#1: Peugeot Planet Guru required! Author: SinfulDesignCom, Location: Ashford, KentPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 10:55 am ---- I have had my PP gizmo for a few weeks and have been playing with it, but there is still some questions that I cannot find an answer for if anyone can help me....
1. I have removed the aux air pump and I need to "turn it off" so I dont keep getting the fault. Is this possible, if so, any idea where?
2. I have got a "coherence" fault with the flywheel angle sensor along with the two front abs sensors. I assume the latter is stored from a previous encounter before I replaced them, but I have changed the flywheel sensor.. do I now need to drive it for a bit before I re-test it?
3. Finally, getting some errors about the wrong information being sent to the instrument cluster, such as coolant temperature, but this looks just fine. Fan cuts in and out when it should... Anyone else had random oddities like this?
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