#16: Re: rev counter Author: kit325, Location: LondonPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:56 am ---- Just need to fix your cluster motor. If u diamantle your speedo, behind the instrument, u should able to see a cluster motor with transparent casing. The main problem will be the tiny plastic pin holding the gear broke off, as the result some time your needle will stuck or even not working.
If your diy level is good, u should able to fix it. I fix both of mine speedo and rev meter by modified the broken plastic pin with a equilavent diameter metal pin (solder it in the plastice case).
If u can diamantle your speedo, i can try to help u to fix your cluster motor. Please don't try to swap your speedo motor with your rev motor although the r the same, u will risk breaking off the fragile plastic pin (it happened to me so i have to fix both).
Just message me if u need help, cause i did took pics when i fixed mine.
Could you plz post these pictures here...? I really could use some visual help on this especially with the flat cable / ribbon cable that's connected to the PCB...
This cable came loose when trying to disassemble the whole bit...
Also: are the cluster motors from all the petrol types (i.e. 1.1, 1.4 and 1.6) interchangable...?
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