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Air Con and Heater problem
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#16: Re: Air Con and Heater problem Author: philb205/405/206 PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:34 am
Yes, my panel is the second one. The air con light illuminates when pressed. Do you mean the resistor which is visible when the blower motor has been removed ? If not where exactly do I find it and how do I know if it is faulty?

Many thanks

#17: Re: Air Con and Heater problem Author: Deckchair5, Location: Bath UK PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:55 am
Tackle it logically, you say you have proved you have a live arriving at the fan motor, that's good and shows no problem with fuses on the supply line. You say the motor works when powered externally so no problem with the motor. So all the motor needs is an earth to complete the circuit which seems to be lacking. You didn't say whether you had checked the fan earth line so that would be the next step. You can check it for near 0 resistance to earth with a multimeter

Or, as a test, provide your own earth and connect a wire of the same thickness as the fan earth wire from the fan motor earth to the battery earth as it's close by. If the motor now works then there's your answer, you have an earth side problem

You can check your resistor pack by checking for a change in voltage on the fan supply line for the different fan switch positions, then you know the fan speed selector switch and the resistor pack are fully functional

The A/C control will also probably go to the same earth so if you cure one problem then it may cure the other

#18: Re: Air Con and Heater problem Author: philb205/405/206 PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:15 pm
Electrical is not my strong point, how do I identify the fan earth wire and supply?

#19: Re: Air Con and Heater problem Author: Deckchair5, Location: Bath UK PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:28 pm
Assuming you have two wires finally going into the fan after the resistor pack then one will be supply and the other will be earth. Earth is pin 1 of the 2 large pin connector at the fan on this drawing but once you have found the live power supply pin then it will be the other one.

Peugeot changed the way they controlled the fan motor entirely somewhere along the line from controlling the positive supply voltage, to later models which had constant 12v supply and the path to earth is the controller

Can't promise this is your circuit but this is the only one I have of a 206 with resistor pack controlled cabin heater fan

The MC20 earth point I believe is somewhere near the base of the front door sill

#20: Re: Air Con and Heater problem Author: philb205/405/206 PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:55 pm
The connection into the fan motor has two wires as you said. One is red and one is black, is it as simple as red is live and black is negative earth. From the wiring diagram it seems the wire going to pin 1/earth on the fan is labelled as 12.1, is that correct?
Once identified, shall I run a wire from the live connector block to the fan and another wire from the fan earth to my battery earth to test?

#21: Re: Air Con and Heater problem Author: Deckchair5, Location: Bath UK PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:02 pm
The connection into the fan motor has two wires as you said. One is red and one is black, is it as simple as red is live and black is negative earth.
yes Smile

From the wiring diagram it seems the wire going to pin 1/earth on the fan is labelled as 12.1, is that correct?

yes but it'll be easily identified as the black wire

Once identified, shall I run a wire from the live connector block to the fan and another wire from the fan earth to my battery earth to test?
If you have live input to the fan when a fan speed is selected (note it may well be less than 12v) then just leave that alone and simply supply your own earth from the fan earth terminal to the battery earth and see if the fan starts up. If it does then you have found the problem and have graduated to auto electrician Very Happy

#22: Re: Air Con and Heater problem Author: philb205/405/206 PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:12 pm
Ok I will try that tomorrow. I don't have or know how to use a multimeter to measure voltage change to check that the resistor pack and fan speed selector switch are ok. I there any alternatives or do I have to bite the bullet and buy one and learn?

Cheers for your help

#23: Re: Air Con and Heater problem Author: Deckchair5, Location: Bath UK PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:17 pm
Never to old to learn, plenty of utube videos to show how to use one and well worth learning as it will get you out of many problems. I see multimeters going for around £5 as you don't need anything too sophisticated to start with

When you said
All the fuses are ok and there is a live on the lead that connects to the blower motor.
what did you test that with? A circuit tester?

You could just try running that earth from fan earth to battery earth. If the fan works then that's enough of a test really. See how you go

Last edited by Deckchair5 on Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:32 pm; edited 3 times in total

#24: Re: Air Con and Heater problem Author: V9977, Location: Athens, Greece PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:25 pm

#25: Re: Air Con and Heater problem Author: philb205/405/206 PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:42 pm
I used an interior bulb and holder, heavy duty speaker wire and crocodile clips on the end. If it lights its live : ) Basic, like my electrical knowledge lol

#26: Re: Air Con and Heater problem Author: Deckchair5, Location: Bath UK PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:46 pm
Ha! Good enough Smile

Nothing to go wrong with adding an additional earth to the earth line as a test so no worries there

#27: Re: Air Con and Heater problem Author: philb205/405/206 PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:55 pm
I'm happier now someone has told me how to do it, The problem with is electricity is you cant see it. Mechanical dangers are far easier to spot.

#28: Re: Air Con and Heater problem Author: V9977, Location: Athens, Greece PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:37 pm
Deckchair5 wrote:
Ha! Good enough Smile

Nothing to go wrong with adding an additional earth to the earth line as a test so no worries there

As long as the earth line is indeed an earth line and not something else.
Colours on wires in Peugeot vehicles are most of the time mis-leading and adding un-fused 'jumpers' to test things is not a recomended practice. (even with bulbs in series)

Checking with a multimeter as you said is much much better and a YT video will show how to use it from now on, for fault-finding missions in general.

Also, do you have the rightmost control full CCW at the switch-click position?

#29: Re: Air Con and Heater problem Author: Deckchair5, Location: Bath UK PostPosted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:27 am
As long as the earth line is indeed an earth line and not something else.

Of course it's an earth line, there's only two wires actually at the motor, power and earth. Look at the wiring diagram. If the red wire has power supplied as in this case then it's obvious what the other wire is going to be

Putting an earth where there is supposed to be an earth will never do any harm. You are reinforcing the earth line

Try to keep posts relevant so as not to confuse the poor guy Very Happy

#30: Re: Air Con and Heater problem Author: V9977, Location: Athens, Greece PostPosted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 3:52 am
Deckchair5 wrote:
As long as the earth line is indeed an earth line and not something else.

Of course it's an earth line, there's only two wires actually at the motor, power and earth. Look at the wiring diagram. If the red wire has power supplied as in this case then it's obvious what the other wire is going to be

Putting an earth where there is supposed to be an earth will never do any harm. You are reinforcing the earth line

Try to keep posts relevant so as not to confuse the poor guy Very Happy

Are you saying my posts are not relevant enough to the thread? Crying or Very sad

V9977 wrote:
Colours on wires in Peugeot vehicles are most of the time mis-leading and adding un-fused 'jumpers' to test things is not a recomended practice. (even with bulbs in series)

Checking with a multimeter as you said is much much better and a YT video will show how to use it from now on, for fault-finding missions in general.

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