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Water Sloshing Noise coming from Matrix?
-> 206 Problems

#1: Water Sloshing Noise coming from Matrix? Author: Brook, Location: Birmingham PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 5:34 pm
I have searched around the net about this problem and nobody seems to have found a cure!

About 2 weeks ago i heard water running when i accelerated, i just shrugged it off as being outside the car as it didnt do it that often. Now its doing it everytime i accelerate so i took a closer look today and pin pointed the noise to the little black box behind the dash in the centre of the car. So i got 2 of my mechanic friends to have a look. It was run to see if it over heated, it got to 90 and wouldnt go no more, the heaters were running warm and the radiator was warm its not a blockage. We thought it might be an Air Lock so the bleeder was undone and air came out, its still doing it, i drove 2 miles from it being nearly cold temp again and when i popped the hood the water bottle/coolant was doing a very slight hiss, so i took the cap off and it popped and lots of it spilled out over the top and it was bubbling for a few seconds, then calmed down but stayed up the top, i put the cap back on and when i checked before i drove it again about an hour later it had gone back down and was still over the min line so i didnt add anymore in. I called my mechanic friend and he said it was normal for it to over flow when you take the cap off and its around 80. I didnt think this was normal? Anyway its still sloshing water, the black box and the hose from it leading to the engine gets VERY hot, there is no obvious leaks inside or outside the car and its not over heating.

My main concern from reading other forums is it damaging the head gasket, my mechanic friend has offered to empty the coolant system totally and refill it but this has worked for some people and not others so i am not totally convinced this will cure it.

Any ideas anyone?

Oh and please try and keep replys in simple terms, i am a 24yr old female and car speak is not something i can do very well!

Thanx Wink

#2: Re: Water Sloshing Noise coming from Matrix? Author: -Dave-, Location: North Manchester PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:28 am
Replace the heater matrix. It's a common fault with the 206 and usually ends up with a puddle in the passenger footwell.

#3: Re: Water Sloshing Noise coming from Matrix? Author: shell-vt, Location: durham PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:58 am
as above

#4: Re: Water Sloshing Noise coming from Matrix? Author: Brook, Location: Birmingham PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:17 pm
What will happen if it is left? Its been like it for atleast coming up to 3 weeks maybe more if i had not noticed it, no leaks yet inside or out and its not affecting the car in any other way at the moment?

-> 206 Problems

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