#1: Power steering(?) Leak Author: JayM, Location: SW ScotlandPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:45 am ---- So the past couple of days when I've been out driving, after the engine has got hot I've smelled something similar to melting tar/bitumin and thought perhaps I had an oil leak, but it's always been too dark to take a look.
Anyways, finally got round to it today after a short drive, popped the bonnet and seen the problem straight away, something dripping onto the cat (1.1 Y reg, so manifold mounted cat)
Had a look and think it's one of the power steering pipes (A metal one?) there's a rubber one and a metal one clipped together directly above the manifold running along the front of the car between the radiator and the engine, the metal part on the rubber one seems to have rubbed through the metal one, and it's now leaking.
Am I right in thinking these are power steering hoses? If so, how much would I be looking at for new/replacement ones and how easy is it to change?
#2: Re: Power steering(?) Leak Author: JayM, Location: SW ScotlandPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:45 am ---- Done a little research and it appears it's the low pressure pipe and should be ok to be repaired (temporarily anyways as I intend to replace eventually or get rid of the car, getting sick of it!)
So, any advice on that, either thinking self almagamating tape, or a length of HP rubber hose and some jubilees (although that requires cutting through the pipe)
#3: Re: Power steering(?) Leak Author: boardinbob78, Location: LeicesterPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 3:48 pm ---- hi just read your post and this is exactly whats happening on my GTi 180, the smell is as you've described, i can see some fluid dripping under the car too. Not had chance for a proper look under car yet but did u manage to sort this problem out?
#4: Re: Power steering(?) Leak Author: bezford, Location: darlingtonPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:22 am ---- Does this get worse when u sit with it ticking over?i noticed a smell around my gti137 when i sat with it running for a minute the other day...i will have a look.
#5: Re: Power steering(?) Leak Author: boardinbob78, Location: LeicesterPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 2:25 pm ---- i've had a quick look under car today, definately a power steering fluid leak but cant quiet see where yet, smell is worse when car is hot so i think the fluid must be dripping onto the exhaust somewhere. When the car is turned off I can hear a fizzing from under the car somewhere near the leak.
i'm really hoping its not coming from the steering rack, because to replace that will be expensive. Can't get car into garage til next week, would anyone recommend that ps fluid that stops leaks if it actually works?
i mean time steering is very very heavy even when i top up the fluid, i'm guessing thats because the system should be air tight. Trying not to drive it too far either.
#6: Re: Power steering(?) Leak Author: bezford, Location: darlingtonPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:53 pm ---- get the pipe from a scrappy,stick it on and if its still hard to steer its probably gonna be the wrack,see if the smell goes away aswell and if it is the wrack some places will recondition so keep it for them to knock a bit off the newer one..
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