#1: How can I make it look like this? Author: Timon2210, Location: PalestinePosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:56 am ---- Hello my friends,well i bought an exhaust trim,and waiting for it to arrive this week,so i would like to make my exhaust look like this (pics down)with the trim and all,but since I live in Palestine,we don't have a GTI 180 orginal exhaust as you do in the UK,so it's hard to have the same look,i thought of buying one from there,but it will cost me a fortune just to ship it here.
So I'm hoping that you will give me ideas on how to make it look like this pictuer,because i know that all of you got smart ideas,and you always find a solution to this kind of stuff,I'm counting on you guys,and help always welcomed,thank you in advance,and sorry for the long thread.
#2: Re: How can I make it look like this? Author: Seb, Location: Under your bedPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:05 pm ---- I am guessing you can't get your hands on just a generic backbox with that type of trim on it?
#3: Re: How can I make it look like this? Author: BrEvY, Location: WiganPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:05 pm ---- Get a custom made back box made up??
#4: Re: How can I make it look like this? Author: Timon2210, Location: PalestinePosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:45 pm ----
Seb wrote:
I am guessing you can't get your hands on just a generic backbox with that type of trim on it?
no,i can't :(,it would be so nice if i can retrofit a GTI 180 OEM exhaust :),no need for welding,or having the handles mesured and all
#5: Re: How can I make it look like this? Author: Lee, Location: EnglandPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:47 pm ---- Why wouldn't you need to weld?
The GTi180 exhaust goes across the spare wheel cage, whereas on a normal car it goes straight-ish
#6: Re: How can I make it look like this? Author: Timon2210, Location: PalestinePosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:22 am ----
Lee wrote:
Why wouldn't you need to weld?
The GTi180 exhaust goes across the spare wheel cage, whereas on a normal car it goes straight-ish
I don't want to weld beacause I'm not sure it gonna be looking good,it would be good if someone got pics of a welded one,so that i can look for universal one look like it,and do the welding and all,so if you got pics plz send it to me.
#7: Re: How can I make it look like this? Author: rudebwoi93, Location: LondonPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:12 pm ----
Timon2210 wrote:
Lee wrote:
Why wouldn't you need to weld?
The GTi180 exhaust goes across the spare wheel cage, whereas on a normal car it goes straight-ish
I don't want to weld beacause I'm not sure it gonna be looking good,it would be good if someone got pics of a welded one,so that i can look for universal one look like it,and do the welding and all,so if you got pics plz send it to me.
I know nothing about this stuff, but as far as im aware, you have to weld no matter what... You must have bodyshops in palestine right? - Why can't u just look around for a dual exhaust backbox that looks similar to the gti180 one, it wont be a 180 one, but itll be close... then just get it welded on by the pros... I think a cheap/bodge job is one of those splitter things, it changes one exhaust tip into two, ive seen thtem around but they are s**t frankly, and i wouldnt recommend it! - Good luck mate.
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