#1: Handbrake / ABS Author: deebee, Location: BirminghamPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:22 am ---- Hi guys,
I had my rear axle changed from a drum to a disc axle, well my abs light was already on after a driveshaft was replaced but after the axle was replaced the handbrake light stays on now constatly and slightly gets brighter if handbrake is applied, Ive put there abs one down to a sensor thats because i was told they could of knocked it, for the handbrake i dont have a clue! Ive searched and found out about a switch? how can i do this and is there a picture how to? another question is what happened to this site containing malware?
#2: Re: Handbrake / ABS Author: mtempsch, Location: Gothenburg, SwedenPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:42 am ---- Handbrake light is controlled by a simple switch below the lever and has no idea as to if the handbrake is actually working or not - it simply goes by the position of the lever.
Electrically the light in the dash gets +12V from a switched source and when the lever is pulled up the switch connects the other side of the light to ground and the light goes on.
The fact that the light is constantly (albeit somewhat dim) points to some sort of ground fault (the light gets an alternative, constantly available , but not so good, route to ground).
I'd look at the switch and the wiring in the neighbourhood - as they would 've had to connect new cables to the lever mechanism in that area... Could also be something coincidental up in the cluster - any other function affecting the light's intensity (indicating, wipers, lights etc etc)?
#3: Re: Handbrake / ABS Author: macca1411, Location: Westhoughton, LancashirePosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:58 am ---- Check the brake fluid level, if that's OK take the rear part of the centre trim out and check that the switch is in the right place and the connection is tight. It is possible it has been knocked when they put new cables in.
#4: Re: Handbrake / ABS Author: deebee, Location: BirminghamPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:07 am ---- put what do i do to the switch just unplug it and reattach?
and for brake fluid i know thats okay i had my handbrake tightened after to see if it was that and new fluid so ill check the switch thing, thanks guys but how will i know if its in right position is it self explan once able to see?
cheers again
#5: Re: Handbrake / ABS Author: deebee, Location: BirminghamPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 5:49 am ---- Any further help??
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