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Clutch or gearbox DEAD!!
-> 206 Problems

#1: Clutch or gearbox DEAD!! Author: shaunc, Location: Salford/Manchester PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:19 am
Well *sigh*......

Recently my 206 has been making a screeching/squealing noise when turning right at about 20mph. This stopped if there was another person in the car which lead me to believe it was a wheel bearing or another hub problem and the extra weight was countering it.
So on my way to the scrap yard yesterday to buy a new wheel hub and when I tried to change from neutral to first at the traffic lights the gear box was stuck and wouldn't let me change to any gear, the clutch moved freely but wouldn't engage gear at all!
Finally with some advice from someone else I managed to move out of the way of the traffic I was causing by turning the engine off, putting it in second then starting the engine with the clutch down, this aloud me to drive home in second gear :/
Also when I came to traffic light I put the clutch down but kept it in second so i could move off Again and there was a loud rumble noise and it felt like it wanted to stall.

So my question, is this the clutch that is dead or a gearbox problem? My instincts tells me it's the clutch especially with the big smell of clutch when I for home! But wanted to be sure

#2: Re: Clutch or gearbox DEAD!! Author: cartoonhead, Location: North Manchester PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:23 am
can you select all gears ok when the engine is not running ?

#3: Re: Clutch or gearbox DEAD!! Author: 2Oh!6, Location: Gloucester PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:42 am
Has the clutch been slipping or been showing signs that it was going out the window recently?

I'd have thought the smell of the clutch would have been from just starting it and driving it in second only, was it over revving for the speed you were doing?

#4: Re: Clutch or gearbox DEAD!! Author: shaunc, Location: Salford/Manchester PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:52 am
cartoonhead wrote:
can you select all gears ok when the engine is not running ?
Yes I can select gears ok with the engine off and clutch down

#5: Re: Clutch or gearbox DEAD!! Author: shaunc, Location: Salford/Manchester PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:58 am
2Oh!6 wrote:
Has the clutch been slipping or been showing signs that it was going out the window recently?

I'd have thought the smell of the clutch would have been from just starting it and driving it in second only, was it over revving for the speed you were doing?
Not that I've really noticed no. The only thing is gear changes have been a little clunky from time to time but that could be the age of the car, old gearbox oil, etc. right?

#6: Re: Clutch or gearbox DEAD!! Author: Seabook PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 4:55 am
what car did you got?

#7: Re: Clutch or gearbox DEAD!! Author: shaunc, Location: Salford/Manchester PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:10 am
Seabook wrote:
what car did you got?
1.4 2000 LX

#8: Re: Clutch or gearbox DEAD!! Author: Seabook PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:39 am
weak clutch cable to me then

#9: Re: Clutch or gearbox DEAD!! Author: shaunc, Location: Salford/Manchester PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:42 am
Seabook wrote:
weak clutch cable to me then
So do you think the remedy to this will be a new cable and not a full clutch? Also will the garage know this? Because its booked in for 2morow

#10: Re: Clutch or gearbox DEAD!! Author: Seabook PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:58 am
i would have though is more likely to be the cable rather than clutch.

but the garage will examine the clutch anyway (since you have putting extra load onto the clutch)

#11: Re: Clutch or gearbox DEAD!! Author: shaunc, Location: Salford/Manchester PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:05 am
Oh ok well I suppose a new clutch and clutch cable wouldn't go a miss then as I was killin it in second get for about 6 mile! :/

Also do you think the noise I herd could of been the clutch/ clutch cable? And not the wheel hub?

-> 206 Problems

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