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Radiator Fan
-> 206 Problems

#1: Radiator Fan Author: BigGreenDave, Location: The Rift PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 1:29 am
i had my car resprayed and a new kit put on as most of you know a year ago, when i got it back the fan wouldnt turn on automatically so i took it to a garage for them to try and find the problem after a while he said he couldnt find the problem and said it was all wired up.

he fitted a switch instead so that i could manually turn it on when it got to 90 which worked fine and dandy.

i recently took the car back to the paint shop for a new front bumper fitting cause of a fox running into it. ive got it back and yet again the fan no longer works... (think they have something against fans there) i looked all around the car following the switch wire threw the dash into the engine bay and saw that it was connected inside a resistor so, im guessing this wire is the original wire for the fan i then had a quick tug to see if everything was tight and all of a suddon a thick white/cream wire came out with ease with quite alot of lime scale.

could this have been the problem orignally and the garage just missed it? or is this wire nothing to do with the radiator fan? the resistor (green) is right next to the fuse box. maybe all i need is a new resistor? and everything will be back to normal? this is me hoping anyway haha

Last edited by BigGreenDave on Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:04 am; edited 1 time in total

#2: Re: Engine Fan Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 1:59 am
Sounds like the thermostat if stuffed if it isent not turning on auto did they try and see if the thermostat works with a mulimeter when it get to around 85-90? You could have a new thermostat fitted into your coolant pipe or the rad and have a separate loom to controll it.

#3: Re: Engine Fan Author: BigGreenDave, Location: The Rift PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 2:15 am
spike_202 wrote:
Sounds like the thermostat if stuffed if it isent not turning on auto did they try and see if the thermostat works with a mulimeter when it get to around 85-90? You could have a new thermostat fitted into your coolant pipe or the rad and have a separate loom to controll it.

no idea if they checked for that thermostat is where? is it something i can get to threw the top? would be a smart idea to do it that way but whatever it is it looks like its going to need to be rewired and have new EVERYTHING just to be safe the switch is good to use but if i forget about and it is stud for a while im garanteed to be leaving with an AA truck haha

#4: Re: Engine Fan Author: fossie, Location: Spennymoor PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:36 am
Shouldnt the temp go past 90 before the fan comes on anyway??

#5: Re: Engine Fan Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:45 am
The thermostat is in the....thermostat housing Wink it's the metal like block on the side of your engine were the pipe comes from to your rad it looks like a spark plug with a wire coming from it. It has to prongs on it you need to get it tested with a mulitmeter to see if the stat is working when the cars up to temp.

#6: Re: Engine Fan Author: BigGreenDave, Location: The Rift PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:49 am
spike_202 wrote:
The thermostat is in the....thermostat housing Wink it's the metal like block on the side of your engine were the pipe comes from to your rad it looks like a spark plug with a wire coming from it. It has to prongs on it you need to get it tested with a mulitmeter to see if the stat is working when the cars up to temp.

LOL to be honest i hope i have one Razz i think i wont have one at all that may be why it isnt working lol!

#7: Re: Engine Fan Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:00 am
It may just be broken internally so you may just need a new thermostat sensor but if you take it to any garage and ask them to test the thermostat if it's working they'll narrow it down for you,
Because when it reaches the set temp it will either open/close a circuit (can't remember witch one) but when it opperates you will see on a mulitmeter the reading change if it's working. It should only take 5mins if you go for a drive then leave it ticking over till the fan 'Should' kick in then test it.

#8: Re: Engine Fan Author: BigGreenDave, Location: The Rift PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:06 am
spike_202 wrote:
It may just be broken internally so you may just need a new thermostat sensor but if you take it to any garage and ask them to test the thermostat if it's working they'll narrow it down for you,
Because when it reaches the set temp it will either open/close a circuit (can't remember witch one) but when it opperates you will see on a mulitmeter the reading change if it's working. It should only take 5mins if you go for a drive then leave it ticking over till the fan 'Should' kick in then test it.

thanks Spike ill try that out

#9: Re: Radiator Fan Author: Edward, Location: In the garage PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:30 am
Thermostat is nothing to do with the fan. It just controls the flow through the radiator. ECU controls the fan.

#10: Re: Radiator Fan Author: BigGreenDave, Location: The Rift PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:35 am
Edward wrote:
Thermostat is nothing to do with the fan. It just controls the flow through the radiator. ECU controls the fan.

This is not what i want to hear.... i like Spikes thoughts seems easier tbh

#11: Re: Radiator Fan Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:56 am
Edward wrote:
Thermostat is nothing to do with the fan. It just controls the flow through the radiator. ECU controls the fan.

If the thermostat is duff and doesn't compleate the circuit, it won't send a signal to the ecu thus not turning the fan on. It has everything to do with the fan imo.
I think that's why they put an override switch to by pass the signal wire as it's not working.

Only way to find out bid just pop it down the local garage and request them to test it.

#12: Re: Radiator Fan Author: paul_c, Location: UK PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:47 am
Does the car have air conditioning? If so, it has a single fan (with 2 electrical connections) but is 2 speed, achieved by 2 relays and a series resistor in the low speed circuit. The ECU controls when its switched on, and takes sensor inputs from a temperature sensor on the thermostat housing, the air conditioning pressostat and possibly a few other things within the ECU (for example the fan doesn't come on straight away after starting, even if the engine is hot - there is a slight delay, presumably to allow the battery to recover from starting).

Sounds like the first garage 'bodged' it by adding the manual switch, and that bodge has come to the end of its life and fallen off.

Have a look in the circuit diagram in the Haynes manual and check the fan, relays and resistor since these are pretty easy things to check. If you can't do this, get a garage which knows its a**e from its elbow to check it over.

#13: Re: Radiator Fan Author: Edward, Location: In the garage PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:48 am
There is no signal to come from the thermostat. It's not electrical. It's a mechanical valve that controls coolant flow from the engine to radiator.
The ECU detects engine coolant temperature via the coolant temperature sensor. When the temperature gets above a certain level the ECU switches the relay which controls the radiator fan.

Sounds like (just with all 206's) the relays will be crusted up and you might even have broken wires going to the relays. I doubt it's anything too difficult to fix even without your little switch inside the car.

#14: Re: Radiator Fan Author: spike_202, Location: West mids PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:58 am
Oh I think you mixed up what I'm saying I was on a bout the thermostat sensor mate well that's what I call it.. my k3 has got it's on stat/sensor for the ecu temp, so when it hits the set temp it turns my fan on. Then my extra stat/senser is for the dial/gauge on the speedo.

-> 206 Problems

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