#1: Pscuk Staffs / Cheshire September Meet - Thursday 6 Author: marksorrento205, Location: CheshirePosted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:39 am ---- The September Pscuk Staffs / Cheshire meet is nearly here. It will be held on Thursday 6th September around 19:30.
If you are local and have never been to a meet pop along and have a laugh talking a vast range to topics from cars to gutter. Our meet has been growing and growing over the last six months with people attending from south Staffs, north Cheshire and north Wales. They are an entertaining and very friendly bunch
#2: Re: Pscuk Staffs / Cheshire September Meet - Thursday 6 Author: Barking, Location: sarcasm-in-shedloadsPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:14 am ---- For those who don't know - PSCUK is Peugeot Sport Club UK, previously PSOOC (Peugeot Sport Official Owners Club)
Either way, it's less popular than 206info (although the cars are generally older - as are the members)
#3: Re: Pscuk Staffs / Cheshire September Meet - Thursday 6 Author: phil1965, Location: cheshirePosted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:15 pm ---- 15 mins from my house, may pop over
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