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206 1.9 Diesel running lumpy
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-> 206 Problems

#1: 206 1.9 Diesel running lumpy Author: apache1311 PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:16 pm
Hi All

new here and first post

i just bought me a 206 1.9d LX. We car runs really well and other times it does not.

I could be driving about for 2 or 3 days and not a hiccup, then randomly its runs really really lumpy and the engine will not idle

this could last for couple minutes, and then it goes really well again. It could run lumpy again 5 mins later or 1 day later.

When it runs lumpy, i see a lot of white smoke coming out the back and has a loss of power like it is off an injector and then it just rights its self and away we go.

it is so random. could turn car on and it will idle for 2 hours and not a miss a beat or could turn car on and every couple minutes it cuts out and couple
minutes later again it could idle for 2 hours again and not miss a beat.

Has anyone seen this problem before

Any advice or help be great



#2: Re: 206 1.9 Diesel running lumpy Author: apache1311 PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:21 pm
Just an update

I have took the egr value off and cleaned it and made no difference.

Actually 2 days after doing it, the car has got worse.

It is like it is only running on 3 cylinders. it is def off a cylinder

white smoke coming out the back and no power, then all of a sudden is will right itself and go as normal again.

This could last 2 miniutes or two days

it is doing my head in

Do you think it is a faulty injector or is it still the egr value needs replaced

or is it something else




#3: Re: 206 1.9 Diesel running lumpy Author: richpowell91, Location: Melton Mowbray Leicestershire PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:27 pm
Checked your coolant level recently?

#4: Re: 206 1.9 Diesel running lumpy Author: kandlbarrett, Location: Swindon PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:02 pm
Do a full service including the fuel filter. You may find that the fuel filter is almost full of water or even missing allowing water to get to the injectors.

richpowell91 also has a point; it could be the beginning of a head gasket and coolant could be getting into the cylinders.

EDIT: forgot to say if this is a garage purchase take it back and get it fixed for free.

#5: Re: 206 1.9 Diesel running lumpy Author: novatron1_2, Location: fife PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:07 pm
Take off the flexi pipe between the airfilter box and the plastic inlet manifold and see if the EGR is allowing exhaust gases through when it's idling. I blocked mine off by putting a 10p between the metal pipe and the valve and then putting the clamp back on.

#6: Re: 206 1.9 Diesel running lumpy Author: apache1311 PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:25 pm
Cheers for the quick replies guys

I changed the fuel and air filter and oil filter already. that was the first thing i did couple weeks ago

I will double check the coolant level. I put a new starter in it 3 weeks ago, so had to remove rad hose and it was getting in my way and i checked it for the next couple days afterwards and it seemed fine.

the we car is great for a we roundabout for me as i got cheap. just wish i could get this problem resolved

will take intake air pipe off (will put pipe back after) and remove the the electrical connector to the egr and then block off the exhaust pipe going into the egr and see what happens

will keep u updated

thanks all


#7: Re: 206 1.9 Diesel running lumpy Author: novatron1_2, Location: fife PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 5:51 pm
Let us know what happens, they are great wee cars, I put 100,000 on mine with only one breakdown, until I drowned it Sad

#8: Re: 206 1.9 Diesel running lumpy Author: bezford, Location: darlington PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 5:57 am
Before u spend money just go get the codes say its an injector like u mentioned but get those codes done first of all...

#9: Re: 206 1.9 Diesel running lumpy Author: apache1311 PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 3:56 pm
Hi All

Just an update an a question.

Could not get the code reader. Going to take a couple days.

Could not wait, car doing my head in, it has got so bad that it is not drivable, so pulled the injectors out and they are away to be tested.

Car is really really smokey when it runs lumpy, people are staying about 10 metres behind me Sad its embarrassing lol

For a whole day it went like crap, then when i was about to start working on it, boom!! goes like a dream again.

My question is, 3 of the injectors are lucas and the other is dephi.

The dephi one has a wire that goes to a connector, so take it is a sensor of some sort. Why does only one have a sensor and why of a different manufacturer.

just curious



#10: Re: 206 1.9 Diesel running lumpy Author: KrisB, Location: RH5 - Near gatwick PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:09 pm
Quick question... Is this a DI or IDI engine/pump? Aka... did you use 27mm socket to get the injectors out? Or 13mm socket?

Sounds almost definately like a dirty injector eitherway.

#11: Re: 206 1.9 Diesel running lumpy Author: apache1311 PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:40 am

sigh............... Mad

Got injectors tested and all are fine.

The injector guy, believes it is drawing in air somewhere, either at the filter housing or a lose pipe. Advised me to check all connections etc.

I changed the filter, but problem was happening before i changed the filter.

Over the time period it has been getting worse. Sometimes turning car of and on would resolve issue temporary and sometimes it would not

The injectors came out with a 27mm socket.

What i did notice when i was removing the injectors was that three were pretty tight but one of them was very easy to loosen. Took next to no effort to loosen.

Another, this injector was also very black around the threads but the others were not. possibly could have been to loose and drawing in air there.

its a thought Rolling Eyes

any other ideas please



#12: Re: 206 1.9 Diesel running lumpy Author: kandlbarrett, Location: Swindon PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:32 am
Check for leaks as suggested including every air pipe no matter how small that pipe is.

Has removing and refitting the injectors changed anything? You may have disturbed whatever is defective just doing that. It will add to the overall picture.

Are all electrical connections tight including those on all sensors and even connections on any sensors on exhaust?

You may have a loose connection.

Failing MAP, MAF, lambda or bad connection / intermittent connection on one?

Get those fault codes read.

EDIT: How it works(ish)
The issue with most modern cars is that if one cylinder is not running correctly and gives a poor exhaust emmission the car makes adjustments to all cylinders in an attempt to correct it. So an air leak drawing air into the exhast before the lambda sensor the lambda will "see" the car running lean and the ECU will throw more fuel at all cylinders. The lamba can only operate in a very narrow band and the excess fuel can then make it give up trying to cope. There are many other combinations of what will happen with air leaks depending if the leak is in the intake or in the exhaust and what sensors those leaks are before or after. Air leaks make carburretored cars do wierd things but modern engines with their self correcting electronic feed back circuits can be a bugger to diagnose.
Equally one injector failing and leaking fuel and the lambda will see it running rich and lean off all the injectors.
Some of the very latest cars have more sensors, some have a lambda on every cylinder and in that case the fault codes are specific to each cylinder and much easier to find "the" fault.

#13: Re: 206 1.9 Diesel running lumpy Author: 206lxdmart, Location: staffs PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:43 am
i had the same problem on mine and pugparts said it was the fuel pump get that checked

#14: Re: 206 1.9 Diesel running lumpy Author: apache1311 PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:23 pm
sigh sigh sigh sigh..............

Got injectors back and put back in and you guessed change

also read the car brain and no errors on the system.

checks pipes and cannot see anything.

again it is still random, sometimes it happens, sometimes not.....errrrrrrr!!!

not sure what else to try

new pump

new engine Very Happy

#15: Re: 206 1.9 Diesel running lumpy Author: 206lxdmart, Location: staffs PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 12:33 pm
well im converting mine to a d turbo out of a 306 got the engine in just got to wire it up now

-> 206 Problems

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