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Multiple Issues
-> 206 Problems

#1: Multiple Issues Author: commandosqueak, Location: Lower Slaughter PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 3:40 pm
Can anyone help me? I am having a few issues with my 206. I have a 1.4 HDI 52 plate. Twice now i have had my engine cut out. the fuel light came on even though i have a full tank of fuel. both the passenger and normal airbag lights the abs light the battery light the handbrake light and stop light all came on. as soon as i push the clutch peddle in the lights disappear and the revs return and engine runs as normal. engine itself runs fine all regularly serviced. i am reliant on my car as i am not only a community first responder but travel quite a way for college. im very spanner handy so know my way round a car really well. few other issues i have had not knowing whether they are related in any way. bout 9 months ago when i turned the engine off my auto lights stayed on. i had to turn lights on manually and off again, also standard radio change from cd or ipod mode to radio. I personally think i have some kind of electrical fault.... what are your thoughts? I am also losing coolant and cant see a leak. Thank you greatly in advance for any help any one can give Smile

#2: Re: Multiple Issues Author: macca1411, Location: Westhoughton, Lancashire PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 4:24 pm
Copied over from your Facebook thread so that people know what advice you have already been given and what you have tried.

Seen by 131

Jamie Burr Mate that can be a few things but have your ecu and MAFF checked .
10 December at 18:24 · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway A mate of mine said its probably a duff ecu i will check it tomorrow as its a tad dark lol. cheers
10 December at 18:26 · Like

Jamie Burr No worries mate . Engine wise it does seem like an ecu problem . Did you fit an after market head unit or have one fitted ?
10 December at 18:28 · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway nope the car is completely standard down to the radio. After my mr2 died i decided to stay standard as its cheaper and easier
10 December at 18:30 · Like

Robert Hyde im pretty certain u need to do a bsi soft reboot on the car ...u must have disconnected or flattened battery recently???anyway sumthing set it off and its a reboot it needs...the instruction are on the site but thats unaccessable at the minute...if u r stuck i will post the procedures u here...but its a lot of words sute your gonna use it before i post it up...
10 December at 18:32 via mobile · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway The battery was changed within the last six months as the cold had killed it. I followed all the instructions on 206 info for dissconnecting and reconnecting the battery. could i have fried something when i done it??
10 December at 18:35 · Like

Robert Hyde no it should be fine u just need to reset and restart the bsi...the cars brain...this happens quite a lot. ,.do u want the instruction list then???
10 December at 18:38 via mobile · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway yes please. i will give it a go and see if it makes a difference.
10 December at 18:40 · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway www.petercoopercarrepa...cedure.htm
Is that how to do it?

Peugeot BSi reboot procedure
Some of you will have already come across a strange problem when programming key...
See more
10 December at 18:44 · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Luke Calderon ^ That is pretty much the same as the one on 206info
10 December at 18:47 · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway awesome i will give it a go and hopefully it will sovle my problem
10 December at 18:48 · Like

Luke Calderon Good luck!
10 December at 18:58 · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway i have rebooted so i will wait and see if i have the same issue i know its something else. cheers for your help so far. if anyone else has any ideas in the mean time im all ears
10 December at 19:24 · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway out of interest if i was to replace the ecu how much would i be looking? i found a new ecu on ebay for 270 ish so how much would mapping be?
10 December at 19:26 · Like

Robert Hyde worked ok then...
10 December at 21:13 via mobile · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway well i havent killed anything and it all works still so i assume so. just gotta wait now and see if it does it again in the next few weeks.
Tuesday at 00:06 · Like

Neil McCall i don't think it's as simple as just changing the ecu. IIRC you will either need to connect to PP2000 to set the ecu up, or use the easier option of changing the ecu, bsi and the immo chip. All would have to come from the same donor car.
Tuesday at 00:33 via mobile · Like

Robert Hyde there's a very good chance thats all it needed...the symptoms were just right for the reboot and i had the exact same symptoms..i did the reboot and its been fine ever since...the only thing that was wrong after was the fuel gauge that went right up nut id ran out so as i tried to start her up with no juice in it confused itself but even that fixes itself over a few days and is normal now but i was told this often happens and will right itself in time and it did....moral to story...dont run out of petrol..
Tuesday at 04:24 via mobile · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway seems the soft reboot didnt work. my car done it again today TWICE.
Wednesday at 16:39 · Like

Robert Hyde i doesnt always work first go...wot symptoms are u gettin now???cant be same as before because im sure its cold weather related...are your heater plugs ok?illuminating for several seconds before u crank it over and start up???
Wednesday at 19:36 via mobile · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway yep had an mr2 so i know how to look after my car always allow the heater light to go out before turning her over. its exactly the same symptoms as before. everytime its done it the engine is up to temp. and it sits where it should
Wednesday at 19:57 · Like

Robert Hyde this is a diesel tho...ita a bit contradictory but diesels dont really suffer from the damp so it might be worth doing the reboot again seen it worked for two days its still possible it could be the answer as it dont work first time always...
Wednesday at 20:40 via mobile · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway after the reboot i drove to work and back which is 2 miles and then to college this morn. so i didnt go anywhere really. and the fact it did it twice in one journey is quite concerning
Wednesday at 20:44 · Like

Robert Hyde there's a good chance it could be the earth to the gearbox or engine...reading your orig. msg. again it doe sound like the earth straps are loose or broken somehow...check them and replace them if your not 100%positive there ok...they should be cheap but if cant afford them then get a good legnth of house cable.strip it and weave it into a good thick lead and bolt it onto the gearbox and must be thick tho or youll get smoke or worse...plaitt 3strands into one then three of these into one...thats nine into one.
Wednesday at 20:52 via mobile · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway i doubt its the earth straps other wise i would have problems more frequent. i reckon it will be worth ripping the dash out and checking all the wiring?
Wednesday at 20:55 · Like

Robert Hyde its possible to check it next time it happens by carrying a jump lead and when it goes connect the lead from the earth of the battery or another good earth on the body and put the other end of lead goes onto the gearbox then check to sre if its changed anything...if not get lead onto better connections and try...if not try the lead onto the engine instead of the gearboxand the earth on battery and check for changes again ...but it should work strait onto gearbox first...
Wednesday at 20:59 via mobile · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway problem is it only lasts a few seconds, as soon as i dip the clutch all returns to normal.
Wednesday at 21:01 · Like

Robert Hyde well i see it as when the clutch is dipped then the earth is connected thru the clutch components via the thrust bearing and the clutch ptessure plate having these and the clutch engaging arm completeing the earth part of the circuit...noe i know this sounds a bit unlikely but i know of two cases at least where this has happened and considering the earth fault is intermittent the circuit is still using the strap route its just when it breaks and there's no circuit to it until the clutch is will cost nothing to eliminate the point...
Wednesday at 22:17 via mobile · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway i will look at the earthing straps over the weekend and clean up any connections. it does sound unlikely but i suppose its worth a shot.
Wednesday at 22:31 · Like

Robert Hyde are the lites that lite up the same ones that do when you turn the engine off but leave the ignition on when u stall it???exactly everyone i mean? which is different if any?
Wednesday at 23:09 via mobile · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway they are the same lights each time but NOT the same as if i stall. just to reiterate the fuel light came on even though i have a full tank of fuel. both the passenger and normal airbag lights, the abs light, the battery light, the handbrake light and stop light all came on.
Wednesday at 23:13 · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway when i stall its just the battery handbrake and oil light.
Wednesday at 23:14 · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway Dont know whether it will make a difference but i have noticed im loosing coolant, can see any obvious leeks but then ive not had a good look yet. my uncle said it could be the head going?
Yesterday at 21:27 · Like

Robert Hyde did u try the earth straps?i cant see alny connection really but it needs eliminating...check the oil on the dipstick and the filler cap to see if any whiteish gunkyayonaise like stuff is present...that would be water/coolant in the oil...
21 hours ago via mobile · Like

Robert Hyde gunky mayonaise like stuff that is
21 hours ago via mobile · Like

Robert Hyde u r gonna have to get your wallet out i reckon... u need the codes reading and a gas test doing on the coolant hasses to test for engine gasses in the coolant that shouldnt be there...they just put testing fluid into a hydrometre then connect it to the ecpansion tank and with engine running it changes colour if gasses are present which means head gasket gone ...and big bucks if it has.
21 hours ago via mobile · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway ....any one wanna buy a 206 haha
2 hours ago · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway to add to it all i got a leak from the aerial and now my exhaust is falling off
2 hours ago · Like

Neil McCall The aerial should be an easy fix. Unbolt from the inside, put some silicone sealant around the the gasket where it joins the roof, then re-tighten from the inside. The exhaust slightly harder but if your handy with the spanners it's something you could...See More
about an hour ago · Like

Robert Hyde aerials the dipper and oil filler cap oil or oil and whiteish stuff?
about an hour ago via mobile · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway no there isnt. but that doesnt mean its leaking into the cyclinder
54 minutes ago · Like

Ashley Craig Hathaway moving to forum now its back online
47 minutes ago · Like

#3: Re: Multiple Issues Author: commandosqueak, Location: Lower Slaughter PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 5:54 am
Thanks buddy. i didnt think of that haha

#4: Re: Multiple Issues Author: commandosqueak, Location: Lower Slaughter PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:13 pm
Update: i have fixed the leak from the aerial and have sorted my exhaust problem haven't had chance to put in on any diagnostics yet due to family problems. has anyone got any suggestions as to whats causing the cut out/ dash board xmas tree Smile

#5: Re: Multiple Issues Author: commandosqueak, Location: Lower Slaughter PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:11 pm
i have now solved this issue. i had the car put on diagnostics and turns out its a error with the clutch switch. my friend seems to think its because i drive with my foot on the pedal. it seems this was the case. thanks for all of you that helped me Smile

#6: Re: Multiple Issues Author: novatron1_2, Location: fife PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:26 pm
commandosqueak wrote:
i have now solved this issue. i had the car put on diagnostics and turns out its a error with the clutch switch. my friend seems to think its because i drive with my foot on the pedal. it seems this was the case. thanks for all of you that helped me Smile

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo don't do this!

You'll also knacker your clutch release bearing!

-> 206 Problems

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