35 and had to provide ID.
#8: Re: What to do with the shell Author: rick-gti, Location: welshpool, mid walesPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:31 am ---- Will get it weighed in then i think, and the cat aswell. should see £100. shame as it would make a good shell to someone who rallys 206's.
#9: Re: What to do with the shell Author: bezford, Location: darlingtonPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:23 pm ---- i will gladly buy the cat from you if its the right one and is still available?im looking for a decent 137bhp,2 lambda sensor model that splits from the centre pipe just after the rear lambda sensor on the cat peice, with a flat slide together joint fastened by a standard exhaust clamp.£30QUID ANY GOOD?
#10: Re: What to do with the shell Author: Harry, Location: StaffordPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:11 am ---- Depends what you mean by bare, if it is literally has nothing i.e no subframe / steering rack you will get 50 - 60 quid scrap metal price but then collection is normally about 30 so doesn't leave you with much
Don't bother trying to sell it no one will want it
#11: Re: What to do with the shell Author: djdan0123, Location: NorthamptonPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 6:03 am ---- I sold my bare escort shell only had engine nothing else (engine block cracked, valves bent) and got £110 for that collected free of charge
#12: Re: What to do with the shell Author: Seabook, Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 6:12 am ---- very hard to sell a 206 shell.
i have seen a few "new shell" and pug sport shell and neither of them was sold for a long time.
#13: Re: What to do with the shell Author: lottley93, Location: Bournemouth/Newcastle/KentPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 7:18 am ---- Make it into a garden ornament, grow flowers out of it.
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