#1: Jack frost aka the battery killer Author: jayz206gti, Location: TamworthPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:00 am ---- Just what you want on a monday morning, a nice dead battery! Luckily I was able to give myself a day off work. Found a discount code for euro car parts and im just off to grab a new bosch jobby for the princley sum of £55. Might even get some of my christmas shopping done whilst im at it!
#2: Re: Jack frost aka the battery killer Author: iainlovatt, Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:09 am ---- I got my battery in a thermal case in a battery box, Jack Frost won't be trying with my battery, lol.
#3: Re: Jack frost aka the battery killer Author: AndrewB, Location: Weston super MarePosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:35 pm ---- Mine died this morning too! Jumped it and drove for a while and all seems well at the moment.
Luckily it was my day off, will see how it goes when I start her for work in the morning!
Any idea where you can that case from Ian? Mine appears to be in a cloth case with two button fasteners but it's ripped.
#4: Re: Jack frost aka the battery killer Author: Seabook, Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 8:23 pm ---- just buy a battery charger or power pack...
#5: Re: Jack frost aka the battery killer Author: AndrewB, Location: Weston super MarePosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 9:41 pm ----
Seabook wrote:
just buy a battery charger or power pack...
Tis exactly what I have and used to get her going again
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