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Handling Upgrade Noooooob
-> 206 Talk

#1: Handling Upgrade Noooooob Author: RyanC206 PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 5:04 pm
Hi all

I want to get better handling on my 03 1.4 206.

there's a lot of understeer. Currently running 14 inch alloys on standard suspension.

I plan on going to 16 inch nimrods with lower profile tyres.

If I buy a coilover kit, for example this...

Would I still have to adjust the torsion bar? I just want to try this low cost option before exploring further.

Thanks for the help!

#2: Re: Handling Upgrade Noooooob Author: pete_206, Location: Ash, Surrey PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 5:54 pm
Hey there, I've just literally got a new car but have had a 1.4glx for about 6 years now. My car was lowered at the front only 25mm. I didn't lower the torsion bar... which I still regret. Get it all done at the same time otherwise it'll just look silly. The only reason I never did mine was due to going up and down the country on a regular basis with quite abit of weight in the car.. so even with the car at standard height at the back, I used to just about get away with it sometimes.

As for low cost.. by all means keep a budget in mind, but don't go with a rock bottom budget. Save up a tad and do it decently.. you'll reap the benefits. If you are looking for some 16" alloys, I have a near perfect set of Tempests I may be putting up for sale. Sprayed in gunmetal and very rare.. PM if interested and I'll send over some pics

#3: Re: Handling Upgrade Noooooob Author: Ghosty, Location: Wiltshire PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:34 am
pete a set of 16" tempest went for sale on ebay a day or so ago, for like £50, ok they were silver not gunmetal but the colour is not to hard to sort out,

Edit: just checked ebay as i had them on my watch list: they went for £75

heres the listing :

#4: Re: Handling Upgrade Noooooob Author: 206gt160, Location: Blackburn PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:43 am
The rear torsion bar needs adjusting and its not really a hard job to do as long as you have the right tools to pull the bars out.. which is literaly a large socket and an 8mm bolt and washer to suit.

once there out its just a case of lifting the rear leg up to what ever the desired height is and then refit the Torsion bar with plenty of grease.. you do this for both rear legs.

there's a few plates needed to be taken off with torx bits to get to the torsion bars but thats about it really.

There is a few threads on this forum and there will also be a few on google if you do a search.

One write up i read had a + or - tolerance of 5mm. think it might have been 5mm less than the desired height to allow for bedding in.

#5: Re: Handling Upgrade Noooooob Author: Edward, Location: In the garage PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:44 am
Don't buy cheap coilovers. They're crap.
Spend some more money on a new set of normal Koni springs and dampers.

#6: Re: Handling Upgrade Noooooob Author: Andrew, Location: Black Country Ay I PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:28 pm
pete_206 wrote:
I have a near perfect set of Tempests I may be putting up for sale. Sprayed in gunmetal and very rare.. PM if interested and I'll send over some pics

You didn't happen to buy them from -Dave- did you? He bought those from me when I had them freshly done, gutted I didn't keep them!

As for OP, I definately agree don't go too low budget. I was a cheapo when I upgraded my suspension (Apex) and whilst it made a world of difference in handling, the car didn't handle nearly as well as the other cars at Donington track French Car Show. I find myself saving some for a H&R kit with shortened dampers and a bit lower at the front. Wish I would have saved a bit longer and got it right first time.

#7: Re: Handling Upgrade Noooooob Author: RyanC206 PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:24 pm
Rather than cheap coilies, should I spend similar monies on a good spring/shock set up for the front with just the torsion bar lowered at the back.

Would I benefit from having 206GTI suspension?

Not sure on the torsion bar... Anyone in the WEst Midlands want to do it for me when im ready and ill sort some beer monies!

-> 206 Talk

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