#16: Re: Running hot Author: Sotirios, Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 7:30 am ---- Car parked on level ground: Yes.
Expansion bottle cap removed: is that the coolant reservoir bottle? I had it shut.
Heating to the cabin: Setting in hot but the fan was shut.
I let it warm until the radiator fan whiched on.
#17: Re: Running hot Author: V9977, Location: Athens, GreecePosted: Tue May 21, 2013 7:47 am ----
Sotirios wrote:
Expansion bottle cap removed: is that the coolant reservoir bottle? I had it shut.
Needs to be open.
You have to squeeze the top pipe and see for possible bubles in the reservoir.
Let the bleed points open for quite a while and careful you don't burn yourself.
#18: Re: Running hot Author: eddie206, Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 7:53 am ---- Just to make sure people know they need coolant/antifreeze in there cooling systems...its not just antifreeze to stop freezing but it also helps to keep the system cool.
Its vital to have a good correct amount of coolant/antifreeze in the car as water alone will not cut the muuusttaard...say i.
#19: Re: Running hot Author: Sotirios, Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 4:22 pm ---- Hi all, it's me again.
I did everything mentioned above.
Some air (bubbles) came out from the allen bleed point. Nothing from the rear one (I managed to lose the tap, which I successfully replaced with a tap from my bicycle!).
But, apart from a slight improvement, the problem is still there.
I am able to keep the coolant temperature between 90 and 100 using the cabin heater on maximoum setting.
Any other ideas?
#20: Re: Running hot Author: V9977, Location: Athens, GreecePosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 5:58 pm ---- Γειά σου Σωτήρη,
It could be thermostat stuck closed, still clogged collant system/radiator or loose waterpump fins..
Sounds like it would need to be looked-at at this stage if you are still not happy with the engine temps.
#21: Re: Running hot Author: Sotirios, Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:11 am ---- Hi all.
I did everything that was mentioned before.
There was some air (bubbles)coming out from the allen bleed point.
No air came from the back bleeding point. I did manage to lose the cap, which successfully replaced by one from my bike!
There has only been a slight improvement but the problem is still there.
I can keep the coolant's temperature between 90 and 100+ most of the times by setting the cabin's temperature to max hot.
Any ideas?
#22: Re: Running hot Author: Sotirios, Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:14 am ---- Thank you all for the advises.
(I posted twice as I thought my first message did not get through)
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