#1: Auxillary tensioner Author: Deano, Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 4:34 pm ---- Hi everyone I have tried to search on this one first but came up with nothing I have just put new engine in my gti but they was squiling coming from down the belt side having investigated a bit more I have found out the auxillary tensioner is the problem can I change it in place or will I have to take it off mounting and move engine over like doing the belt or has anyone done this in situe
#2: Re: Auxillary tensioner Author: Edward, Location: In the garagePosted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 4:38 pm ---- I replaced mine quite easily. Think it was £37 from euro car parts. Couple of 13mm bolts and it comes off.
#3: Re: Auxillary tensioner Author: Deano, Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:20 pm ---- I have the part it was still on new engine luckily it's the one where u press it back with a 17m spanner and put a Allen key or some thing in to hold it the belt was tight to get on So I tried to undo it but its left hand thread must of snapped it anyway its a torq bolt that holds it in and u can't get a socket and wratchet anywhere near it I have some torq allenkeys I will try them tomorrow if not I will probally have to lower that end of the engine
#4: Re: Auxillary tensioner Author: Edward, Location: In the garagePosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:19 am ---- Don't go near the torx bolt. Just remove the two bolts holding it onto the engine block. It's a 16mm spanner on the bolt to lever the tenstior out of the way.
#5: Re: Auxillary tensioner Author: Deano, Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:34 am ---- Ye that's the problem when I put the spanner on to lever it out the way the bolt is just spinning I will have a look see if I can get to the 2 bolts tonight lever it out the way some how thanks for the pic though great help
#6: Re: Auxillary tensioner Author: V9977, Location: Athens, GreecePosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 5:44 am ----
Deano wrote:
Hi everyone I have tried to search on this one first but came up with nothing I have just put new engine in my gti but they was squiling coming from down the belt side having investigated a bit more I have found out the auxillary tensioner is the problem can I change it in place or will I have to take it off mounting and move engine over like doing the belt or has anyone done this in situe
Did that timing belt change go OK?!
#7: Re: Auxillary tensioner Author: Deano, Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:41 am ---- Ye spot on mate thanks engine running sweet first go just a little problem with auxcillary tensioner which I should have sorted tonight thanks for help though they not to difficult once u understand how it works
#8: Re: Auxillary tensioner Author: Deano, Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:35 pm ---- Sorted tensioner tonight without to much trouble still a little squeak comin from down there but might run off when I start using it again get it sprayed over next few days and should be back on road by wkend
#9: Re: Auxillary tensioner Author: V9977, Location: Athens, GreecePosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:51 pm ---- Watch where you spray around there as V-belts don't like it very much.
Could be pulley bearing on the way out esp. if it goes when warmed-up after a while.
#10: Re: Auxillary tensioner Author: Deano, Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:46 pm ---- I just changed tensioner on auxillary belt not brand new though on done 39 thousand I think the noise is coming from power steering pulley I snapped pipe trying to fit it and the one from scrap. Yard was cross threaded so when I started it first time powerstering fluid went every where got on belt would that make a squeak noise of power steering fluid on belt I have fixed powerstering now might need new belt though now
#11: Re: Auxillary tensioner Author: bezford, Location: darlingtonPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:07 am ---- U will need a belt mate..try and use a bit more finnesse on these french motors mate..they aint hgv's and u seem to be havin a lot of bad luck with snaps and breaks...good luck
#12: Re: Auxillary tensioner Author: Deano, Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:48 am ---- Ye it was the top hose with the nut and flange it was solid I wd40 it but it still snapped I will put new belt on at the wk end mate need to concentrate on spraying the wing n bumper now
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