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2002 NFU engined XSI losses throttle when up to temp
-> 206 Problems

#1: 2002 NFU engined XSI losses throttle when up to temp Author: tomhutchings PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 4:19 pm
Hi this is my first post on here and hoping you guys can help me. The car is a friends rally car I help run, basically it runs mint, sounds nice and crisp and when driven it goes well and revs nicely right through the rev range.

I had the car running the last week till the fan cut in 4 or 5 times while i rang the owner to inform him of our progress. Jumped in and drove it up the road did 2 miles or so then sat in a line of traffic for a minute it coughed a little so went to rev it to clear it and there was no throttle response at all. So clutched it up the kerb onto the grass and turned it off sat there for 10 mins to let it cool down, started it and drove it back to my garage no problems went like stink on the way back. Scanned it and its got TPS circuit A and TPS circuit B had a spare TPS so tried that and it still does the same.

Any ideas ?

Does anyone have a wiring diagram for this engine ?

#2: Re: 2002 NFU engined XSI losses throttle when up to temp Author: V9977, Location: Athens, Greece PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 5:19 pm
Is the right TPS definately fitted?

Has it been recently replaced and if so, was PP2000 used in 'replacement part procedure' to reset the range?

#3: Re: 2002 NFU engined XSI losses throttle when up to temp Author: tomhutchings PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 5:36 pm
Are there different types ? Both i have at the moment look identical but i know this doesnt mean anything. I set the cold idle and the hot idle by letting it run up to the fan cutting in without revving it, but no i have no access to PP2000, is that Peugeot planet ?

#4: Re: 2002 NFU engined XSI losses throttle when up to temp Author: V9977, Location: Athens, Greece PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 7:48 pm
Yes, it's Planet.

But it sounds like a setup I don't know so someone else might be more helpfull?

I thought idle was ECU controlled so how did you set it?

My appologies, I thought this was a usuall TPS issue on a normal 206.

In any case, if the TPS have the same part numbers on them and the problem remains unchanged, I would think there's a wiring/other issue involved as you say.

-> 206 Problems

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