#1: Pugs sick :( intermittent problem Author: Raquelle, Location: BuckinghamshirePosted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:16 am ---- Right, my little 206 has done me very well, had no problems with it...until about a month back. I was driving as usual, all in my own world, as usual, and then suddenly the engine management light came on, started flashing, all that malarki, seeing as I couldn't pull over where I was driving, I didn't and drove it home, limp mode eventually kicked in (seeing as I live on top of a hill with a 22% gradient, this was a pain in the a**e.). Got it home, turned the engine off for a few mins and on again, light was still on, flashing away. Thought sod it I'll call the boyfriend. He came up -living around 17 miles away- and bloody thing was perfect again, driving perfectly, no light. Both thinking oh well, it threw a wobbly, nothing else came of it....things were fine for weeks until yesterday, THE BLOODY FRENCH THING DID IT AGAIN,YET AGAIN AFTER WORK!!
Parked up at some shops, dawdled round for 20 or so mins, working fine took it over to the other halfs house, he plugged his code scanner in, and it came up as random misfire, as it did last time...But all I want to know is what could be causing this...as he said it could be a few things :/ and I can't ask him to tear my engine apart, he does enough :/
Anyone else had these problems?
#2: Re: Pugs sick :( intermittent problem Author: LeeThr, Location: North West WalesPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:38 am ---- Need to be code read properly, not just from a generic scanner. Could be a number of things, could be coil pack breaking down, injector playing up or when I had this problem with mine a few months ago it was a couple of seals around the injectors that had gone causing an air leak in the injector holes. When it's running open the bonnet and listen to see if you can hear an air leak by the injectors, (back of the engine behind the coil pack and in front of the throttle body.
#3: Re: Pugs sick :( intermittent problem Author: lmilligan, Location: HertfordshirePosted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:52 am ---- could be a coilpack on its way out?
#4: Re: Pugs sick :( intermittent problem Author: Raquelle, Location: BuckinghamshirePosted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:14 am ---- Yeah, basically if it happens again, it'll go into his work with a propper scanner. Just trying to get an idea of what this could be and how costly :/
#5: Re: Pugs sick :( intermittent problem Author: Raquelle, Location: BuckinghamshirePosted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:15 am ---- How costly in the way I only have to pay for parts...forget about labour costs
#6: Re: Pugs sick :( intermittent problem Author: LeeThr, Location: North West WalesPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:18 am ---- Coil pack your looking at about £40-£60 depending upon if you buy new/used
Injector seals = £15-£20,
Injectors = £35ish per injector.
#7: Re: Pugs sick :( intermittent problem Author: Addaz, Location: SuffolkPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:12 pm ---- It really depends on what it is, as we had a mechanical misfire lately, which turned out to be the headgasket failing ever so slightly leaking coolant into one chamber on start up
Just pull up the fault codes and then im sure we can help
#8: Re: Pugs sick :( intermittent problem Author: Coolspot, Location: East SussexPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:30 pm ---- I have had a random miss fire appear on my 206, it has only shown up once and that was 2 months ago.
#9: Re: Pugs sick :( intermittent problem Author: Raquelle, Location: BuckinghamshirePosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:23 am ---- Cheers guys, found out was the coil pack, luckily my boyfriend kept various bits from his old pug when he changed the engine didn't cost me a penny, just cooked dinner
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