#1: 206 1.4 HDI wont start Author: lms37, Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:31 am ---- My car is a 2003 1.4 HDI which has done 48,000 and has been serviced regularly.
Since the original battery gave out I have had problem with starting from cold when the car has not been used for a few days - just get a clicking/bleeping sound. It has been to 2 garages and has been electronically tested twice and nobody can get to the bottom of the problem and I am told there are no faults identified. Once it has been jump started it is fine and I have had no problems when running.
A battery drain seemed to be the obvious answer but I'm told they can't find anything. Can you tell me what else I can investigate and what questions to ask my local garage with regard to what they have checked or what they might need to look at?
I am disabled and need my car to be reliable - have been at this for nearly 2 years and in a state of utter despair. Love the car and don't want to change - just want to find the answer!
#2: Re: 206 1.4 HDI wont start Author: gazza82, Location: South BucksPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:10 am ---- Nothing obvious like a rear bulb glowing faintly (has to be very dark to check this).
Take it to an auto-electrician or get a mobile one out.
The only other option involves testing the battery with a meter and pulling the fuses one-by-one until you see the drain stop.
#3: Re: 206 1.4 HDI wont start Author: LeeThr, Location: North West WalesPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:12 am ----
gazza82 wrote:
Nothing obvious like a rear bulb glowing faintly (has to be very dark to check this).
Take it to an auto-electrician or get a mobile one out.
The only other option involves testing the battery with a meter and pulling the fuses one-by-one until you see the drain stop.
Pulling the fuses out is not an option on a mux 206!
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