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Need Help- sounds like a pnuematic drill when i accelerate
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#16: Re: Need Help- sounds like a pnuematic drill when i accelerate Author: bezford, Location: darlington PostPosted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:28 am
If u havnt eliminated exhaust already start car and run in tickover then while running get w cloth in your hand and hold it over the exhausts opening at the back of the car...hold it there for just a few seconds and see if gasses are "blowing"along the length of the whole exhaust???u should be able to pin point a leak in the approximate site of any leak by the hissing,blowing noise...if it has a leak that is....try not to breath the gasses tho.
If u do it alone first to see if there is a hiss/blow and if u hear a leak but cant locate it get someone else to hold the rag over the end of the exhaust...dont cover it for over 5seconds or so...
Dont forget to lift the bonnet because the blow may be coming from the manifold???let us know...

#17: Re: Need Help- sounds like a pnuematic drill when i accelera Author: FAS1950, Location: Lancashire PostPosted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 5:38 pm
Hi Bezford

Many thanks for advise, I went out in it today on a 30 mile round journey. It is now Missfiring on start up and still very noisy on acceleration. There is a loss in power, in so much its taking longer to build up speed, once i reach 50mph and above and cruise, come of the accelorater; the noise stops. It starts again as soon as i use accelorater or when the autobox changes down the gears. I will get the garage to look at it after Boxing Day when they reopen. I will ask them to use a code reader to get any fault numbers, will then post the results on here.


#18: Re: Need Help- sounds like a pnuematic drill when i accelerate Author: E5GDM, Location: Essex PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 12:50 am
Seems to much of a coincidence that its not got something to do with the cam belt. & I still reckon you should not be driving it till you 'at least' check the tensioner.

#19: Re: Need Help- sounds like a pnuematic drill when i accelera Author: FAS1950, Location: Lancashire PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 7:11 am

Thanks for your assessment/reply, Im thinking that way as well now, (CAM realated) as the loud tapping sound on acceleration, sounds like something is hitting something when i accelerate. BUt, i no very little, just basing it on my replies from the brill members on here. I still have not heard back from garage as yet, rang today and left a message on answerphone. Which suits me actually as i have gone down with Bronchitus, and don't really want to have to go out in the damp. I Will ring them again tomorrow, but its looking like they must be closed until next week. I am a member of the RAC, but all they will do, is take me to a garage if they cant fix it, and if they are closed, there is no point in me ringing RAC. Thanks again for taking time to reply.


#20: Re: Need Help- sounds like a pnuematic drill when i accelerate Author: E5GDM, Location: Essex PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:18 pm
It might just be the belt hitting something due to a cover not being replaced properly, or the tensioner not adjusted correctly. Get well soon as well Smile

#21: Re: Need Help- sounds like a pnuematic drill when i accelera Author: FAS1950, Location: Lancashire PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 8:23 am
Thanks for that, E5GDM, sorry for delay in replying still poorly and still no reply from Garage. Think they must have closed until after New Year.

Smile Happy New Year to you all.

#22: Re: Need Help- sounds like a pnuematic drill when i accelera Author: FAS1950, Location: Lancashire PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:54 pm

I am on the mend now, at last; rearing to go now. I Will ring RAC tommorow and go from there. The garage has not replied, I have sent 4 e-mails and left one phone message over the Christmas/Newyear Period. I dont intend to go back to this garage, as i have left 4 e-mails and 1 phone message since 23rd December!!! I have been really ill, and have had no reply from them! After they did all work ( cost me over £300.00) for an MOT and then a week later the Cam Belt; because they could not do it at the same time as MOT as they were to busy. Thats when the problems started with my car.

#23: Re: Need Help- sounds like a pnuematic drill when i accelerate Author: E5GDM, Location: Essex PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:21 pm
If it turns out to be a problem with the cam belt, get an engineers report & try to get your money back from the garage that fitted it.

#24: Re: Need Help- sounds like a pnuematic drill when i accelera Author: paulspug, Location: Spalding lincolnshire PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:20 pm
ermm you have checked the oil level havent you?
dont believe the display if it says ok - best to manually check just to be sure Rolling Eyes

#25: Re: Need Help- sounds like a pnuematic drill when i accelera Author: FAS1950, Location: Lancashire PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:25 am

Thanks very much for advise lads, still no contact from garage and I am waiting for a dry day to ring RAC and get a report. Then i will go and see them if they are fault. I havnt checked oil yet, but i have asked the garage had they topped it up along with lots of other questions. I will check oil level shortly, if it is above the marker, how would i drain some out? as Ive never done this before?
Thanks in advance.

#26: Re: Need Help- sounds like a pnuematic drill when i accelerate Author: E5GDM, Location: Essex PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:11 am
If its too high you'd need to remove the sump plug & drain some out.

#27: Re: Need Help- sounds like a pnuematic drill when i accelera Author: FAS1950, Location: Lancashire PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:21 am
Thanks for that, it is too high.

FAS Smile

#28: Re: Need Help- sounds like a pnuematic drill when i accelera Author: FAS1950, Location: Lancashire PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:45 pm
Hi All

Thanks for all of your help and advise on my car issues, i managed to talk to the garage owner this afternoon and have arranged to take my car there on Monday for them to look at, he said if its their fault he will fix it. I willl get the RAC out on Monday and get them to look at it and then take me to garage if they cant fix it. Garage said they havnt put any oil in my car otherwise they would have charged me for it! When i mentioned it could be the Timing belt he seemed to go on the defensive saying, we were only asked to fit the timing belt and thats all what we would have done! I will keep you all informed on what transpires to be the problem.

FAS Very Happy

#29: Re: Need Help- sounds like a pnuematic drill when i accelerate Author: kandlbarrett, Location: Swindon PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:00 pm
Update will be interesting.

#30: Re: Need Help- sounds like a pnuematic drill when i accelerate Author: bezford, Location: darlington PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:32 pm
Too much oil is best lowered by oil filter removal...providing you can get it off and on without damage...

The filter is better because u only take a filters worth at a time...full sump plug off will go all over and be difficult to get the plug back in with oil gushing out...

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