#31: Re: Peugeot 1.4 HDi new purchase Author: dsiingh, Location: West MidlandsPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:02 pm ---- I averaged 60mpg which was 400ish miles of motorway and 240ish miles of local driving. God these 1.4 beasts are like vw equivalent of bluemotion. nice plate mate, did you stick it on?
#32: Re: Peugeot 1.4 HDi new purchase Author: daxo, Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:38 am ---- cool .. keep coming with updates. . I got my self a 1.4 hdi recently. . fuel economy is amazing.. I was lookinh to put an intercooler on it, I found a diy project on the internet, u may want to consider doing. it looks easy.
the link is : intercooler mod
its in french but using Google translator there is not problem
it looks like a air to air intercooler, anyone has done this before ? would it be a good idea?
#33: Re: Peugeot 1.4 HDi new purchase Author: James3107, Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 9:58 am ----
dsiingh wrote:
I averaged 60mpg which was 400ish miles of motorway and 240ish miles of local driving. God these 1.4 beasts are like vw equivalent of bluemotion. nice plate mate, did you stick it on?
Tell me about it, my work colleague has a 13 plate Aygo and even that can't match these for fuel economy, where I live 75% of roads are hills, he's having to use first for hills my little Pug can do in 3rd... I love it!
Yeah I just used some double sided number plate tape from local car shop, 99p I think and its like tiger seal, no idea how I'm going to get it off to trim it, going to try a DIY stubby plate using another plate for shaping guidance, hopefully it'll look ok, just need to get rid of the pesky screw holes first.
daxo wrote:
cool .. keep coming with updates. . I got my self a 1.4 hdi recently. . fuel economy is amazing.. I was lookinh to put an intercooler on it, I found a diy project on the internet, u may want to consider doing. it looks easy.
the link is : intercooler mod
its in french but using Google translator there is not problem
it looks like a air to air intercooler, anyone has done this before ? would it be a good idea?
Thanks for the link Looks a great read! I'm looking into doing this myself before I get a remap, I'm hoping for 110bhp which I hope isn't too optimistic, the intercooler should vastly improve efficiency as well, although my 206 always seems to run very cool anyway and doesn't hit 90 degrees usually, and i do a lot of local delivery driving, with some big hills!
Where abouts are you based? I'd highly recommend RS Tuning if you are considering remapping. They've mapped my Rs Turbo and the difference was amazing! I know a 1.4 HDi isn't exactly a pocket rocket, but there's plenty of torque potential there
#34: Re: Peugeot 1.4 HDi new purchase Author: James3107, Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:01 am ---- Hello everyone.
Haven't updated this in a while been really busy and haven't done anything in the way of modifications. Just had clutch done, and timing belt is booked in for wednesday at the grand price of £180!
Also bought some MTEC Cosmos Blue, which are definately worth a purchase, great light output!
I've just purchased these little beauties
All being well, going to collect Monday.
However I have a few question on them
I originally have steelies so they bolts for the wheels are black and frankly awful. Does anybody know the correct size wheel bolt and where to buy them?
Also regarding tyres, when putting a Gti reg into black circles to get tyre quotes its coming up with a rim size of 15, yet aren't the Gti nimrods 16's?
All help greatly appreciated! Thanks
#35: Re: Peugeot 1.4 HDi new purchase Author: 20Drift, Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:07 am ----
James3107 wrote:
Hello everyone.
Haven't updated this in a while been really busy and haven't done anything in the way of modifications. Just had clutch done, and timing belt is booked in for wednesday at the grand price of £180!
I've just purchased these little beauties
All being well, going to collect Monday.
However I have a few question on them
I originally have steelies so they bolts for the wheels are black and frankly awful. Does anybody know the correct size wheel bolt and where to buy them?
Also regarding tyres, when putting a Gti reg into black circles to get tyre quotes its coming up with a rim size of 15, yet aren't the Gti nimrods 16's?
All help greatly appreciated! Thanks
Nice rims!
Yes, nimrods are 16 inch. You'll want 195/45/16 or 205/45/16. The 45 is the profile, so you can increase them if needed
#36: Re: Peugeot 1.4 HDi new purchase Author: James3107, Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:09 am ----
20Drift wrote:
Nice rims!
Yes, nimrods are 16 inch. You'll want 195/45/16 or 205/45/16. The 45 is the profile, so you can increase them if needed
Thanks, hopefully will look ok on my indigo, if not I'll do them anthracite. Paid £95 for them with recent refurb, tyres need replacing though.
Thanks for that, I can get some tyre quotes now.
#37: Re: Peugeot 1.4 HDi new purchase Author: commandosqueak, Location: Lower SlaughterPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:27 am ---- good little project coming on here will keep an eye on this. a charge cooler or a double pass intercooler is ideal for a 1.4 HDI in the process of doing mine As with anything do your research first there are projector lights available have a search on the site, angle eyes are one set plus there is another but they are costly.
#38: Re: Peugeot 1.4 HDi new purchase Author: James3107, Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:37 am ----
commandosqueak wrote:
good little project coming on here will keep an eye on this. a charge cooler or a double pass intercooler is ideal for a 1.4 HDI in the process of doing mine As with anything do your research first there are projector lights available have a search on the site, angle eyes are one set plus there is another but they are costly.
Yeah as soon as the exterior is sorted so it doesn't look so entry level and all mechanics are up to scratch I'm gonna start putting some money into it. I love the charge cooler idea but I'm gonna have to look into costing first, Gonna get a remap ASAP, and i've been speaking with a company called advancedflo exhausts where I live, so gonna get them to build a straight through. Need to get rid of that enormous chamber where the cat used to be, I'm sure it'll be affecting performance. How is yours going, cost wise and difficulty in getting it done, problem is there uisn't that many people who've cooled a 1.4 hdi. It's usually the 2.0 lump.
#39: Re: Peugeot 1.4 HDi new purchase Author: James3107, Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:55 am ---- So Wheel's nearly finished... Finally!
Gonna book in for tyres hopefully next week.
I've decided on Toyo Proxies T1-R
Anybody have any feedback for these tyres size is 215/40/r16
I know they ain't perfect but I wasn't really bothered about them been flawless as it's used as a delivery car so it get a fair amount of abuse. So results are rattle can sprayed and lacquered with no filler or primer used.
BEfore Lacquer
How they started against now
#40: Re: Peugeot 1.4 HDi new purchase Author: dsiingh, Location: West MidlandsPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:31 am ---- Hey man, hows it going? I had my cambelt, waterpump, anti freeze flush and fill, auxiliary belt plus tensioners done for a whopping £320 quid. Im currently on 108k miles with an average of 54mg. I want to change my interior and and wheels. Im not enjoying the hard ride at the moment thinking of changing to coil overs.
wheels are looking mint by the way...any pictures of them on the car ??
#41: Re: Peugeot 1.4 HDi new purchase Author: James3107, Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:41 am ----
dsiingh wrote:
Hey man, hows it going? I had my cambelt, waterpump, anti freeze flush and fill, auxiliary belt plus tensioners done for a whopping £320 quid. Im currently on 108k miles with an average of 54mg. I want to change my interior and and wheels. Im not enjoying the hard ride at the moment thinking of changing to coil overs.
wheels are looking mint by the way...any pictures of them on the car ??
Yeah not going too bad thanks. Wow that was steep. Had my cambelt and waterpump done about a month ago at 105k costing a total of £170. But when the guy did it, he showed me the belt that he took off, which looked almost brand new, most of the writing was still on the belt. Definitely had been changed recently, I just had no proof
Yeah I hate my interior too, it's an awful light blue. I quite fancy the Quicksilver interior, gonna add it to the to do list haha. Which is growing considerably.
Now I've had clutch and belt done, going to get my cat back sorted and remapped, which should take it to about 95bhp.
sadly I only have this picture, which was before spraying.
Definitely needs lowering, that arch gap is ridiculous! The ride in mine isnt too bad, the only thing I don't like is the body roll round corners, hopefully the fatter tyres will help this and after I fit some springs and dampers, I'm considering a Strut brace, 45mm drop on Bilstein dampers should make it corner a little better at least.
#42: Re: Peugeot 1.4 HDi new purchase Author: James3107, Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 10:23 am ---- So I de wipered it today
However left with a mark on the glass
Will it come off or do I need a bigger gromit?
Also regarding tyres, when putting a Gti reg into black circles to get tyre quotes its coming up with a rim size of 15, yet aren't the Gti nimrods 16's?
Had T1-Rs on a few cars, for the price they normally cost they're cracking tyres.
Seem to recall they can suffer from premature shoulder wear, so not really suited to the long term too well. Depends how you drive, of course.
#44: Re: Peugeot 1.4 HDi new purchase Author: Andy_F95, Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 8:03 am ---- Great to see another Indigo Blue 206. Here is my 1.4 HDI:
#45: Re: Peugeot 1.4 HDi new purchase Author: Ciaran996, Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 6:23 pm ---- Looking good man personally like the pillar vinyls off i done that today
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