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Speedo and Turbo intermittently cutting out
-> 206 Problems

#1: Speedo and Turbo intermittently cutting out Author: AlbionInmate PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:16 pm
Hi, noob to this forum,

I've got a 2L Diesel 206 from 2002, which is exhibiting some odd electrical faults, I was just looking for a bit of advice before I took it to a garage for fear of being ripped off; any advice welcome:

Speedo and Turbo started intermittently cutting out, I'm assuming it's a loose connection somewhere - the needle drops to zero and there's an accompanying drop in power to the engine - not cutting out, just less power and responsiveness from the throttle. Over the last couple of days this has become a permanent feature (no speedo reading at all, and sluggish on the acceleration).

I did have a problem with an Airbag Fault being reported on the dash, which I got a diagnostic run on - the garage said I'd need a whole new seatbelt kit (around £400 inc. labour). I had a good look at the wiring under the driver's seat, checked all the connections, gave them a bit of a wiggle, and the "fault" subsequently just stopped being reported (I only mention this in case it's relevant).

Anything obvious anyone can think of to look at before going to the garage?

Thanks, Chris

#2: Re: Speedo and Turbo intermittently cutting out Author: Steve206, Location: UK PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:01 am
Sounds like the turbo affecting the speedo, but I doubt it's electrical. You could fault code read it to see if anything is flagged up.

-> 206 Problems

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