#1: Torsion bars Author: Squaddiegav, Location: East YorkshirePosted: Thu May 24, 2012 4:28 pm ---- Hi, I'm looking at lowering my car and the guide on here has confused me, he talks about hitting the top bar until it's out then adjusting the drivers side arm, however looking at the set up it looks to me that the top bar is fixed at the drivers side so you should actually be adjusting the passenger side, anybody help me with this, cheers
#2: Re: Torsion bars Author: Seabook, Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 4:30 pm ---- you can knock out the bars on either side.
but you can only remove the bar in one way as torsion bars are sided (different end size)
#3: Re: Torsion bars Author: Squaddiegav, Location: East YorkshirePosted: Thu May 24, 2012 4:33 pm ---- Yeh I've found that but he says knock out the top and adjust drivers side, if your able to look at the set up surely you would knock out the top and adjust the passenger side?
#4: Re: Torsion bars Author: marc206, Location: Bourne, LincsPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 4:48 pm ---- if your unsure about torsion bars take it to a garage who can do it for you
#5: Re: Torsion bars Author: Ste, Location: Hull -or- The World Of Info CodePosted: Thu May 24, 2012 4:53 pm ---- You need to knock BOTH bars out, read the guide again, I feel your skipping parts or not completely understanding it.. Failing that I would strongly advise what Marc has said.
#6: Re: Torsion bars Author: Squaddiegav, Location: East YorkshirePosted: Thu May 24, 2012 4:58 pm ---- I thought both bars at the same time, but again it says do one then the other, I think they have got mixed up with which one you adjust with which bar, I did it by the guide then stripped it back off again and didbit the other way and the second time it seems to have made more sense to do it like that
You need to knock BOTH bars out, read the guide again, I feel your skipping parts or not completely understanding it.. Failing that I would strongly advise what Marc has said.
to be fair like i said above. it doesn't matter which side you knock the bars out
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