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206 2.0 HDI Cambelt Change!!
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#1: 206 2.0 HDI Cambelt Change!! Author: Stevion PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 4:08 am
Hi guys,

Im new here and unfortunately my first post isn't a happy one!

I have a 206 2.0 HDI 2001

My waterpump decided to self destruct whilst on the motorway Crying or Very sad

The car still runs (although not recommended) so had to be towed home.

And now im left needing to change my cambelt (to be safe) and waterpump the weekend before christmas.

If there is anyone on here located in the nottingham area who has done one before and wouldnt mind lending a hand i would be eternally greatful.

I will gladly throw in a crate of beer or other posion of choice!

Also I can offer £50 to any good samaritan wanting to help me out Wink

#2: Re: 206 2.0 HDI Cambelt Change!! Author: bezford, Location: darlington PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:00 pm
Yeah sounds like a good offer its a shsme im up north or i would help....sorry mate...good luck tho.

#3: Re: 206 2.0 HDI Cambelt Change!! Author: anton1989, Location: west midlands PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:06 pm
cost me £60 in my local hi q garage. i provided the parts

#4: Re: 206 2.0 HDI Cambelt Change!! Author: 20Drift PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:13 pm
There's a good guide here on how to change the cambelt:
Other than that, I can only say, good luck!

#5: Re: 206 2.0 HDI Cambelt Change!! Author: dan_manu, Location: Flintshire, North Wales PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:13 pm
ahh so unlucky at this time of year Sad if u do get someone they know what theyr doing, as if the cambelts not tensioned enough itl jus slip off Sad

#6: Re: 206 2.0 HDI Cambelt Change!! Author: bezford, Location: darlington PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 3:40 pm
What model 206 do u have anton1989?and how long ago did u pay this price as ive got a 206gti137 2002and its done73000miles and ive had it about a year now and i didnt get much paperwork with car so i dont know if the cam belts been done and it seems there's know way of knowing so its best to assume it needs doing still to be on the safe seems thetes almost no space to work in to do this so im considering getting a garage to do it...are these good bad or indifferent when they snap a cam belt on these? ??

#7: Re: 206 2.0 HDI Cambelt Change!! Author: anton1989, Location: west midlands PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 4:35 pm
bezford wrote:
What model 206 do u have anton1989?and how long ago did u pay this price as ive got a 206gti137 2002and its done73000miles and ive had it about a year now and i didnt get much paperwork with car so i dont know if the cam belts been done and it seems there's know way of knowing so its best to assume it needs doing still to be on the safe seems thetes almost no space to work in to do this so im considering getting a garage to do it...are these good bad or indifferent when they snap a cam belt on these? ??

2.0 hdi had it done about 6 weeks ago. water pump, aux belt, and cambelt kit fitted. i bought the parts from peugeot they fitted

my car came with no history so just had it done to be safe.

snapped cambelt will cost you alot more then replacing it now mate

#8: Re: 206 2.0 HDI Cambelt Change!! Author: bezford, Location: darlington PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 5:02 pm
Nice have to get mine sorted...what did our friends at peugeot relieve you of for your parts then???i wander if the prices change from region to region/dealer to dealer???more than likely will but its life i guess..

#9: Re: 206 2.0 HDI Cambelt Change!! Author: Stevion PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:18 am
Well I decided agianst doing the job myself as it is cold and raining Sad

Parts cost me £62 for cambelt kit and waterpump - not bad i thought!

But labour to change them over will be £210 - seemed pricey to me but i guess it is the last few days before christmas, should count myself lucky they can fit me in.

All being well will be back with me friday afternoon.

Took the plastic cover off to have a look at the cambelt and its loose as fook! can almost turn it all the way around, i think im lucky it didnt cause more damage/break.

#10: Re: 206 2.0 HDI Cambelt Change!! Author: chuckstar34, Location: London/Worcester/ Grimsby PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 6:59 am

Ive just decided to check mine, and I found to be a slack as a street girls Knickers! So im gald i checked it. But...I decided to change it my self. Done belts before, bit fiddly but got it off and put new one on with a pump and wheels etc. Now the problem.e The belt keeps trying to slide off??? Refitted adjuster and and retightened by hand.......starts but belt walks toward the edge of the cogs ?? Now Im assuming ive got some thing a bit p**sed, and the only thing i can think of it might be is the water pump. It didnt have a gasket when i took the old leaking rattly one out , I call it a dry face fit, but i got a gasket with the pump so decided to put it in to be safe.....Does any one know if this my failing and i need to remove it?? Im gonna assume it

Anyone ?


#11: Re: 206 2.0 HDI Cambelt Change!! Author: bezford, Location: darlington PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 10:00 am
Wrong belt tensioing?too loose or too tight.
.or warped belt??? U did put the bottom pulley cover/plate on proply??? And i dont mean the plastic housing that covers the whole belt assembly in two parts???this is a new one on me...

#12: Re: 206 2.0 HDI Cambelt Change!! Author: chuckstar34, Location: London/Worcester/ Grimsby PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 11:36 am
Its a gates kit and it all looks good....being gatesasket, ill assume its all good.
I didnt put any covers on to make sure all ran square before I rebuilt it, so glad I did.
Water pump that came out didnt have a gasket on it, but i did put one on for the new pump. Im kind of leaning on the fact this may have put out a touch. The tensioner and other replacement pully i did up with fingers so cant see them being out of line. Can only be the pump really. Cross finger.

Ill take it out, remove gasket and dry fit it...

#13: Re: 206 2.0 HDI Cambelt Change!! Author: bezford, Location: darlington PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 5:16 pm
Surely it needs a gasket..and the thing adds what...half a mil?also i explained that i didnt mean the outer covers or cowels but i did mean the round metal plate that goes on the end of the bottom pulley to avoid belt run off...

If i was doing this id goto youtube and find the peugeot 206 timing belt/cam belt refitting guide to make sure everything he does on the guide had been done right on the faulty one u own...u will see the plate i mention on there on the bottom pulley aswell...

#14: Re: 206 2.0 HDI Cambelt Change!! Author: chuckstar34, Location: London/Worcester/ Grimsby PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 9:31 pm
Bez, cant find the youtube clip you mention?? None are on an hdi unit, and mine doesnt have said plate??

#15: Re: 206 2.0 HDI Cambelt Change!! Author: chuckstar34, Location: London/Worcester/ Grimsby PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 7:43 am
Well, if i fitt all the new kit bits, and put the old belt on, it runs belt runs off??? Ive swapped the bits a round to see if I can identify whats wrong....but im struggling. ive got a new belt from supplier so once ive idented the issue i can fit a new belt instead of the one im trying to play with.

Nothings easy is it. Bez, Seems im either missing this plate from a previous fit or mine doesnt have one???

I expect there's no real answer to the probably apart from keep trying.

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