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**Spike's project ft pug1off**
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-> Project Cars

#286: Re: **Spike's project ft pug1off** Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 10:41 am
Sim wrote:
Car looking great! (bar the zorst:)
Read through your build thread over the past months, was a good read indeed.

Have you ever driven the car with your electric PAS pump with it being switched off? I once did (unintentionally), and the fluid in the reservoir started to surge and pour out making a mess Smile

Yes i have lol and i felt like i had spent an hour at the gym haha. It was when the pump was 1st fitted. It kept popping fuses later to find out it needed quite a big fuse.

Still in the process of doing all the above. I've dedicated a bit of time to it now, so things are moving on.
While all the subframe is off, I'm going to swap everthing and clean and paint etc so will take me longer than I 1st planned for.

#287: Re: **Spike's project ft pug1off** Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 7:54 pm
So bit of progress..... removed the subframe along with ARB, wishbones etc.
So I've extended my job list and doing a bit more 'while I'm there' Laughing

Fit new manifold and get flexi pipe made.
Fit my uprated engine mounts.
Fit my 22mm ARB with new bushes.
Fit new gear linkages.
Replace wishbones.
Replace inner track rods (if needed).
Replace split gaitor on rack.
Replace track rod ends.
Replace drop links.
Clean and paint subframe.
Fit new fork bush.
Take out and inspect front bilstine struts (may replace).
Clean and paint/seal wheel wells and under of car (where I can get to).
Clean up front discs and pads and repaint calipers.
Replace most if not all with new nuts and bolts.

So I've gone from a simple (ish) manifold swap to pretty much a front end rebuild. But at least I know it's good for a few years and everything is new and greased up. Most of the list are linked together so a few of the jobs will be done at the same time so not as bad as it looks.


#288: Re: **Spike's project ft pug1off** Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 1:42 am
Unfortunately this project came to an end 2 years ago. A friend of mind brought the car and used the engine in his rally car.

I'm planning another little 206 project. Nothing like this was as this will be a starter car for my wife to lean to drive.

-> Project Cars

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