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converting 9 pin door lock to 6
-> 206 Problems

#1: converting 9 pin door lock to 6 Author: Dodge00, Location: Dorset PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:22 am
Is it possible to convert a 9pin door lock to a 6pin?

after spending ages trying to work out why the drivers door lock doesn't work (and why the wiring looks like its been butchered) it appears someone has tried to fit a wiring loom and door lock of a later car into it! the other door is a 9pin motor! doesn't look like they have done anything extra over just swapping the loom and lock, which obviously hasn't worked...

if i cant convert, im going to have to shell out more for a wiring loom and lock mech from an early car!

#2: Re: converting 9 pin door lock to 6 Author: MrBSI, Location: What's it to you? ? ? PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:33 am
Yes its easy.

Go to your Peugeot / Citroen main dealer & order the following parts, once you have the parts post back & ill dig out the wiring information for the conversion.

Terminal 6541 E6 - 6 of
Clip holder 6541 LR - 1 of
Plug 6541 LS - 1 of

#3: Re: converting 9 pin door lock to 6 Author: Dodge00, Location: Dorset PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:58 am
nice one! did a quick google on the part numbers you said, and found this:

That what your talking about?

only catch is i've allready got the later wiring loom in that door and the correct plug. so might need to buy the older wiring loom and modify that. I think the newer wiring loom doesnt match up half the pins where it connects to the body.

#4: Re: converting 9 pin door lock to 6 Author: Dodge00, Location: Dorset PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 4:10 am
ok, ive been through and tested all the wiring, and it is wired correctly now (before the earth had been cut). ive doubled checked the wiring pin for pin with a multimeter, and it should work now. but it doesnt. i'm now thinking either, the bsi itself is fubar (although seems odd as all the others work fine) or there is a break in the cable between the door and the bsi.

where abouts do all the cables from the central locking plug into the bsi, or even better what pin numbers?

or im open to other ideas? !

#5: Re: converting 9 pin door lock to 6 Author: V9977, Location: Athens, Greece PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:42 am
Are you sure the actual door-lock motor is working?

#6: Re: converting 9 pin door lock to 6 Author: Dodge00, Location: Dorset PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:49 am
i've tested it with a spare 6pin lock. i also bodged a 9pin one onto it by converting the wires back to the old pin out. nothing. don't get a light on when you open the door, and no sign of life from the lock itself.

#7: Re: converting 9 pin door lock to 6 Author: V9977, Location: Athens, Greece PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:09 am
Regarding the light, I believe there is a sw2itch inside the lock itself which serves two purposes;
One is to switch the int. light on and the other is to tell the BSI if the door is closed properly or all the locks 'bounce'.

I would go at it with a multimeter confirming each and every line: earth, motor pull, motor push, switch etc but it might well be loom from what you'r'e saying. Maybe where it kinks at the hinges entering the door?
Or connector BSI-end.

Hope you sort it.

#8: Re: converting 9 pin door lock to 6 Author: Dodge00, Location: Dorset PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:03 am
Bit of a delayed reply, but im still trying to sort this one. I've confirmed the lock mech works fine by plugging it into the passenger door. ive used a multimeter to test all the wires from the lock mech back to the join in the door, and all tests fine. the earth is defiantly good back to the car. so the problem must lie in the bsi or the wiring from the door.

Is anyone able to tell me what connector on the bsi runs to the doors? it looks like a bit of a pig to get to the other side of the door wiring loom connector (below the A piller) as its behind the bsi fuse boxes etc.

-> 206 Problems

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