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Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02
-> Project Cars

#1: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:44 am
I have only now, re-registered since the site went down so this is as it was before it went down. Updates to follow soon

Thought Id put my wip up on here, couldnt be arsed writing another so I just copied from 206info. Wink

I have been meaning to do this for ages now but heres the story of my 206. im a bit lazy with taking pics so i dont have a fully documented build up but il try Laughing


Picked up the car the day after i passed my test, £2600 bought me a w reg 1.4 in good condition etc etc


This is the only pic i have of it as it only lasted 2 weeks untill it was written off by my mate. so anyway back on the hunt, I managed to get pritty much the exact same car


The first thing i did was tint the windows, colour code and fit my exhaust twin 2" round pipes (imo too big)


I the decided that i needed to get some speakers so i bought a set of pioneer 6X9's. I then built a custom parcel shelf for them to sit in.





My first experience using fibrglass and filler etc. it also never got finished but binned as it was s**te. I also fitted my gti spoiler which came with my first car.


It was then time to get some alloys,id put them off for a couple of months due to cost but Dj Burnsie(not sure if he is on here) was selling his old wheels so a trip down to london saw me with a set of BSA alloys in time for the summer




With the alloys on it all started to come together, I got hold of a set of black lexus lights that i sprayed (i admit from a can, redid them later) and a gti front bumper, Took some pics of the car after collage one day,










The car then stayed like this for a couple of months, this is where i kind of lost trak on tacking pics.

Whilst off on the summer holidays i built a custom rear bumper, sideskirts and archs. smoothed the boot and added a front splitter









I managed to get a set of seats from a cc for £60, never been used



Also fitted a cc rear bench but this was as far as i ever got with it


added a set of grooved disks and painted my calipers, Fake brembos, its the future lol, guy in collage thought there were real so....







Continued 19/06

March 2007 saw the car come off the road for more work to be done. i decided to tackle the interior first. at the time i went along the route of a smoothed interior with as little on show as possible.

so first up a set of custom doorcards were made to enclose both a 5.5" & 6.5" speakers, the doorhandles were removed and replaced with a mount for a tweeter. i also smoothed the doorpanel out.


i then made some modifactions to the dashboard, smoothing off the airvents, and dials to relocate them into the centre of the dash. a custom centre console was planned but i never got round to it before i decided to not to take the interior any further.




i may still use the dash and the doorcards although i will most likly rebuild it to a better quality and trim rarther than paint. i had also smoothed out the rest of the interior suah as the pillar mouldings and rear doorcards etc

with the interior project out the window and returned to standard, this was to be the end to the car, it stood like this for about 4 months before ai started work on tidying up the bodywork in order to sell it, although during working on the bodywork i found the love for the car again so i decided to keep it. that brings us pritty much up to where im at now. i spent a good couple of weeks going over ideas with mates down the pub, drawing sevral sketches and planning out exactly what i wanted. with the plan set i set to work.

here are the latest pics i have of the project


















Update 30/06)

Arches rolled & pulled to fit a 10.5" (possibally 11") wheels





First skim of filler (its needed on a pull to this extent)




Update 24/07

since the pikeys decided to take my bonnet for scrap, i had to ebay a new one. it actually arrived the next day so i got crasking on it straight away. now some of you wont see the point in this but i think it looks cool as. i decided that i would smooth the underside of the bonnet. so that all unessercary holes were pluged. this took ages. cutting littl bits of metal and welding them in, grinding it down etc. ive not yet done any filler work but at least the metal work on the back is complete. Very Happy




Update 01/10/08

The car is now ready to go to the bodyshop for finishing, already spoke to the guy who is doing it. just having a few probs at the moment getting the car there but that should be sorted next week. so by next week the car will be out of my hands.

This has given me the time to focus on some other bits of the car that need doing. over the weekend i began building my doorbuilds.

The first thing that i did was to smooth over the origonal speaker vents.



I also mounted the crossovers in the small pocket at the rear of the doorcards. i had to make some spacers in order to fit them.




im currently building the actuall speaker mount so il update when i have something to show.

i should have the car back mid november sometime, then it will be onto rayvern to have bags fitted

Update 21/10

heres a small sneak preview of things to come.





More pics will follow once i have sorted a few things out.

Just a small update.

I got the wheels back from Rob my painter. They look awesome IMO, im over the moon with them. New outers have arrived which mean I now have 9" & 10.5" wheels. I havent yet bolted the wheels back together yet as I still need to colour sand them and buff them up. they should be back together next week, heres a sneaky pic


Also what would this be??


It would be payment for my airbag set up which Ray @ Rayvern is machining out over the next 2 weeks in time for xmas. So il be rolling about under the car no doubt over the xmas break.

Update 09/12

Pictures of the alterations I have made to my wheels







I think some people will be divded on this but i really dont care, they have turned out exactly how i want them too.

Comments welcome.

OK Time for a Big Update Laughing (21/01/09)

After speaking with Ray about when my suspension would be ready I began stripping the old parts off the car just before christmas in order to save a little time.

As I didnt want to damage any bodywork I decided to strip the wings bonnet and bumper off as I was working on the suspension. It also makes things alot easier to work on Very Happy

So with old struts removed, I noticed that the old wishbones were a little f**ked so I had to order myself a new set. Not a big problem didnt really hold me up as I hadnt received the new struts at this time.

Also removed my old brakes as these will not be staying on the car.



New wishbones & Drop links


As I have a new axle going on I also decided to take advantage of the time I had so I stripped the rear axle off the car.



The week that christmas fell Ray called me to tell me everything was ready to collect, so a trip down to Rays workshop later and...................



Psshhhhhhh!! Laughing

I also have now got all 4 of my wheels back together after being split to make them smaller.




Tyres were then orderd.


225/45/17 for the 10.5", You get the idea as to the amount of stretch il have.



215/40/17 for the 9"



Installed the airtank & compresser in the boot.



I need to make up a bracket to hold the valve securely and get it all wired up.

Front struts installed


I also cleaned the underside of the car And gave it a quick freshen up.





I also got Ray to make me up a set of custom brackets to hold the rear airbags, this is really what has held me up as they only arrived last week and as yet I havent had the chance to look into welding them up yet.

Quick mock up



Also have stripped down my new rear axle. Sand blasted everything clean and sprayed it up. Still got a few things to do, and a couple of parts left to order.



I also blasted the exhaust heat shields and painted them up.



Also had a new bonnet made (as I decided to weld up the holes on the back without think it would act as a water trap, Basically bonnet was in practical) And I had a new boot made at the same time as I wasnt happy with the old one. Work done by xsquisite.

Few progress pics K sent me







So anyway lol thats about where im up to at the moment. Im just working through one list at a time. But that pritty much settles my last list. Need to do a new one now. Wink

Update 22/09

Not updated this in a while!!

I now have my rear beam reassembled!! Airbags are on and working. Tyres are fitted and yesterday I went to Rays to pick up my custom PCD adapters so could get the wheels on. So yesterday I finally had to car off the axle stands for the first time in 3 months Laughing

Just need to finish up the body work over the next 2 weeks. Fit and sort out the brakes! And exhaust still needs doing.

Heres some pics, I didnt really take many as I have had no camera for a couple oof weeks













Few pics of the spacers





Quick Update 04/04/09

Had a couple of days off work this week so got cracking with the arches. The rears are pritty much done now. I decided to use Mk2 Golf arches as a base and moddify them to fit. I f**kin love em now.

Few pics, dont have any of them as they are now. Them reason for the duck tape is i wanted to make sure they would fit before I fitted them properly. Il get some pics when I next have the wheels on!







I also did the front arches but they just looked dog poo so I ripped them off. They were way to big. Although a rethink has led me to blending a set of SP arches in which works with the wheels alot better!

Update 30/04

Just a small update. Not a lot has gone on over the past few weeks.

After extending the arches I wasnt happy with the way it left the rear bumper looking. The arches seemed to have taken to depth and width look out of the bumper. So with a single change I turned it from this:


To this:




I think the changes maintain the factory look of the bumper although its now 4" wider at the bottom. It also makes the arches look more factory.

Unfortunatly I do not have any pics of it on with the rear wheels on, but as soon as I do I will get them up.

Work is currently focused on the front arches. Which are turning out to be a bit of a ball ache. But I finally have something that I can work with.

Update 01/05

Well today I managed to get my front doorcard speaker builds finished. Im really happy with them. Need to get a quote to get them trimmed now but all in good time. I want to have all the alteration to the interior done before I get any quotes.

Heres soome pics





Also made tweeter builds in my A-Pillers.





Really Happy with todays work. Hopefully no rain tomorrow so I can crack on with the front arches. Laughing

Update 04/05

Well I finally Managed to finish making the front arches today. I now need to take them off the car to clean them up before they can be attatched for good and blended in. Hopefully should be able to do that next weekend.

Heres some pics











Once I have the front arches done im nearly there really. one of the rear arches still needs a little attention and so do the doors and sideskirts. but there isnt much needed to get them there. No more than a weekends work anyway.

I also need to finish my mirrors but that can be done one night during the week. So hopefully if all goes well I should be ready to pull the engine by the end of the month. Give the bay a tidy up and get it of to be painted. Laughing

Whilst its in the bodyshop im going to focus on sorting the interior mods out.

Update 14/05

Well tonight I managed to get the front bumper finished! Basically I just needed to smooth the arch extention into the bumper and fabricate a mount in order to remount the bumper.

Pics of the smoothed arch extention.



Pics of the bracket to mount the bumper, I just need to drill the holes in order to attach it. Also notice I have smoothed part of the rear, this is because it can be seen when on the car! The black line is where the inner arch will sit against when I finally make them.





Not a huge update but an update none the less, Its all putting me closer to the final goal. This weekends task is to finish the front arches, just need to blend them in now!

Update 19/07

Not updated this thread in a while as not alot has happened due to financial issues!

heres a couple of pics of how the car stands at the moment



Also removed the engine in order for the bay to be painted!



Update 03/04

Well I spoke to my mate at the bodayshop at the beggining of this week to organise getting the car to him. I hoping to have it with him by the end of next week.

With this in mind I had to get my a**e in gear at get a few things sorted for him. So I took half a day holiday from work on thursday and got stuck in. Basically there are a few small areas which needed to be sorted out.

Few Pics







Im really pleased with how flush the bodywork now lines up considering I have made all these parts from nothing.



The main thing was getting the front arches sorted and flatting the engine bay. Should hopefully be finished tomorrow.

Update 08/04

Right well my mate got intouch with me about getting the car in and its looking like its goin in in 2 weeks now due to his lack of workshop space. Its not a big problem though as the car is now completely finished bar the wing mirrors which arnt a major concern as they can be dropped off anytime after the car is there.

Today I decided to put the wheels on today to ensure that there were no unseen issues, which there wernt, thankfully. I couldnt resist the chance to take some photos.

















Nothing left now so roll on paint. Then I just need to source a Gti donner car in order to rebuild the flaming thing. 4 years in the making (mainly due to me changing my mind all the time) and im finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Update 27/04

Finally got the car off to the bodyshop today so i should have a string of updates coming shortly!




Update 10/05

Well I went down to the bodyshop today to drop off my mirrors and door mouldings. They have been busy on the car and have now got it into its first stage off paint. Due to the amount of modifacations they have decided to paint the car in a colour near to what I want first to get an idea of the final outcome. This will then be rubbed down and the final paint put on. Even the guide coat looks spot on. Really looking forward now to seeing it out in the light.

Anyway heres a few pics







Update 14/05

Had to go down to the bodyshop this afternoon to drop off a new door hing as the old one was f****d. Also needed to talk the final colour and details through with the painter. The final colour looks the nutz really happy with it. He was saying the aiming to have the door shuts andengine bay done by the end of next week. Then they can focus on flatting the car back again to take the final paint. That should hopefully follow the week after.

Whilst I was there I got some more phots as I was able to push the car out of the workshop. They have also sprayed up the bumpers to check the reflections. Tbh all the work I had done myself has come out really well, which is comforting to know. They have only had to sort a few minor glitches out.















Comments Welcome!:)

Update 20/05

Went down to the bodyshop today just to have a nosy, lol I couldnt stay away!

Anyway as I walked in Ivor was in the middle of masking up the car for final paint. He has now sprayed the engine bay and the roof.

Few pics







Engine bay painted


Roof painted, I think this looks the f*****g nutz, and it hasnt even been buffed yet.


Painted by the end of next week hopefully! Smile Laughing

Update 25/05

I know I said I wasnt going to go and see the car but I just couldnt resist. Today has been the best update yet, with the bulk of the car in paint and awaiting finishing. The pictures are of absolutly no justice to the lads work at the bodyshop.

Anyway here are the pics, (they are s**te quaility pics from my phone)

But hey enjoy Very Happy Smile Laughing






Should have to car back next week sometime, after the glass has gone back in. Laughing

Update 02/06

Well the car is pritty much ready to pick up now bar a couple of odds and ends that can be left behind and picked up at a later date.

The front screen was replaced due to a crack, also had the rear screen fitted at the same time.

Few pics.







Cant wait to get it back now eager to get started on the refit. Laughing

Update 07/06

Well I got the car home on saturday, With so much to do, I didnt really get chance to take many photo's.

So far I have:

>Refitted all the glass and seals.
>Fitted rear lights.
>Fitted a couple of trim panels etc.
>Fitted and wired up my door poppers.

I got a few pics of it being loaded and unloaded on the recovery.






And a couple of pics back on the drive.




No pics of the rear yet, but it looks rude with the lights in. Laughing

I will add updates of the build up here and there but as the majority of it is just refitting standard parts im not going to take millions of pics of what is effectively nothing. Interior plans should start soon. Very Custom!!! Laughing Wink

Update 11/07

Since having the car back from the bodyshop and having sorting a couple of money issues, I have began to sound deaden the entire car. I decided to go for a product called FatMat Extreme, for two reasons, first of being it rates well against Dyanmat and its also somewhat cheaper. So far Ive got the entire floor done, but I now need to get some more.


I have also began to build my cc rear bench into the car (not an easy job) After a couple of failed starts I have now come up with something that has worked well. Still a long way to go though.


Created a fibreglass mould of the underside of the seat, to provide a level of support when your sit on the bench. I made the fibreglass reletivley thick to provide a great amount of strength.




I still Need to mount this secruly to the false floor.

And finally I have began to build my boot install. Very simple desgin, only one sub on show. there is plenty of room behind the install walls to allow me to house my air tank & compressor, Additional battery, Computer and anything else that I need to house. The next stage is to fiberglass the edges of the mdf to cover all the bodywork (note I have taped up the metal work to allow me to apply the fiberglass) I also need to stratch a sheet over the sub enclose to give it its shape.







Also note that the speaker ring in the phots is one I use for mock up, I will be making one to house the sub that I will be using.

Work has also started on a set of very custom doorcards and dashboard, not really worth showing at the moment so il be waiting untill I have a decent update to add.

As always Comments welcome!! Laughing

Update 08/08

Well I have been busy working away getting the interior built. Since my last update I Have been working on the rear seat mouldings, which are coming together well. Nothing has had any filler appliied yet as I want to get all the fibreglass done then it will allow me to make any alterations I need to make.

Some pics of the foam work coming together.




I have now applied the fibreglass but I havent got a pic of it as yet. I have also Fibreglassed the sub box.






Currently working on the final peice of the rear seat mouldings




Pic with parcel shelf in.


Comments Welcome as always!!

Finally an update, its been a while lol

Well over the past few months I have been working at cleaning and painting the engine components, and putting the engine bay together. getting the car running basically.

Engine bay



Calipers Fitted


New wheels had to go as the old ones didnt fit over the calipers


Its close lol


Sorting the wiring


Black mask headlights fitted



Love this


Current Specs

Exterior Spec List

>Gti sports bumper with Mekur Angel front splitter reshaped and smoothed in. Front fogs and number plate recess deleted.
>Esquiss badgeless grill
>Bonnet vents, badge recess and washer jets removed. Top edge reshaped.
>Ariel removed
>Gti sports wings fitted with smoothed off side repeaters
>Door handles and locks shaved
>Reiger sideskirts blended into the bodywork
>Ecosse Porsche 911 mirror conversion
>Bootlid number plate recess reshaped
>Sports rear bumper cut & extended 70mm, toe eye and exhaust cut out removed
>Custom front and rear arches to fit 10.5" & 9" wheels

Chassis Spec List

> Cleaned & painted under carrige
> Refurbed & painted Gti rear beam conversion
> Rayvern Hydraulics Air ride 2 way set up
> Rear 10.5" O.Z Futura wheels with 225/45/17 Toyo TR1 Tyres
> Front 9" O.Z Futura wheels with 215/40/17 Toyo TR1 Tyres

Interior Spec List

> Custom build doorcards to house 5.5" component speakers & crossovers
> Custom build A-Pillers to house tweeters

Last edited by Gray5827 on Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:32 pm; edited 14 times in total

#2: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: JordGJ, Location: Leeds / West Midlands PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:59 am
Love those wheels, will like to see how it turns out

#3: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: anthony_839, Location: romford PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:02 am
a lot of work gone into that is it going to be any good as an eveyday car tho?....

#4: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: Jon, Location: 666ft Below PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:03 am
Aaaaaand breathe!!! Very Happy Great thread!

#5: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: Bailey, Location: Finding Dr. Robotnik PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:14 am
It's getting there! Alloys are quality. You done all the work yourself?

#6: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: 206ed, Location: southampton PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:17 am
one word.... WOW !

#7: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: vanman_foci, Location: Barry, South Wales PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:38 am

#8: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: mrhelper, Location: Scotland PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:53 am

Big Respect!

#9: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: Aaronrussell1990, Location: Medway towns PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:06 am
That's going to look f*****g sick mate!

#10: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: Uz, Location: No Man's Land PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:18 am
Bare respects man Smile good to see you've picked up where you left off and getting it finished Thumb Up

Just wondering if you've used the G60 Mk2 Golf arches on the back and have you used them on the front?

#11: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: WilkyGTi, Location: Cumbria, UK PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:55 am
Big set of danglies, taking on all that! Will look mint! Hope it will be orange like the wheels!

#12: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:04 pm
Cheers for the comments guys, progress has really halted over recent months due to a major cash flow problem. Although I have recently sold my 106 quiksilver so I now have the money I need. Plans are to get the car into the bodyshop within the month for final flatting, any unseen issues resolved and painting.

anthony_839 wrote:
a lot of work gone into that is it going to be any good as an eveyday car tho?....

Its never going to be an everyday car, it has never been the plan. Dont get me wrong though the car will be used and showed.

Bailey wrote:
You done all the work yourself?

Eveything so far has been done myself.

Uz_SWGT wrote:
Just wondering if you've used the G60 Mk2 Golf arches on the back and have you used them on the front?

Golf arches are used on the back yeah, but i had trouble getting them to fit on the front so I ended up fabricating my own. In all honesty getting the front arches to look right has been my biggest problem so far, there are still a couple of small issues with them that need to be sorted.

WilkyGTi wrote:
Big set of danglies, taking on all that! Will look mint! Hope it will be orange like the wheels!

Cheers dude, its not going orange though, I dont want it to stand out that much.

#13: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: pug150, Location: birmingham PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:09 pm
yes mate that is what you call a project! great work so far cant wait till thats finished like the parcelshelf like everything man really good job keep it up and updated Wink

#14: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: C4RLO5, Location: Cumbria PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 1:02 pm
still love reading this bud

so is it still on the go, last time we tlked u were selling up . . . .

#15: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: davek, Location: Southampton PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:06 pm
Great project, I admire your planning and abilities to pull off a huge project like this - top job sir! I've had dealings with Ray and he's a top bloke, have fun with the bags! Look forwards to more updates.

#16: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: JDave, Location: Airdrie, Scotland PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:17 pm
Now thats a project!!!!

#17: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: Ross, Location: West Midlands PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:20 pm
I thought you were getting rid of this, glad to see you aren't though, can't wait to see it finished!

#18: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: coxyo6, Location: South Wales PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:27 pm
i do love this... followed it before the site went down. cant wait to see the end result! what colour do you have planned for the car?

#19: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: pricey PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:34 pm
Glad to see you've arrived Gray i was missing the few and far between updates on your car however as always i'm mightly impressed and look forward to one day seeing the finished article fella. All the best with any future plans and keep us informed more often lol.


#20: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: pug150, Location: birmingham PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:43 am
are them seats from a cc? was it a mission getting the rears to fit?

#21: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: Ams1592, Location: West Midlands PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:57 pm
I remember this from the old site. Love the alloys and looks like your doing a good job on the car!

#22: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:25 pm
Update 03/04

Well I spoke to my mate at the bodayshop at the beggining of this week to organise getting the car to him. I hoping to have it with him by the end of next week.

With this in mind I had to get my a**e in gear at get a few things sorted for him. So I took half a day holiday from work on thursday and got stuck in. Basically there are a few small areas which needed to be sorted out.

Few Pics







Im really pleased with how flush the bodywork now lines up considering I have made all these parts from nothing.



The main thing was getting the front arches sorted and flatting the engine bay. Should hopefully be finished tomorrow.

#23: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update 03/04 Author: C4RLO5, Location: Cumbria PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:55 pm
love it mate, cnt wait to see the end result

#24: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update 03/04 Author: pricey PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 2:15 pm
Very nice finish on the car overall fella can't wait to see some color on this soon

#25: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update 03/04 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:27 pm
Update 08/04

Right well my mate got intouch with me about getting the car in and its looking like its goin in in 2 weeks now due to his lack of workshop space. Its not a big problem though as the car is now completely finished bar the wing mirrors which arnt a major concern as they can be dropped off anytime after the car is there.

Today I decided to put the wheels on today to ensure that there were no unseen issues, which there wernt, thankfully. I couldnt resist the chance to take some photos.

















Nothing left now so roll on paint. Then I just need to source a Gti donner car in order to rebuild the flaming thing. 4 years in the making (mainly due to me changing my mind all the time) and im finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

#26: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 2 08/10 Author: Nimminz, Location: Durham, NE England, UK PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:54 pm

Really love reading thread like this, wish i had the skills or funds for mods on this scale. Bug thumbs up to you, will be following future progress!

#27: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 2 08/10 Author: JordGJ, Location: Leeds / West Midlands PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:01 pm
Amazing work! what colour are you going for may i ask? or is a secret lol?

#28: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 2 08/10 Author: PugJH, Location: Northants PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:03 pm
Love the work thats gone on, amazed

Where are your front seats, i will have them if you wanna sell them

#29: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 2 08/10 Author: Ross, Location: West Midlands PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:06 pm
This could be very special indeed! Love how it sits on those wheels, nice work Very Happy

#30: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 2 08/10 Author: C4RLO5, Location: Cumbria PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:10 am
cant wait to see it mate

cant beat a good project car!!!!!

#31: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 2 08/10 Author: Nitrox121, Location: Lancaster PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:21 am
Love it...always a great read!

#32: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 2 08/10 Author: Nitrox121, Location: Lancaster PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:22 am
are you thinking FCS if its ready in time?

#33: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 2 08/10 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:31 am
Update 27/04

Finally got the car off to the bodyshop today so i should have a string of updates coming shortly!





#34: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 3 27/04 Author: Nitrox121, Location: Lancaster PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:35 am
they cant come quick enough! Laughing

#35: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 3 27/04 Author: kencogurl, Location: Carmarthen - WALES PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:51 am
do u know wat i cant wait for the end product off this, its going to absolutely gorgeous, wat colours u plannin hun

#36: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 3 27/04 Author: Mrs_Howey, Location: Worthing PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:01 pm
I read this before the site when down and have just re-read it, and i still can't wait to see it finished Very Happy

#37: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 3 27/04 Author: C4RLO5, Location: Cumbria PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:41 pm
awesome dude, i really cnt wait to see this finished bud!!!!

#38: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 3 27/04 Author: Cr4zYb0y, Location: Salisbury PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:46 pm
Glad to see this project is still going well..!

I thought you were packing it in at some point..!?

#39: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 3 27/04 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:02 pm
Cheers for the comments guys.

Im currently in three minds about colour at the moment. However I can say that it wont be a extravigant colour. Im trying to keep it quite mellow.

And yeh the project almost did die, due to a few reasons but mainly being a cash flow issue. Iv lost count on what I have spent now but the project so far has far overgone my initial budget so things have been happening as and when the money is there. I decided to shelve the project though rather than bin it off.

Anyway il be popping into the bodyshop reguarly to check up on progress so will get pics as nad when I go down.

Also picking a little something special up for the car tomorrow fingers crossed.

Also if anybody knows of any Gti's for sale (crashed not bothered) for under £1000 let me know as I need a donner car for the rebuild.

#40: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 3 27/04 Author: BrEvY, Location: Wigan PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:57 pm
Cant wait for the next update Very Happy

Just noticed your only in warrington... hopefully ill get to see this out and about when its done Wink

#41: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 3 27/04 Author: glenpring, Location: KENT PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 1:44 am
looking good cant wait to see it all finished

#42: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 3 27/04 Author: Quarmbo, Location: Bristol & Leicester PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:40 am
Gray5827 wrote:
Also if anybody knows of any Gti's for sale (crashed not bothered) for under £1000 let me know as I need a donner car for the rebuild.

I think someone was selling a black T reg GTi for £750 on here recently. Check the for sale section.

#43: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 3 27/04 Author: Uz, Location: No Man's Land PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:54 am
What do you need from a GTi to do the rebuild? I've got a complete Cat C Sahara Yellow GTi which I was in the process of repairing if thats any's a 2002. Light frontal & quarter panel + rear beam damage.

#44: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 3 27/04 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:54 pm
Uz_SWGT wrote:
I've got a complete Cat C Sahara Yellow GTi which I was in the process of repairing if thats any's a 2002. Light frontal & quarter panel + rear beam damage.

You willing to sell? If so how much you looking for? also could you email me some pics. Manily of the engine bay.

#45: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 3 27/04 Author: Uz, Location: No Man's Land PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 1:33 pm
Gray5827 wrote:
Uz_SWGT wrote:
I've got a complete Cat C Sahara Yellow GTi which I was in the process of repairing if thats any's a 2002. Light frontal & quarter panel + rear beam damage.

You willing to sell? If so how much you looking for? also could you email me some pics. Manily of the engine bay.

I'll drop you some pics via pm mate...price I'll get hold for you once I've spoken to my old man Smile

#46: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 3 27/04 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 12:40 pm
Update 10/05

Well I went down to the bodyshop today to drop off my mirrors and door mouldings. They have been busy on the car and have now got it into its first stage off paint. Due to the amount of modifacations they have decided to paint the car in a colour near to what I want first to get an idea of the final outcome. This will then be rubbed down and the final paint put on. Even the guide coat looks spot on. Really looking forward now to seeing it out in the light.

Anyway heres a few pics







#47: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 4 10/05 Author: Uz, Location: No Man's Land PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 12:51 pm
This is gunna look awesome mate Thumb Up

Any idea of when it's gunna be completely finished?

#48: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 4 10/05 Author: Austin, Location: Telford PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 12:52 pm
Looking good, can't wait to see it finished! Cool

#49: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 4 10/05 Author: Mikey2uk, Location: Stevenage PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 2:05 pm
Looks very good really like the colour as well

#50: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 4 10/05 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 2:39 pm
Uz wrote:
This is gunna look awesome mate Thumb Up

Any idea of when it's gunna be completely finished?

Cheers mate, Iv been meaning to Pm you back. Im going to have to leave that car dude, money is very tight atm. I cant commit to buying anything untill iv settled up with the bodyshop. Cheers anyway though it would have been ideal, and a fair price too.

Il know more about a completion time when I get the car back. Which is still a while away yet.

#51: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 4 10/05 Author: Millsy125, Location: Nottingham PostPosted: Tue May 11, 2010 3:12 am
A lot of work has gone into that. cant wait to see the end project. Any idea how long it will take to finish?

#52: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 4 10/05 Author: C4RLO5, Location: Cumbria PostPosted: Tue May 11, 2010 9:19 am
looking good dude!!!!

#53: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 4 10/05 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 11:28 am
Update 14/05

Had to go down to the bodyshop this afternoon to drop off a new door hing as the old one was f****d. Also needed to talk the final colour and details through with the painter. The final colour looks the nutz really happy with it. He was saying the aiming to have the door shuts andengine bay done by the end of next week. Then they can focus on flatting the car back again to take the final paint. That should hopefully follow the week after.

Whilst I was there I got some more phots as I was able to push the car out of the workshop. They have also sprayed up the bumpers to check the reflections. Tbh all the work I had done myself has come out really well, which is comforting to know. They have only had to sort a few minor glitches out.















Comments Welcome!:)

#54: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 4 14/05 Author: Geoff, Location: Evesham, Worcestershire PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 11:37 am
This is really coming along nicely! Been along time coming - but you can start to see the hard work paying off. I look forward to the finished pics. Very Happy

#55: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 4 14/05 Author: Nitrox121, Location: Lancaster PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 2:03 pm
looking good mate!

#56: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 4 14/05 Author: Wiliam_morgan, Location: South Wales PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2010 4:06 pm
just stumbled across this thread! thank god u didnt pack it in, i thought u were following in priceys footsteps at one point packin it it so glad you didnt! outstanding build! ive just read it all again! as i read it on the previous site! but outstanding car man! should be proud of urself!

#57: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 4 14/05 Author: pricey PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 12:50 pm
Car's looking much better with each update Gray i'm pleased for you that you didn't sell up as the hard work is showing through now.

P.S William Morgan i'll have a nice little update for you folks soon Wink

#58: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 4 14/05 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 4:14 pm
Cheers for the comments guys, everytime I go down to the bodyshop im like a little kid. Final colour to the door shuts and bay is goin on this week. then the shell etc next week. Tbh im going to try and stay away just for the moment I go to see it and its done!

Still along way to go though!

#59: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 4 14/05 Author: Nitrox121, Location: Lancaster PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 4:44 pm
FCS on the cards?

#60: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 4 14/05 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 5:08 pm
Nitrox121 wrote:
FCS on the cards?

Lol, no chance, its not that I couldnt do it, if i had the money. This project is moving as fast as the funds come in. I reckon I need about another £5000 to complete, everything how I want it. But saying that, once im at that stage there will still be other mods il want. I know it sounds daft but there are still a few body mods I would like doing but simply cant justify cost for such small things.

#61: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 4 14/05 Author: Nitrox121, Location: Lancaster PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 5:11 pm
Gray5827 wrote:
Nitrox121 wrote:
FCS on the cards?

Lol, no chance, its not that I couldnt do it, if i had the money. This project is moving as fast as the funds come in. I reckon I need about another £5000 to complete, everything how I want it. But saying that, once im at that stage there will still be other mods il want. I know it sounds daft but there are still a few body mods I would like doing but simply cant justify cost for such small things.

fair play mate Smile

youve deffeneitly for the moddin addicition Laughing

#62: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 4 14/05 Author: C4RLO5, Location: Cumbria PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:17 am
you will do the same as me gray, once the outside is done you'l want interior sorted, then engine work etc etc

cant wait to see it tho matey!!!!

#63: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 4 14/05 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 9:48 am
Update 20/05

Went down to the bodyshop today just to have a nosy, lol I couldnt stay away!

Anyway as I walked in Ivor was in the middle of masking up the car for final paint. He has now sprayed the engine bay and the roof.

Few pics







Engine bay painted


Roof painted, I think this looks the f*****g nutz, and it hasnt even been buffed yet.


Painted by the end of next week hopefully! Smile Laughing

#64: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 5 20/05 Author: molly, Location: Wales PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 10:11 am
Coming on great Very Happy
What engine you putting back in there?

#65: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 5 20/05 Author: golden PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 3:03 pm
Awesome, so you actually decided to keep it!! Has come a long way since I saw it!! really taking shape now!

Will look quality when it's done!

#66: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 5 20/05 Author: The_Stig, Location: Stirling PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 3:44 pm
molly wrote:
Coming on great Very Happy
What engine you putting back in there?

i think you should follow suit with c4rlos and go for something big and very fast!!

looks good buddy Smile

#67: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 5 20/05 Author: JordGJ, Location: Leeds / West Midlands PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 3:56 pm
Exctied to see this one...

#68: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 5 20/05 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 4:48 pm
golden wrote:
Awesome, so you actually decided to keep it!! Has come a long way since I saw it!! really taking shape now!

Will look quality when it's done!

Dude! where the f*** did you go, still got your mobile number but dont know if its still the right one. Yeh im glad I kept it too. What You driving these days?

#69: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 5 20/05 Author: Ali_H, Location: Chichester, Sussex PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 4:51 pm
I followed this on the old forum, it's gonna look good when finished.

#70: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 5 20/05 Author: golden PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 4:55 pm
Gray5827 wrote:
golden wrote:
Awesome, so you actually decided to keep it!! Has come a long way since I saw it!! really taking shape now!

Will look quality when it's done!

Dude! where the F*** did you go, still got your mobile number but dont know if its still the right one. Yeh im glad I kept it too. What You driving these days?

haha yeh I came on one day and it had disappeared, then never got round to coming back! Yeh my number is still the same!

Iv got to see this when it's done! Especially the bags!

I'm on an mr2 at the moment, the mx5 didn't work out too well lol. Iv stuck a pic of the mr2 in the newb forum!

#71: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 5 20/05 Author: C4RLO5, Location: Cumbria PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 8:29 am
Tango-tony wrote:
molly wrote:
Coming on great Very Happy
What engine you putting back in there?

i think you should follow suit with c4rlos and go for something big and very fast!!

looks good buddy Smile

then mine wouldnt be as special so shh haha

but seriously, u sticking with the gti gray?

#72: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 5 20/05 Author: Lowercase, Location: East Sussex PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 8:50 am
that colour looks immense man Smile i cant wait to see the pics after paint!

#73: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 5 20/05 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Sat May 22, 2010 6:08 am
golden wrote:
Iv got to see this when it's done! Especially the bags!!

Il let you know when its finished and we can organise a meet.

golden wrote:
I'm on an mr2 at the moment, the mx5 didn't work out too well lol. Iv stuck a pic of the mr2 in the newb forum!

I couldnt find your pic of the Mr2, much better choice than an mx5 though.

C4RLO5 wrote:
but seriously, you sticking with the gti gray?

Atm yes, but the plan was to turbo it, however that will be a long way off yet due to the cost of doing it.

#74: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 5 20/05 Author: golden PostPosted: Sat May 22, 2010 6:28 am
Yeh definitely, be good to see it finished!

- MR2 - It's a MK3 Im afraid, couldn't insure a mk2 turbo!

Im not sure what I plan to do to it, everything is so expensive for them!

#75: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 5 20/05 Author: golden PostPosted: Sat May 22, 2010 6:29 am
Saw some pics of my old 206 on here too from the new owner, looks like someone has done a good job of denting those flared arches we (you!) did! Its not got the wheels on either Sad

#76: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 5 20/05 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Sat May 22, 2010 12:58 pm
golden wrote:
Saw some pics of my old 206 on here too

You got a link?

#77: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 5 20/05 Author: golden PostPosted: Sat May 22, 2010 1:04 pm

Near the bottom of that page, the new owner has posted some updated pics. The dent might not be as bad as I thought though as the bumper still looks in line and that was perfect.

#78: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 5 20/05 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Sat May 22, 2010 1:20 pm
Its still looking quite tidy though, shame about the wheels and the dent but from what he says he wants new wheels anyway. What ever he gets id make it no smaller than a 10" on the rear in a 16" rim, plenty of stretch should really fill them arches. even your 9's didnt quite do it.

Just looking at the location, lol its travelled some distance Laughing

Still love the exhaust it looks rude as mate!

#79: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 5 20/05 Author: golden PostPosted: Sat May 22, 2010 1:25 pm
Yeh I'd like to know if he bought it from the trader I sold it to (and if he paid much different without the wheels!) Yeh the wheels never quite sat right, it was just my laziness to be honest, I think if it was lowered more then spaced a touch it would have looked better.

#80: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 5 20/05 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 10:40 am
Update 25/05

I know I said I wasnt going to go and see the car but I just couldnt resist. Today has been the best update yet, with the bulk of the car in paint and awaiting finishing. The pictures are of absolutly no justice to the lads work at the bodyshop.

Anyway here are the pics, (they are s**te quaility pics from my phone)

But hey enjoy Very Happy Smile Laughing






Should have to car back next week sometime, after the glass has gone back in. Laughing

#81: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 25/05 Author: pricey PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:26 pm
Looking very swish Grey i presume the main body is a lighter grey to contrast the roof but not to the extent i did lol

#82: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 25/05 Author: Lowercase, Location: East Sussex PostPosted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:37 pm
that is gorgeous!!! ah..nom nom nom nom

#83: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 25/05 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2010 7:16 am
pricey wrote:
Looking very swish Grey i presume the main body is a lighter grey to contrast the roof but not to the extent i did lol

cheers mate, your comments are appreciated as you have been in my situation. Yeh the body colour is a lighter grey but it's not that light! I wanted to give the car a classy whilst slightly understated look, it will be the interior that brings colour to the car. But again I'm hoping to kept it understated!

I did like your car, a little too colourful for want be still beautiful all the same!

#84: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 25/05 Author: C4RLO5, Location: Cumbria PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2010 10:04 am
i was suprised u didnt go for a brighter colour to enhance the work and cars curves but i do like how your going with it mate!!!

u planned your interior etc yet???

#85: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 25/05 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2010 10:22 am
C4RLO5 wrote:
i was suprised you didnt go for a brighter colour to enhance the work and cars curves but i do like how your going with it mate!!!

you planned your interior etc yet???

Bright colours are not my thing tbh! It was at one point going to go purple but I decided against it. This has always been the colour I wanted to go. As already said I wanted it quite understated, and didnt really want to bring attention to the mods that have been done.

Personally I think it still looks very standard, almost like it could have come like that from the factory, this was my aim all along.

Interior plans are set in place and will start as soon as the car comes back. However again it will be subtle yet very custom. Wink

#86: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 25/05 Author: C4RLO5, Location: Cumbria PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2010 10:41 am
I can see what u mean, like the look your going for!!!

Look forward to seeing it!!!

#87: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 25/05 Author: golden PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 4:30 pm
Looks a mint job, a subtle colour like that is a good choice, the wheels will brighten it up anyway.

What's the interior plan then? Something crazy or just keep it fairly standard?

#88: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 25/05 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:21 pm
Update 02/06

Well the car is pritty much ready to pick up now bar a couple of odds and ends that can be left behind and picked up at a later date.

The front screen was replaced due to a crack, also had the rear screen fitted at the same time.

Few pics.







Cant wait to get it back now eager to get started on the refit. Laughing

#89: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 25/05 Author: Mikey2uk, Location: Stevenage PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:24 pm
That is so nice mate, really love the colour.

#90: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 02/06 Author: Quarmbo, Location: Bristol & Leicester PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:29 pm
That looks very nice, colour looks stunning! Is it on the wheels your keeping? It looks very loooooooow!! But looking fab mate, bet your well pleased.

#91: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 02/06 Author: Lodey, Location: Penzance & Falmouth Cornwall PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:37 pm
please tell me you still have those stunning OZ rims for it

#92: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 02/06 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:40 pm
Lodey wrote:
please tell me you still have those stunning OZ rims for it

Sure do, I just didnt want them getting f****d at the bodyshop. Laughing

#93: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 02/06 Author: C4RLO5, Location: Cumbria PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 2:28 pm
dam bud that looks awesome!!!

#94: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 02/06 Author: JordGJ, Location: Leeds / West Midlands PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 2:35 pm
Wow can't wait to see with the wheels on Cool

#95: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 02/06 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:22 pm
Cheers Peeps Laughing

Should be rolling in a few months Laughing

#96: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 02/06 Author: glenpring, Location: KENT PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:25 pm
get the wheels and lights on so we can see the body work and everything done looks sweet mate

#97: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 02/06 Author: golden PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:41 pm
Looking very wide! I like!

#98: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 02/06 Author: Andrew, Location: Black Country Ay I PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:41 pm
Yo dude looking really awesome been keeping eye on this thread nice to see it coming together for you

Dno if its been asked but what front and rear lights you putting on?

#99: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 02/06 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:33 am

#100: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 02/06 Author: kingdom200, Location: Leamington Spa PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:36 am
what splitter is that? looks tidy pal

#101: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 02/06 Author: glenpring, Location: KENT PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:12 am
Gray5827 wrote:

whats going on you went to collect!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE IS THE BLOODY PICTURES lol we cant wait lol

#102: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 02/06 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:38 am
Update 07/06

Well I got the car home on saturday, With so much to do, I didnt really get chance to take many photo's.

So far I have:

>Refitted all the glass and seals.
>Fitted rear lights.
>Fitted a couple of trim panels etc.
>Fitted and wired up my door poppers.

I got a few pics of it being loaded and unloaded on the recovery.






And a couple of pics back on the drive.




No pics of the rear yet, but it looks rude with the lights in. Laughing

I will add updates of the build up here and there but as the majority of it is just refitting standard parts im not going to take millions of pics of what is effectively nothing. Interior plans should start soon. Very Custom!!! Laughing Wink

#103: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 02/06 Author: Jammo, Location: Brighton PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:40 am
Whos that in the red?

#104: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 7 07/06 Author: Lowercase, Location: East Sussex PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:45 am
that is gunna be one hell of a car, what rims you going for?

#105: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 6 02/06 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:49 am
Jammo wrote:
Whos that in the red?

That would be my very unhelpfull mother! Laughing

If you go back a few pages the rims are in the pics somewhere. They are OZ Futuras.

#106: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 7 07/06 Author: Jammo, Location: Brighton PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:53 am

#107: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 7 07/06 Author: glenpring, Location: KENT PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:22 am
anymore updates????

#108: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 7 07/06 Author: GTi_Daryl, Location: Cheshire, UK PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:38 pm
Gray the car is looking awesome mate....cant wait to see it around warrington in the near future Smile

#109: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 7 07/06 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:30 pm
Cheers for the comments guys, Work is continuing on the Pug, but im waiting untill I have a good update to add more pics rather than a pic there and a pic here.

#110: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 7 07/06 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:08 pm
Update 11/07

Since having the car back from the bodyshop and having sorting a couple of money issues, I have began to sound deaden the entire car. I decided to go for a product called FatMat Extreme, for two reasons, first of being it rates well against Dyanmat and its also somewhat cheaper. So far Ive got the entire floor done, but I now need to get some more.


I have also began to build my cc rear bench into the car (not an easy job) After a couple of failed starts I have now come up with something that has worked well. Still a long way to go though.


Created a fibreglass mould of the underside of the seat, to provide a level of support when your sit on the bench. I made the fibreglass reletivley thick to provide a great amount of strength.




I still Need to mount this secruly to the false floor.

And finally I have began to build my boot install. Very simple desgin, only one sub on show. there is plenty of room behind the install walls to allow me to house my air tank & compressor, Additional battery, Computer and anything else that I need to house. The next stage is to fiberglass the edges of the mdf to cover all the bodywork (note I have taped up the metal work to allow me to apply the fiberglass) I also need to stratch a sheet over the sub enclose to give it its shape.







Also note that the speaker ring in the phots is one I use for mock up, I will be making one to house the sub that I will be using.

Work has also started on a set of very custom doorcards and dashboard, not really worth showing at the moment so il be waiting untill I have a decent update to add.

As always Comments welcome!! Laughing

#111: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 7 07/06 Author: Lowercase, Location: East Sussex PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:12 pm
looks awsome Razz following this 1 eagerly.

#112: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 8 11/07 Author: Jonno, Location: Boston/Spalding Lincs PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 3:05 pm
cant wait to see if all finished. Please keep hold of it once its all done, i see so many of these projects completed and then sold within weeks, enjoy it, and take lots of photos so we can too Very Happy

#113: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 8 11/07 Author: Lowercase, Location: East Sussex PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 3:13 pm
what he said Razz its a shame when that happens

#114: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 8 11/07 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 3:48 pm
Jonno wrote:
cant wait to see if all finished. Please keep hold of it once its all done, i see so many of these projects completed and then sold within weeks, enjoy it, and take lots of photos so we can too Very Happy

Cheers for the comments, I have no intention what so ever of selling now. I want to build the car how I see it in my head rather than redoing bits all the time. Once its finished, even when styles change Il keep it the same, I just hope it stands the test of time

#115: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 8 11/07 Author: GTi_Daryl, Location: Cheshire, UK PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:11 pm
Really coming along well fella!! Cant wait to see it when its finished!!

Like the idea of the cc interior and the boot build looks like its going to be subtle and sweet Smile

#116: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 8 11/07 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:10 pm
Update 08/08

Well I have been busy working away getting the interior built. Since my last update I Have been working on the rear seat mouldings, which are coming together well. Nothing has had any filler appliied yet as I want to get all the fibreglass done then it will allow me to make any alterations I need to make.

Some pics of the foam work coming together.




I have now applied the fibreglass but I havent got a pic of it as yet. I have also Fibreglassed the sub box.






Currently working on the final peice of the rear seat mouldings




Pic with parcel shelf in.


Comments Welcome as always!!

#117: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 8 11/07 Author: Lowercase, Location: East Sussex PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:15 pm
coming along rele well mate, boot install looking proper tidy Wink

#118: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 8 08/08 Author: glenpring, Location: KENT PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 3:49 am
any more yet

#119: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 8 08/08 Author: tofy92, Location: potters bar PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:37 pm

#120: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 8 08/08 Author: JordGJ, Location: Leeds / West Midlands PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:53 pm
    ---- Sad

#121: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 8 08/08 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:00 pm
All in good time! Very Happy

small list of jobs to do this weekend and mechanically everything will be done then its onto the interior.

#122: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 8 08/08 Author: vanman_foci, Location: Barry, South Wales PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:49 pm
loving it Very Happy

#123: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 8 08/08 Author: RidingSoLow, Location: Behind the Wheel PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:39 am
An amazing project so far. I like how you have the skills to do so much yourself so well.
Great Job!

#124: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 8 08/08 Author: Wiliam_morgan, Location: South Wales PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:53 pm
any update recently dude??

#125: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 8 08/08 Author: Razpulsedj, Location: Partying with the Info Shufflers PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:06 pm
what a great read, especially what your doing with the cc rear seats, cant wait to see what else happens with this car

Nice work mate Very Happy My favourite project on here

#126: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 8 08/08 Author: glenpring, Location: KENT PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:33 am
JordGJ wrote: Sad

What He Said

#127: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 8 08/08 Author: Will180, Location: Newcastle PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:33 pm
any more updates?

#128: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 8 08/08 Author: iGiddy, Location: Wales,Cardiff PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:50 am
Loving it,
Good work cant wait for another update Smile

#129: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: Gray5827, Location: Warrington PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:26 pm
Finally an update, its been a while lol

Well over the past few months I have been working at cleaning and painting the engine components, and putting the engine bay together. getting the car running basically.

Engine bay



Calipers Fitted


New wheels had to go as the old ones didnt fit over the calipers


Its close lol


Sorting the wiring


Black mask headlights fitted



Love this


#130: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 8 08/08 Author: Harry, Location: Stafford PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:31 pm
Looks awesome, how long has it taken? and how do you think until it will be totally finished?

#131: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: PugJH, Location: Northants PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:38 pm
I wanna see the interior put in Very Happy
Im thinking half leather front seats retrimmed to copy the red and black leather from a cc, but with the orangey/red you have used, as the leather inserts.

#132: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: wraxer69, Location: thurso PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:08 pm
that gona look goood man

#133: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: mattievrs, Location: Leicester PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:37 pm
looks great mate! Keep it up!

#134: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: shaker, Location: Austria PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:47 pm
nice! loving the rims Very Happy
and that last shot, wow Razz looks awesome!

#135: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: sicskate, Location: Margate, Kent PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:31 pm
"New wheels had to go as the old ones didnt fit over the calipers"

Does that make any sence?

Anyhoo, amazing machine you have built there.

#136: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: 20619d, Location: barnstaple PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:38 pm
love this car looks nice with the small kit on

#137: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: airness, Location: Taiwan PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:14 am
Wha...what can i say, excellnt job mate

#138: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: wilson30, Location: Bo,ness PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:27 pm
This has to be the best project on here lovein it mate will look sweet when finished keep up the hard work and well done on doing all the fiberglass work your self will defoe be keeping an eye on this Thumbs Up

#139: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: glenpring, Location: KENT PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 5:54 am
any little up dates?

#140: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: kingdom200, Location: Leamington Spa PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 11:12 am

#141: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: Callum206, Location: West Sussex PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:37 pm
Looking sweet as man

#142: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: JordGJ, Location: Leeds / West Midlands PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:18 am
wow this is epic can't wait to see it finished!

#143: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: mattievrs, Location: Leicester PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:57 am

#144: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: Lowercase, Location: East Sussex PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:40 am

#145: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: boyracer93, Location: Hull PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:39 am
Been a while since an update, would love to see how she is few months on.....UPDATES!!!

#146: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: HarleyT, Location: Felixstowe PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:40 am
Incredible build man, looks like im not the only one who wants more updates !!

#147: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: Aar_Im_A_Pirate, Location: Northern Ireland PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:18 am
Bump for wanting another update!

#148: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: craigdmjv, Location: Wiltshire PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:35 am

#149: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: 00budham00, Location: Ips PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 8:13 pm
finished yet?

#150: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: Uz, Location: No Man's Land PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:50 am
I doubt it is tbh... the wheels were up for sale the other month, so it could be a possibility that this has gone uncomplete...

But saying that he may just have changed the idea with what wheels he wanted.

#151: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: anton1989, Location: west midlands PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 2:29 pm
wtf happened to this?

#152: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: DeadEyePaul, Location: Rugby,Warwickshire PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 3:16 pm
Tag! Not seen this thread before.. Will read later looks good Very Happy

#153: Re: Gray5827's Work In Progress Diary Update Pg 9 19/02 Author: DeadEyePaul, Location: Rugby,Warwickshire PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:27 am
wow.. I think we are in need of a update Wink

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