#1: 2003 aerial broke Author: andyg81, Location: derbyshirePosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:13 am ---- the aerial on our 206 has rusted and snapped off leaving part of it inside the aerial socket on the roof, is there a way to remove this without stripping the interior of the car down ? its all rusted solid and I cant turn it out as normal.
#2: Re: 2003 aerial broke Author: DeadEyePaul, Location: Rugby,WarwickshirePosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:30 am ---- If it is at the front of the car you can remove the interior light and there will be a nut holding it in. Heard these can rust.
Rear.. Just open the boot lid and peel back the roof material enough so you can get your socket on
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