#1: clutch cable replacement Author: ct-xsi, Location: WakefieldPosted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 6:56 am ---- I think the auto adjuster is on its way out on the missis car. It very occasionally wont allow you to select a gear or knock it out of gear and there is a click from the clutch pedal when u try to clutch down when it does this.
I have fitted several to 106's and they were a pain in the balls. What are they like on a 1400 206?
Does it just have 2 nuts holding it threw the bulkhead and then onto the pedal? I cant really see how it fastens onto the pedal but assume it just hooks over it? Isit best to fit it to the pedal end first then onto the box?
#2: Re: clutch cable replacement Author: 20Drift, Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:39 am ---- This is the clutch pedal/cable assembly from Peugeot Service Box - hopefully it should help you a bit!
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