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Think I have an intermittent elec fault? **Pic added**
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#16: Re: Think I have an intermittent elec fault? **UPDATED** Author: V9977, Location: Athens, Greece PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2013 2:48 pm
Tolkienfan001 wrote:

Codes have been read and none stored.

The issue happened again today but different. My lights were on this time. I was indicating to the left to pull up. The car beeped the lights dimmed revs dropped and indicator stopped. The car immediately went back to normal. Indicator lights revs etc.

The car almost felt like it was going to stall or cut out. But the clutch was down.

The battery has been tested and is brand new.

Am I looking at an earth fault or something else?

How many earth cables are there and where are they?


When you say tested the battery? How old is it?

Definately check every earth strap and there's quite a few.
The top of the gearbox is a good start. Also check the ones below the ECU and in the BSI area, and esp. the ones behind the headlights.
Sounds like an interminent earth somewhere.

#17: Re: Think I have an intermittent elec fault? **UPDATED** Author: Tolkienfan001, Location: Spalding PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2013 3:00 pm
The battery is 5 months old. Garage has checked it and it is 100%.

Any chance you could upload a pic with the areas with the earths marked. I know where the gearbox is so should be able to find that one...

#18: Re: Think I have an intermittent elec fault? **UPDATED** Author: Tolkienfan001, Location: Spalding PostPosted: Fri May 10, 2013 3:57 pm
I want to take a look at this sat. Anyone able to advise exactly where I am looking for these three earths?


#19: Re: Think I have an intermittent elec fault? **UPDATED** Author: donnypaul81 PostPosted: Fri May 10, 2013 8:37 pm
There's an earth at back of both head lights you might wanna take the lights out to get to these as there's little room to get to them. If you don't know how to take the lights out then start with removing the grill first just pop the black push in pins placed across the black part of the pannel next to the bonnet catch and work to either side they may be a bolt holding it in place some where can't think off top of my head but go steady when removing the grill at each edge under the lights as it may snap but it's just held in with plastic clips. Then there's 2 bolts at the top of the lights and 1 under the light where the grill once was and give the lights a jiggle they will slide out a little bit in plug them and take them out you will now see an earth bolted down just take it off and clean it up do same to both sides. When putting lights back in don't go crazy tightening them back up there only made of plastic and tend to break if over done. As for the other earth look under the car on the gear box side you will see a strap bolted to the side of the gear box somewhere and it's bolted to the inner wing. Good luck pal French cars have the worst electrical faults and tend to be the hardest to try and sort out well that's my opinion any way.

#20: Re: Think I have an intermittent elec fault? **UPDATED** Author: Tolkienfan001, Location: Spalding PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 1:15 am
Thank you that's a big help!

#21: Re: Think I have an intermittent elec fault? **UPDATED** Author: Tolkienfan001, Location: Spalding PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 3:48 am
Ok so the black cable that goes from the gearbox to the bodywork has green corrosion at the point it joins to the gearbox and battery negative cable. There is also 1/3 split at that point.

I assume this is probably my problem. Next question is we're do I get a replacement?


#22: Re: Think I have an intermittent elec fault? **UPDATED** Author: Tolkienfan001, Location: Spalding PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 4:49 am
Here is a pic


#23: Re: Think I have an intermittent elec fault? **Pic added** Author: macca1411, Location: Westhoughton, Lancashire PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 4:57 am
Gearbox earth strap is a fairly common fault. If you have the gear, you could cut it back and put a new lug on it.
Think they are only pennies to buy. You might find a local auto electrician will be able to knock one up for you. Failing that. go to a scrapyard and get a decent looking one off one of the cars.

#24: Re: Think I have an intermittent elec fault? **Pic added** Author: Tolkienfan001, Location: Spalding PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 5:03 am
Ok thanks buddy will have a look

#25: Re: Think I have an intermittent elec fault? **Pic added** Author: macca1411, Location: Westhoughton, Lancashire PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 5:30 am
Just looked on servicebox and they are £78.
Definitely a DIY or auto electrician job. You can probably buy the ring connectors for less than a £. Cut the cable back (if there is enough slack) and crimp the new ring on. If you have the gear, a touch of solder will make the connection a good one, and then a bit of heatshrink or insulation tape will tidy the cable up and slow down the corrosion.

#26: Re: Think I have an intermittent elec fault? **Pic added** Author: Tolkienfan001, Location: Spalding PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 5:32 am
Thanks my neighbour has all the tools so we will give it a go. Smile

#27: Re: Think I have an intermittent elec fault? **Pic added** Author: V9977, Location: Athens, Greece PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 5:47 am
That doesn't look too bad though.

Have a check at all the other ones too while you're at it.
Esp. the one at the ECU below it somewhere and possibly in the cabin for the BSI.

I take it you've checked the ones behind the headlights..
No need to take them off just to examine if they're OK.

#28: Re: Think I have an intermittent elec fault? **Pic added** Author: Tolkienfan001, Location: Spalding PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 6:03 am
Yea I have. Where is the one in the cabin?

#29: Re: Think I have an intermittent elec fault? **Pic added** Author: V9977, Location: Athens, Greece PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 6:42 am
It should be in the fuse/BSI compartment and you might have to un-clip the BSI and have a good rumage-around in there (behind the fuse panel), being careful not to disturb or break anything too much.

#30: Re: Think I have an intermittent elec fault? **Pic added** Author: Tolkienfan001, Location: Spalding PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 6:50 am
V9977 wrote:
It should be in the fuse/BSI compartment and you might have to un-clip the BSI and have a good rumage-around in there (behind the fuse panel), being careful not to disturb or break anything too much.

Ok thanks

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