#1: Vibration On Idle... Author: propaintballa, Location: Weymouth/Leamington SpaPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:16 pm ---- Hey guys... I've just had a new lower/rear engine mount fitted and it's much better whilst driving as the engine isn't rocking back and forth anymore
But when you're sat in the car whilst it's idling, it seems to vibrate quite a lot where as before when it was idling, there was barely anything :/
I'm pretty confused about this, I'm trying to convince myself that it's normal because the new mount is stiffer, thus transferring more vibration, but that seems to be a bit counter productive
Would be great to hear from others!
#2: Re: Vibration On Idle... Author: Seabook, Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:20 pm ---- what mount did you fit?
oem or uprated?
#3: Re: Vibration On Idle... Author: propaintballa, Location: Weymouth/Leamington SpaPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:21 pm ---- Just an OEM one :/
#4: Re: Vibration On Idle... Author: DeeTurbo, Location: BedfordshirePosted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:56 am ---- If the new mount was fitted the wrong rotation that could cause your problems.
If you look at the pic above the main block of rubber goes below and above the fork, now if that is rotated 90 degrees that would make the mount absorb less vibration and you will feel it more in the car.
So, I would check this first.
Hope that makes sense.
#5: Re: Vibration On Idle... Author: propaintballa, Location: Weymouth/Leamington SpaPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:04 am ---- Thanks for the reply dude
Yeh, that makes complete sense, I took it back today and they did have time to look at it so taking it back next week
Do you think leaving it how it is (possibly rotated the wrong way) that it would damage the bush/anything else?
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