#1: RS Tuning - Leeds - 17th April *write up/results on p1* Author: sam-c, Location: Uni: Kent Home: ScunthorpePosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:23 am ---- The Write Up
once again i would like to thank everyone for coming it was a great day thoroughly enjoyed by all. i would also just like to mention that i will be organising another meet, although it wont be an rst meet as i think this would be too soon but keep your diaries free for around july time!
The Results
Ant (namgaj)
Jaguar S Type
Mods: air filter + cat back exhaust
BHP: 251.5
Torque: 245
Adam (adam206)
1.6 HDI
Mods: remapped
BHP: 128.9
Sam (sam-c)
1,4 8v
Mods: cone air filter + exhaust
BHP: N/A - results tragically lost in a fire involving a lighter (90.0)
Torque: N/A - results tragically lost in a fire involving a lighter
Ant (antix)
Golf GTI
Mods: N/A
BHP: 160.1
Torque: 180
if i have missed you out or havent logged some information then pleas let me know
thank you all and sorry i took so long for getting these up the gf has been round since sunday so not had a chance to do a write up
we shall be aiming to meet between half 9 and 10 if people wishing to go on the dyno could get there as early as possible then it would be much appreciated
as far as i know the only raods which have road works on that will be a problematic for the majority of us are the M1 and M62
if anyone knows of any more roadworks/traffic problems then let me know and i will add them to the list
also as can be seen on the first map below there are a series of roundabouts near rs tuning itself which, 1 in particualr, can cause people problems where you can find yourself being in the inside lane then all of a sudden neading to be in the outside lane with another lane between you so please be aware of this i would advise not only using a sat nav but also look at the route you will be taking on either a map or online before setting off and maybe even taking these with you
if people want my phone number then either pm me or leave me a note in the topic and i will send you it via pm
On Arrival
please come and find me as i like to introduce myself and make sure everyone has arrived safely. if we have as good a turnout as last time then it was hard for me to meet everyone as they came but i like to meet and have a good chin wag with everyone
this is especially important if you are going on the dyno as may not recognise you on the day although i with have a list of people with me
if you wernt at the last rs tuning meet then its quite likely you wont know who i am but i will be the guy carrying round a pad of paper and im sure someone will point you in the right direction
i would like to remind people that while we are at a site meet we are representing the site and we dont want to get a bad reputation and we wish to be allowed to return to rs tuning in the future
last time there were some complaints after the event (mainly my some of the old moderating team who attended) that the behavoir was unaceptable/dangerous unfortunatly this was not mentioned to me at the time so if you have a problem please come and tell me, im an approacable guy and i want everyone to have a good time so will do my best to solve any problems
however people should bear in mind that this is a performance orientated meet so it is likely that there will be people revving their engines and driving about but please keep safety in mind we are in a public area and there are others about. also e by all means dive each others cars
but this is a public forum and we will be in public areas so the usual laws do apply so i cant condone people driving each others cars without the appropriate insurance so please and if you do go out without the correct insurance the police can crush the car you are in even though it is not yours so bear this in mind
thanks again people
look forward to seeing you tomorrow
Hi guys this was posted up before but obviously was lost
I organised an rs tuning meet in the summer and everyone had a good time so decided to organise another 1
We will aim to meet around 10am and after the cars have had there runs on the dyno we will head for food - most likely frankie and bennies because it is close by, cheap and there's something there for everybody
The costs:
£40 for 5+ cars
£35 for 10+ cars
We would hope to have more than 10 cars on the dyno so im fairly confident in saying the cost will be £35
For your money you get upto 4 power runs, printout of power at the wheels, power at the flywheel, torque at the flywheel and afr/boost where applicable.
The adress:
RS Tuning Ltd
Unit 8 Castleton Close
LS12 2DS
Think thats all you need to know guys but any questions done hesitate to ask!
Hope you all sign up! could you please put down whether you would like dyno runs or just coming along to the meet - your just as welcome! and also if you would like to go for food aswell
The List
1. Sam-c - dyno
2. Mrs_howey (georgie) - dyno + food Confirmed
3. Howey (james) - duno Confirmed
4. MattieR - possibly dyno Confirmed
5. Guy Confirmed
6. namgaj (ant) + 2 - dyno Confirmed
7. Matt Confirmed
8. ste206 - food
9. no-offences (carl)
10. Bram66gti180
11. Adamspug - dyno no long coming
12. Adamspug (ashley: vxr8) - dyno no long coming
13. Luke
14. wayne
15. adam206
16. joe
17. ExoVyper (simon) - food Confirmed
18. SAB206
19. bailedgti (will) - dyno + food no long coming
20. c4rlos - dyno
21. Martynmofo - duno + food Confirmed
22. seb Dependant on day - newly built engine
23. deadmanj + 1 (206) - both dyno+ both food Confirmed
24. burga_hdi (james) - dyno Confirmed
25. georgyboii - dyno + food Confirmed
26. Tarmac-Terrorist Confirmed
27. Antix - dyno (Golf) + food Confirmed
Sam Last edited by sam-c on Tue Apr 20, 2010 2:16 pm; edited 37 times in total
#2: Re: RS Tuning - Leeds - 17th April Author: Mrs_Howey, Location: WorthingPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:24 am ---- 1. Sam-c
2. Mrs_howey (maybe dyno) + food
#3: Re: RS Tuning - Leeds - 17th April Author: sam-c, Location: Uni: Kent Home: ScunthorpePosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:27 am ---- will be nice to see yo uthere again georgie!
#4: Re: RS Tuning - Leeds - 17th April Author: Mrs_Howey, Location: WorthingPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:33 am ---- be nice to see you to, i should be going on the dyno as well, but will let you know
#5: Re: RS Tuning - Leeds - 17th April Author: sam-c, Location: Uni: Kent Home: ScunthorpePosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:37 am ---- good stuff
hopefully will be off loading my wheels at the meet
#6: Re: RS Tuning - Leeds - 17th April Author: Aaronrussell1990, Location: Medway townsPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:40 am ---- Sorry to spam but what Kent uni do you go to ?
#7: Re: RS Tuning - Leeds - 17th April Author: Howey, Location: Kings LynnPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:59 am ---- Im so there!
#8: Re: RS Tuning - Leeds - 17th April Author: Mike, Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:00 am ---- That's derby day in Manchester I'm afraid so count me out
#9: Re: RS Tuning - Leeds - 17th April Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;)Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:01 am ---- Without a doubt im there
Guy is coming aswell I owe him a F&B's
#10: Re: RS Tuning - Leeds - 17th April Author: sam-c, Location: Uni: Kent Home: ScunthorpePosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 12:07 pm ---- aaron - ill send you a pm
howey - nice to cya there again! once again im sure your car will once again be cleaner than mine
mike - im jelous i would be there to if i could! come on united!
mattie - please be up in time this time haha
#11: Re: RS Tuning - Leeds - 17th April Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;)Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 12:10 pm ---- I will try I need my beuty sleep
sam-c wrote:
hopefully will be off loading my wheels at the meet
Yes you will
#12: Re: RS Tuning - Leeds - 17th April Author: sam-c, Location: Uni: Kent Home: ScunthorpePosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 12:41 pm ---- this is all stuff i like to hear
then hopefully ill have enough to buy some new wheels although lights ar e most deffinatly top of the list! but they can wait till the end of summer
#13: Re: RS Tuning - Leeds - 17th April Author: namgaj, Location: Chasing Ash, Addaz and Lee........... hopefully catching Addaz and havin fun :PPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:10 pm ---- I shall be DEFINATELY going again RR too, count me in, i shall speak for matt too, hes coming whether he likes it or not
#14: Re: RS Tuning - Leeds - 17th April Author: haz_XSI, Location: Sheffield/Rotherham, South YorkshirePosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:03 pm ---- Interested in coming as i couldnt make the Summer one last time due to work commitments what are the prices on a re-map or would it just be RR?
#15: Re: RS Tuning - Leeds - 17th April Author: Mattie-RS, Location: A Track near you ;)Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:11 pm ----
haz_XSI wrote:
Interested in coming as i couldnt make the Summer one last time due to work commitments what are the prices on a re-map or would it just be RR?
On meet days its just RR they can do, which is £30 i believe,
For remaps you will need to speak to Paul at RST and sort a day out for this, takes a while to do
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