#1: missfire problems after Head Gasket Change Author: andrewkeen, Location: Welby, lincolnshirePosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:57 am ---- Put a new head gasket on my Partners 206 1.4 8v 2002 this weekend, as was mixing water and oil like mad and a miss fire. All has gone well apart from the start up. Have checked cam/crank alignment several times and all is spot on. But it runs so very rough and miss fires, also plugs are black indicating running rich.
I have an obd-2 which I have plugged in as thier is an engine managment light, and it had thrown 2 codes and they are as such
so my question is, isit one of these sensors, or have I missed plugging somethign back in (which I cant see anything) or had oil/water got on the sensor below the cat or something else?
Thanks guys and girls.
#2: Re: missfire problems after Head Gasket Change Author: kandlbarrett, Location: SwindonPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:30 pm ---- I am assuming that "circuit malfunction" means that rather than a message suggesting readings are outside expected values.
If that is the situation then check all connectors including ones you haven't deliberately disturbed are properly secured. I really don't think it is possible to plug a connector into a wrong sensor so have a very close look at the cables connecting the sensors and connectors themselves for damage.
it may be worth cleaning the MAP sensor and it can be removed and carefully cleaned by spraying with carb cleaner. It is a very delicate sensor so do not use anything to rub it clean. Carb cleaner will strip paint so don't spray it near your car.
Are all plugs equally black?
Is there an airleak around the inlet manifold or exhaust before the lambda sensor? Either and the sensors will think the car is running lean and the ecu will throw extra fuel at it to compensate.
#3: Re: missfire problems after Head Gasket Change Author: Steve206, Location: UKPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:46 pm ---- The map sensor fault will cause the lambda fault, but as pointed out, that could be caused by an air leak into the system.
#4: Re: missfire problems after Head Gasket Change Author: kandlbarrett, Location: SwindonPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:00 pm ---- +1 excess fuel quickly destroys lambda sensors.
Personal opinion - give me old fashioned carbs (even twin 40s), mechanical advance and vacuum retard. Darned electronics and feedback (closed loop) circuits that try to self correct can be a bugger!
Shame about the pollution they cause though. Apart from that so simple.
#5: Re: missfire problems after Head Gasket Change Author: andrewkeen, Location: Welby, lincolnshirePosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:16 pm ---- Thank you for the advice guys, Ill take a look tomorrow snow permitting and let you know.
#6: Re: missfire problems after Head Gasket Change Author: kandlbarrett, Location: SwindonPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:19 pm ---- Can you clear the codes? Don't fit a new lambda until the MAP code is cleared and no longer returning.
#7: Re: missfire problems after Head Gasket Change Author: andrewkeen, Location: Welby, lincolnshirePosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:43 pm ---- yes I can clear the codes so Ill do that after the MAP sesnor.
#8: Re: missfire problems after Head Gasket Change Author: Steve206, Location: UKPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:02 pm ---- spray some wd40 around the inlet manifold, you'll see it sucking in if its leaking.
#9: Re: missfire problems after Head Gasket Change Author: andrewkeen, Location: Welby, lincolnshirePosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:03 am ---- Right the saga continues, cleaned the air flow sensor as it was covered, also the idle control valve had gone, cleaned and changed them car run better but still not right. so checked the cam timing again all seams to line up, no valves hitting and all valves travel freely when turning over with no sparks in, so did a compression test and No-2 cylinder has no compresstion, so my next question it have I set the cam 180 out or do I need to take the head back of as its something else? or is the cam 1 tooth out? tappet clearences have been checked and are good.
#10: Re: missfire problems after Head Gasket Change Author: andrewkeen, Location: Welby, lincolnshirePosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:26 am ---- Well have sussed it, bit the bulet and wipped the head back off, bent valve, but it wasnt when I put the head on, I can only assume when I fist went to turn it the water pump was frozen and it skipped a couple teeth, so Im very thankfull that its just one the one valve, and I have a spare. phew so I know what ill be doing tomorrow.
#11: Re: missfire problems after Head Gasket Change Author: richpowell91, Location: Melton Mowbray LeicestershirePosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:33 am ---- Glad youve found the fault i know how annoying head gasket trouble can be and i feared i had bent valves when i was putting mine back together and saw the belt jump a few teeth when i went to start it, luckily i got away with it.
On a side note i used to live in welby hows the pub doing now?
#12: Re: missfire problems after Head Gasket Change Author: andrewkeen, Location: Welby, lincolnshirePosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 12:23 pm ---- Seams to be going very well, havnt been in yet even though we have been here 8months, used to live in Ancaster.
#13: Re: missfire problems after Head Gasket Change Author: kandlbarrett, Location: SwindonPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:42 pm ---- After fitting cambelts I always turn the engine at least two full revolutions by hand and then recheck timing. That just checks that everything is OK and that the timing is correct.
It is also relatively easy to bend valves turning an engine by hand with the camshaft in place and no belt fitted. Seen a lot of people do that.
#14: Re: missfire problems after Head Gasket Change Author: andrewkeen, Location: Welby, lincolnshirePosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 1:35 pm ---- All sorted now, and codes cleared. Car runs spot on.
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