#1: Coil pack earth Author: IceWhyte, Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:14 pm ---- I think I may have found the cause of my coil pack problems. I found an unconnected cable that looks like an earth cable coming from the coil pack.
I connected it back to the engine housing, however the car won't start at all now, showing 4 fault codes relating to the coil pack. Is it possible that I have wrecked the coil pack when connecting the earth?
#2: Re: Coil pack earth Author: Jack123, Location: Earl Shilton UKPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:47 pm ---- You did disconnect the battery first, right?
#3: Re: Coil pack earth Author: IceWhyte, Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:51 pm ---- No I didn't I am afraid. I am thinking that I might have blown the coil pack when I connected the earth. Is there any way to test it? It's either broke or the connector is faulty.
#4: Re: Coil pack earth Author: Jack123, Location: Earl Shilton UKPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:01 pm ----
IceWhyte wrote:
No I didn't I am afraid. I am thinking that I might have blown the coil pack when I connected the earth. Is there any way to test it? It's either broke or the connector is faulty.
What happens when you try and start the car? Do you get anything at all?
#5: Re: Coil pack earth Author: IceWhyte, Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:05 pm ---- It flashes up "Catalyic converter fault" and it turns over but does start. The fault codes relate to coil B,C and D.
I put the old coil pack back in and it started but seems to be running on 2/3 cylinders and the fault relates to coil C and D.
#6: Re: Coil pack earth Author: Jack123, Location: Earl Shilton UKPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:33 pm ----
IceWhyte wrote:
It flashes up "Catalyic converter fault" and it turns over but does start. The fault codes relate to coil B,C and D.
I put the old coil pack back in and it started but seems to be running on 2/3 cylinders and the fault relates to coil C and D.
So no Catalytic Converter Fault on the old Coil Pack?
Sounds to me like the coilpack has had an issue when you earthed it while everything still had power.
When you were trying to start it without the earth lead attached what was happening then? Any errors?
#7: Re: Coil pack earth Author: IceWhyte, Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:52 pm ---- That is correct, with the old coil pack I just get the "anti pollution" fault but it still runs rough.
Well the thing is, I only discovered the earth lead wasn't attached a couple of days ago. I have been getting anti pollution faults since I got the car and faults with the coil pack. Sometimes the car would run fine but then other times it would break down or misfire.
I have just ordered another coil pack as I am pretty sure I have broke the other one. Is it possible to fry a coil pack by doing what I did?
#8: Re: Coil pack earth Author: Jack123, Location: Earl Shilton UKPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:55 pm ---- Very Strange, I assume you tried running the old coil pack with the earth attached this time?
I had a intermittent fault like yours a few years ago, you could be driving it along and it would just die, I can't remember exactly what was wrong but I know it had to have a new coil
#9: Re: Coil pack earth Author: IceWhyte, Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:13 pm ---- Yes that is right. The old coil pack will only ignite 2/3 cylinders though.
Yeah, the garage put a new coil pack when my car broke down the last time but the problem came back so I am assuming it is because of the earth coming out. Thanks a lot for your help mate. I will try the new one and see how it goes.
#10: Re: Coil pack earth Author: Jack123, Location: Earl Shilton UKPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:17 pm ----
IceWhyte wrote:
Yes that is right. The old coil pack will only ignite 2/3 cylinders though.
Yeah, the garage put a new coil pack when my car broke down the last time but the problem came back so I am assuming it is because of the earth coming out. Thanks a lot for your help mate. I will try the new one and see how it goes.
No problem, defiantly sounds like the earth was the cause of the problem though so once you get the new one in you should be rosy!
#11: Re: Coil pack earth Author: IceWhyte, Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 3:29 am ---- Well I found the problem so if anyone has similar symptoms to which I have mentioned above check this.
Inside the coil pack plug there is dividers to separate the wire connectors, in the picture you can see the divider at the end has melted through. I can not find a replacement connector anywhere so I just used insulating tape to wrap the wires in and now the car runs fine.
If anyone knows why this might of happened, I would really like to hear it.
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