#1: Bump strip removal Author: 206gti_chris, Location: SussexPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:53 am ---- going to colour code my strips, does the front and back just pull off ? obviously the side is on with them lovely clips
#2: Re: Bump strip removal Author: Cr4zYb0y, Location: SalisburyPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:59 am ---- Front and back are also held on by torx screws
#3: Re: Bump strip removal Author: Timon2210, Location: PalestinePosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:02 pm ---- front is not held by torx,just hold it from one side,left or right,and pull it gently,and for the rear one,you need to take off 3 torx screws to take it off,the door,is a bit tricky,as you have to pull out the end of it,on the door edge,and then push it forward,some clips might be broken,and some other won't ,so you can replace them from the dealer,they are very cheap.
front is not held by torx,just hold it from one side,left or right,and pull it gently,and for the rear one,you need to take off 3 torx screws to take it off,the door,is a bit tricky,as you have to pull out the end of it,on the door edge,and then push it forward,some clips might be broken,and some other won't ,so you can replace them from the dealer,they are very cheap.
thanks mate, ill order them on ebay im more of a bargain hunter, however when it comes to vital parts its safe to say i would choose quality over quantity
thanks mate, ill order them on ebay im more of a bargain hunter, however when it comes to vital parts its safe to say i would choose quality over quantity
Just be sure you know what your dealer wants for them - often eBay prices for these little things are higher than dealer.
Other things to factor in - distance to dealer, value of getting the item -now- vs getting it in the mailbox...
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