#1: 2003 206 GTI Author: gaffa, Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:15 am ---- Hello you lovely people
I have recently purchased (last two months) a 2003 206 gti (65k)
This is my first ever Peugeot having been a Renault owner driver for most of my driving life. I have noticed a noise coming from what seems to be the central front underside of the car when going over slightly bumpy ground.
Its feels like a a little rumbling sound. Often when I am turning to the right at the same time. The car came with a brand new MOT from a dealers so I figure it is nothing major but still am a little concerned.
I will be getting the thing up in the air at my local garage at some point but just wondered if anyone had any similar experiences and pointers they could offer.
Thank you all
#2: Re: 2003 206 GTI Author: Abzynthe, Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:19 am ---- It might be a rattle from the manifold, you just need to weld up the inside as i think its the bit where the four pipes go into one.
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