#1: How much coolant does it hold Author: olly, Location: west midsPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:16 pm ---- Hi all,can anyone who has changed the coolant on a 2001 1.4 8v tell me how much it holds,my manual says 7 litres i think it was ?
After flushing rad and engine out to put new coolant in,for some reason my calculations did not add up to 7 litres.I only put 4.25 litres in and the tank is full even after warming engine until fan cuts in,and opening the 2 bleed screws to remove air as filling up.
I ask as i put the water in first then when half full i was going to add the antifreeze,but only managed to get a little of it in,as i need 50/50 ratio.
cheers Olly
#2: Re: How much coolant does it hold Author: Edward, Location: In the garagePosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:28 pm ---- You can drain as much as possible but you can't drain all the coolant in the engine block.
#3: Re: How much coolant does it hold Author: P6RAF, Location: PlymouthPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:30 pm ---- As long as you put in roughly what you drained out you can't be far off.
#4: Re: How much coolant does it hold Author: Timon2210, Location: PalestinePosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:34 pm ---- always make the coolant+water mixture before,then add it,so no matter how much car takes,it will be 50/50 ration as you mixed it before adding,but still there will be water inside the engine block,and the heater matrix inside the dash,so you will add about 4-5 liters
#5: Re: How much coolant does it hold Author: olly, Location: west midsPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:53 am ---- Looks like I will be draining it all out again then,think because I flushed the rad and engine out I had removed it all,but thinking what you said there's no way it can all come out the block and heater. Cheers all
#6: Re: How much coolant does it hold Author: Edward, Location: In the garagePosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:40 am ---- You dont need to take it all out, just drain a litre of two out and top it up. Does your radiator have a drain screw?
#7: Re: How much coolant does it hold Author: olly, Location: west midsPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:51 pm ---- I just took the bottom hose off the rad and put roughly 4 litres back in it.
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