#1: strange pull under deceleration/braking, any ideas? Author: lottley93, Location: Bournemouth/Newcastle/KentPosted: Sun May 27, 2012 2:39 pm ---- anywhere above 50mph or there abouts if I lift off the accelerator or touch the brakes, the car shoots off left but feels like its crabbing, plus the steering wheel does a quarter turn to the right.
Just had new wishbone mounts and also swapped wheels front to back, bolts are all secure and there is no excessive movement side to side in the wheels. Gonna get the tracking and alignment checked out in my lunch break tomorrow but is there any other possible causes that people are aware of?
Any advice greatly appreciated!
#2: Re: strange pull under deceleration/braking, any ideas? Author: broadblaster, Location: south coastPosted: Sun May 27, 2012 2:42 pm ---- brake sticking abit ?? would also say low tire pressure but you say you have swapped then around.
#3: Re: strange pull under deceleration/braking, any ideas? Author: Seb, Location: Under your bedPosted: Sun May 27, 2012 2:50 pm ---- Seized caliper/incorrect tracking/pads sticking I would say.
#4: Re: strange pull under deceleration/braking, any ideas? Author: spike_202, Location: West midsPosted: Sun May 27, 2012 2:58 pm ----
Seb wrote:
Seized caliper/incorrect tracking/pads sticking I would say.
I agree have you hit any pot holes recently?
#5: Re: strange pull under deceleration/braking, any ideas? Author: lottley93, Location: Bournemouth/Newcastle/KentPosted: Sun May 27, 2012 3:02 pm ---- not hit any potholes that im aware of but i had to trust my dad to deliver it 172 miles back to me after the work was done so lord knows what he got up to! I've checked all the tyre pressures and what not as that was my first thought, and up on the jack the wheels all seem to spin for the same length.
But might just be onea them french things - ill hit it with a large hammer, that seems to solve most problems...;)
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