#1: Dodgy starts/cutting out Author: kippo2012, Location: DevonPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 5:27 pm ---- Bought my 1.4 LX about 10 weeks ago, it was absolutely fine for about 3 weeks and then everything's decided to break one after the other... Since I've owned it it's had new rear brakes, new front pads, new tyres, new headlight, new exhaust, new speedo, new battery, new clutch, blah blah blah blah blah... The list goes on.
Got the clutch done two weeks ago, and since having that done it's been a bit funny at start-up. About 50% of the time it'll start fine, but the other 50% of the time it'll start, rev itself up to about 3,000 rpm, dash/headlights dim, then it cuts out. I'm not saying it's anything linked with the clutch being changed, but it's only been like that since.
Also, similar problem as above, sometimes when I pull out of a parking space it'll seem like I'm about to stall it, the revs will drop right down and all the lights will dim, then it'll come back to life and the revs will come up again, then it'll "die" again, then it'll be fine and drive away like nothings happened. Again, only done that since it's had the new clutch. Any ideas why?
Cheers Last edited by kippo2012 on Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
#2: Re: Dodgy starts/cutting out Author: V9977, Location: Athens, GreecePosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:10 pm ---- Check the earth straps both at the battery and beneath the ECU.
When changing clutch you have to undo the battery earth strap to the gearbox.
Did they reconnect it back-on properly afterwards?
Also check ECU earth strap beneath it.
#3: Re: Dodgy starts/cutting out Author: Quarmbo, Location: Bristol & LeicesterPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 5:44 am ---- Yep, check the Earth I would say.
#4: Re: Dodgy starts/cutting out Author: dan_manu, Location: Flintshire, North WalesPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:21 am ---- i had them symptoms (although iv not had a new clutch change yet) and it turned out to be the thermosensor
so i went to the scrappy and bought a new one for £3 and now its fine
just undo your thermo sensor and see if the symptoms go, if not then its not your sensor.
un doing the sensor will make it idle a bit higher than normal but thats fine.
good luck with the problem
#5: Re: Dodgy starts/cutting out Author: kippo2012, Location: DevonPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:30 pm ---- Went up to the garage on Friday and my mechanic reckons that if it was the loose earth leads then I'd be having more problems than just this, and a lot more often. He thought it's more likely to be something wrong with the throttle body.. It's going in tomorrow anyway so I'll find out what it actually is then hopefully.
Started it to come home from work today and just revved it up to around 1,500 rpm a few times before I left. As the revs came back down it would go right down to about 100 rpm, then struggle to stay running, and then it would come back up to about 900 rpm which is what it usually idles at when it's cold.
#6: Re: Dodgy starts/cutting out Author: V9977, Location: Athens, GreecePosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:37 pm ---- What more problems would he want from a loose/rotten earth?
Worth checking before idle stepper motor etc.
#7: Re: Dodgy starts/cutting out Author: kippo2012, Location: DevonPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:43 pm ----
V9977 wrote:
What more problems would he want from a loose/rotten earth?
Worth checking before idle stepper motor etc.
Well as an example, he said they had a Clio in a few years ago and if you were driving along and turned on the headlights, fog lights, heaters, stereo, anything on the dash basically, it would slow the car down. So if you put the heater on 1, it would slow down a bit, put it on 2, it would slow down a bit more, put it on 3, it would slow down even more etc etc... They had no idea what it was, rang Renault and it turned out that it was a loose earth behind the headlight.
But he said there could be loads of different problems from a loose earth
#8: Re: Dodgy starts/cutting out Author: bezford, Location: darlingtonPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:25 pm ---- Sounds a bit extreme?and yeah id say earth strap too-i did once mention on here,using a jump lead ,to check the earths connection or not,with the engine not started ,to join one end onto a good earth on the engine(like an engine bracket or some other solid metal connected to the block or the gearbox)and the other end onto the earth of the battery.
Start the engine and if there was an improvement in the engine as its stood ticking over(even stood at mid revs)if the revs would have improved or other complaints had improved then it would show that a new or mended earth strap would be needed
.also once the lead was removed the car should be started again and if the faults returned then that seals it-bad earth strap.however-someone slated this technique as dangerous and shouldnt be used....which i can relate to considering the current involved when cranking a car far exceeds that level which is safe,and while i do carefuly use this technique myself,i strongly advise others not to.
#9: Re: Dodgy starts/cutting out Author: kippo2012, Location: DevonPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:19 pm ---- She got plugged in today, came out as a faulty MAP sensor and inconsistent air flow..
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