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Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3**
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#1: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:49 pm
best to start a new thread Wink lol

heres the pics from when i got it, to how it looks now, and what it has Very Happy

at the dealer before i bought it

then morrettes

then nimrods


then SP grilles



this was it at a meet

back to scirrocos, SP arches, and debadged rear and backbox



had vortex's for a while


nice little armrest from ebay

and half leather interior from a member who has yet to rejoin (Tedspug206)

and how the car looks now, with Tempest alloys






but i have this to stick on when i get fogs and a grille for it Very Happy GT bumper sprayed in EZR, aluminium silver and peugeot 405 grahpite grey

i also have a Decat exhaust, and K&N GEN2 filter on the car. gives it a little more grunt. lol. but ill more than likely stick the Green panel filter back on. and save up for a full stainless steel Turbo back exhaust.

im trying to keep it to as many OEM parts as possible, as you can get each of the parts from the accessories brochure (backbox from Ecosse, waste of money though). and for the armrest, check ebay, or e-mail the peugeot shop about the OEM one. ill dig out the part number, but it can be bought for something along the lines of £65-£70.

hope you enjoyed the show, and ill be sure to get pics up when the GT bumper is fitted. which im hoping to do sometime this century Razz ha ha

Last edited by wagsy206 on Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

#2: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: BrEvY, Location: Wigan PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:41 pm
Looking good mate, hurry up and get the bumper fitted Razz

#3: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:53 pm
lol. ill get the bumper fitted as soon as i get some fogs and a grille. lol.

#4: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: GazRG, Location: Bournemouth/Cardiff PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:00 pm
I love how your car's come along mate, it looks incredibly smart, am a big fan! Very Happy

#5: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:08 pm
Very Happy cheers Gaz. yours has come a long way as well mate. and were both OEM gods.

#6: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: Brian, Location: VVT Land, Fife PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:20 pm
coming on nicely wagsy Smile

#7: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:23 pm
cheers brian. im just dying to get the GT bumper on. once its on, i can give the car a gooooood cleaning. the bumper is SMOOOOOOOOTH as you like, so ill need clay the entire car to get it as smooth. lol.

so ill be needing some poor boys and meguiars stuff, or whatever you recommend

#8: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: GazRG, Location: Bournemouth/Cardiff PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:24 pm
wagsy206 wrote:
:D cheers Gaz. yours has come a long way as well mate. and were both OEM gods.

Very true mate!! Very Happy

#9: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: BrEvY, Location: Wigan PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:39 pm
You need a grill and i need some morette's.. you sure you dont want me nick my mrs grill?? lol

#10: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: Alan_206HDi, Location: Hatfield Heath, Herts PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:48 pm
Is that an OEM armrest? The £78odd ones on eBay?

#11: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: Brian, Location: VVT Land, Fife PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:49 pm
GazRG wrote:
wagsy206 wrote:
:D cheers Gaz. yours has come a long way as well mate. and were both OEM gods.

Very true mate!! Very Happy

Good grief, listen to you's...get a room Rolling On The Floor Laughing

A dunno Wagsy, ever since i've went on detailing world i really don't know what i want cleaning product wise for this year any more! Laughing

I picked up some autoglym clay for 50p out of halfords the other week though!!! Very Happy incomplete clay kit pack so i got it cheap lol. Will try that on the 180 in april-may time i think

#12: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:31 am
alan, the one I have is not oem, it's a close resemblance, but mine was something like 60 off eBay

brian, I'll check halfords at the weekend. the autoglym stuff isn't to bad either. the glass polish is brilliant too. don't know how many times I've smacked my elbow off the window thinking it's down lol. but I'll see what stuff I have in the house first, then get what I don't have.

has Anyone found the cached detailing how-to? I'd rather have a step by step guide as I normally just sponge on a lot of soap and rinse it off, but a goooooood cleaning is on the cards this year

#13: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: anthony_839, Location: romford PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:43 am
nice looking car need one of them arm rests lol and you defo like coke!!! 3 or 4 bottle there!

#14: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: anthony_839, Location: romford PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:44 am
just had another look and its 3 =]

#15: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:48 am
cheers anthony, i do like my cola. lol.

#16: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 5:41 pm

foglights arrived for the GT bumper, so all i need is the grill and i can fit it. Very Happy .

after i get the bumper done, i shall be placing an order for the cruise control stalk and getting it to a pug dealer for the ECU to be configured to set it up right. steve_b has confirmed that my car has the clutch switch necessary to de-activate on depressing the clutch WOOHOO!!!!!

#17: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: andyeuro206, Location: motherwell PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:20 pm
cant wait to see this finished almost as much as i cant wait to see mine finished , did you in the end find somewhere to supply the grill

#18: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: pug206lx, Location: Taking a gearbox off somewhere PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:24 pm
Nice looking car Wagsy Razz

I do like those Vortex's that you had on it. they suit it well

#19: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:35 pm
pug206lx, the vortex's are gone Sad i liked the look of them, but the car didnt handle as good as it does on the tempests (or nimrods which im considering again, lol)

Andy, ill just get the grille from peugeot. £67, but its the only way ill get one unless someone with a GT bumper uses mesh.

i cant wait to see the finished article myself either. i can easily go to the garage tomorrow and order the part in. will take a few days, then it'll be a matter of sticking it on the car Very Happy

#20: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: andyeuro206, Location: motherwell PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:37 pm
get it done then mate i will race you to the finished article haha been putting in some major hours on mine and its ready for painting haha all a have to do is find somwhere which isnt damp to do it lol

#21: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:59 pm
Wagsy can you Pm me what you know on the cruise control malarkay, quite fancy getting this done myself!

#22: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: vanman_foci, Location: Barry, South Wales PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:04 am
love this project. Should have kept the Vortex on and I was I had bought Vortex. I just need your Morrettes and GT bumper Razz

Can't wait to see it fitted! Get on it!

#23: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 2:52 pm
lol, dan, i love my GT bumper. i doubt id get rid of the morrettes. lol. as much as i want black mask valeos, i doubt id get a set soon, so ill probably go over all the black bits in graphite. including the morrettes

Jamie, the best person to ask would be Steve_b. master tech with peugeot and it was him who told me all i need is the stalk and the ecu update. my car is already equipped with the clutch switch to de-activate it.

#24: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: BrEvY, Location: Wigan PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:14 pm
you got the bumper on yet?? Razz

#25: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:35 pm
I'm getting pestered left, right and centre lol
not on yet, received the fogs yesterday and need to get the grille. I'll get that ordered from my local pug garage. and while i'm ordering the grille I might as well order the cruise control stalk at the same time, and see if one of the techies in there can plug the computer in and see if it can be switched on.

#26: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:37 pm
Where you getting the stalk from and how much is it?

#27: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:43 pm
I'll probably just get it from pug as well. there's one on eBay but i don't think it's for the 206.
i'll need to double check part numbers and see what ones what. there's one with a limiter switch, and one without

#28: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: GazRG, Location: Bournemouth/Cardiff PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:45 pm
If someone needs either cruise control stalk and knows if any other PSA cars have suitable stalks, PM me. There's quite a lot of PSA stuff in my local scrapyard usually so don't mind sourcing a stalk for someone if needs be.

#29: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: Jamie, Location: Ring y0 PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:47 pm
Can you Pm me what you know on the stalks please?

#30: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:50 pm
I've seen my dads 407 cc stalk and it looks similar to the radio stalk, but there are 2 different stalks.

gaz, I'll pm Steve and see if he knows the part numbers and what one would be more ideal for it. then I'll try to get a pic and show you what it looks like

#31: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: BrEvY, Location: Wigan PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:59 am
How much is the grill gona set you back from pug mate??

#32: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: Austin, Location: Telford PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:20 pm
Nice Nice, will look ace with the GT bumper. Smile

#33: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:50 pm
brevy, it's £67 from the pug garage, but I've waited long enough to get it fitted, so I'm going to order it tomorrow, and see when it'll arrive. and I'll enquire about the cruise control as well. if they don't do the update to switch it on, then I'll go as far as I need to get it working lol

#34: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:05 pm
minor update

got the foglights stuck on the bumper (thanks to macj for them), just needing the grille now. ill order it this week unless someone else has a spare GT grille they'd be willing to sell me Very Happy

also, ive called the garage and ordered in the cruise control stalk. my local garage isnt open at the weekends so ill have to travel to one closer to glasgow.

but im dying to get it all put together.

#35: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: Lecktorious, Location: Scotland PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:07 pm
Motorway Cars should be open 8.30 - 12.00 on a Saturday, I know this as I've collected parts on a Saturday before and there are always a few Techs kicking about when I've been in.

#36: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:09 pm
i tried to book the car in for a service just before christmas, and could only get monday to friday as theyve stopped saturdays. or they had done.

#37: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: BrEvY, Location: Wigan PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:55 am
wagsy206 wrote:
brevy, it's £67 from the pug garage, but I've waited long enough to get it fitted, so I'm going to order it tomorrow, and see when it'll arrive. and I'll enquire about the cruise control as well. if they don't do the update to switch it on, then I'll go as far as I need to get it working lol

Yeah get it ordered man, save you loads of hassle!! £67 aint that bad really considering they want £31+vat each for the gt badges lol.

#38: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: Brian, Location: VVT Land, Fife PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:02 pm
£67 isn't that bad at all Wagsy! It'll look good once its on!

#39: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:46 pm
I'm going to try a different garage. the garage down the road is useless. I work closer to a larger peugeot garage so I'll call them tomorrow and see if they have a stalk available. and I'll order the gt grille from them too

#40: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: BrEvY, Location: Wigan PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:40 am
This guy might be worth a shout for the grill mate.

#41: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: Brian, Location: VVT Land, Fife PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:43 am
Bugger me that's cheap.

#42: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 4:03 pm
i didnt even see that Sad lol. ive meshed it for now. been spending a little more than i should have, but im working this weekend and that'll give me nearly a double wage. so ill order one next week or the week after

#43: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:51 pm

ill get the pics uploaded as soon as i can.

#44: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:14 pm



#45: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW Author: GazRG, Location: Bournemouth/Cardiff PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:15 pm
Very Happy Loving the wagasaurus dude!! Looks good Wink

#46: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:19 pm
im just glad ive managed to get it finished (to a point) where i could get it on the car.

ill order the grille next week, but me and the mrs have had some news where money will get a bit tight so it may take a bit longer. lol.

#47: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: tomd0801754, Location: Moscow PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:30 pm
News..? Explain!!

Oh, and that bumper - MEANNNNNNNN Smile

Looking good dude!

#48: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:33 pm
its nothing man, the rents going up, council tax etc.

basically outgoings are increasing,

#49: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: tomd0801754, Location: Moscow PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:34 pm
Ahhh, thought yu meant summat interesting then!! Wink Haha..

#50: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:36 pm
ha ha ha, nope. nothing interesting. xx

#51: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: BrEvY, Location: Wigan PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:51 pm
woo finally... lookin good mate!! Laughing

#52: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: vanman_foci, Location: Barry, South Wales PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:42 am
Like the bumper but don't think the grille suits it. you going to be ordering a stand grille for it?

#53: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:59 am
yup. and ill need to sort out the arch liners. they dont line up with the bumper. lol. was driving today and heard them flapping against the tyres. Sad

but ill wait till wednesday to order the grille. get paid on thursday. Very Happy

but i did say that the mesh was temp dan, i just wanted to get the bumper on as everyone was pestering me to get it done, lol.
but i was surprised to find that the SPORTS foglights from my sports bumper sat in the GT bumper nice and snug.

#54: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: Brian, Location: VVT Land, Fife PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:05 pm
wey! Your "temp mesh" doesn't look too bad really dude! Smile

#55: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:54 pm
brian, be honest, lol. it looks total gashville, Tennesee. Razz

ive e-mailed the peugeot shop about the grille anyways. so ill hear tomorrow. hopefully.

on another note, im in the process of making an ISO file to help me install XP to my laptop. for the sole purpose of getting PP2k up and running Very Happy

#56: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: Uz, Location: No Man's Land PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:14 am
That looks the dogs dangles Smile

Will look so much better once you've got the proper grille for it Thumb Up

I reckon you should spray your morette up to match the bumper moulds...will look the bomb Very Happy

#57: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 1:25 pm
uz, if i can get a spare set of lights ill be spraying the morrette covers in graphite. and ill need another set of the rear bumper mouldings to do as well.

but im well happy Very Happy woohoo

#58: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: vanman_foci, Location: Barry, South Wales PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 4:06 pm
so this has gone now then? what happened to all the parts?

#59: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:09 am

this advert will show you Sad .

#60: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: andyeuro206, Location: motherwell PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:18 am
poor 206

#61: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:25 am
what you mean poor 206?

#62: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: Lecktorious, Location: Scotland PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 2:47 pm
Why did you leave all the good parts on? Some so recently fitted as well.

An afternoon removing them could you netted you a few hundred quid at least.

#63: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 2:54 pm
couldnt be bothered G. just wanted rid, and for a car like this at the price it was (£1000 was taken off the week before).

i dont see profit like anyone else. i seen a reliable car, for a bargain price, and wont have to spend much getting it fixed. thats my profit, lol.

#64: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: Lecktorious, Location: Scotland PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 2:57 pm
Each to their own but I'd rather see the money in my pocket than anyone's elses tbh...

#65: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:01 pm
so would i. im saving money cause im not spending it on a shoddy 206.

and because it was a "limited edition" bumper, and genuine morrette conversion, geuine pug accessory wheels, pug accessory arch extensions, and upgraded half leather trim, i got a few hundred extra quid (also helps when you know the owner of the garage)

Very Happy

#66: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: vanman_foci, Location: Barry, South Wales PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:03 pm
i'm going to cry now Sad

#67: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:06 pm
why for dan?? Sad

#68: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: vanman_foci, Location: Barry, South Wales PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:07 pm
i liked your car Smile

what u got now then Very Happy Pics???? or show us a similar picture!

#69: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: mattievrs, Location: Leicester PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:07 pm
G. wrote:
Why did you leave all the good parts on? Some so recently fitted as well.

An afternoon removing them could you netted you a few hundred quid at least.

I ripped the s**t out of mine and am currently sitting on £400 which is going towards a FMIC and remap! All that for an afternoons strippage.
I do know what you mean though wagsy, i took some motivating to get on it but in the process i rather enjoyed it!

#70: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: iainlovatt PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:13 pm
hows the new car mate!?

#71: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:18 pm





there you go dan Very Happy .
2005 Honda Accord
2.0 i-vtec sport (K20A6 engine)
and its an absolute dream of a car. i was needing a family orientated car as the other half is pregnant. this came along at £5k. 73K on the clock, full service history (was used by Honda for its first few years), and although its the 2ltr petrol engine, its not as petrol thirsty as i thought.

mattie, not a bad score there mate. i told the guy about the car over the phone at first, but when i took it down he gave me an extra £400 as it had the accessories. the owner of the garage is a family friend (his daughter is my aunties god-daughter) so that helped.

#72: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: vanman_foci, Location: Barry, South Wales PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:21 pm
Errrr whats that jap crap!

Ha ha nah only joking mate.

Nice car. any plans?

#73: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:22 pm
iainlovatt wrote:
hows the new car mate!?

its brilliant iain. pretty economical as well. i put £50 in the tank last week (the fuel light was on) and it ended up between 3/4 and full. and i now have just over a 1/4 tank left. ive hit the v-tec a few times just to clear out the cob webs, and its pretty impressive.

its just a big brute of a car, you hit 70mph and it just cruises down the motorway. i couldnt be happier with a car.

#74: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: mattievrs, Location: Leicester PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:23 pm
love the honda but it needs a GT bumper on! lol

#75: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:25 pm
vanman_sw wrote:
Errrr whats that jap crap!

Ha ha nah only joking mate.

Nice car. any plans?

RELIABLE jap crap, dan, i thought you'd have had it right by now Razz .

no plans for it. the other half got a set of phase 2, 7th Gen wheels (face lifted version of mine), so ill probably get some decent rubber for them and slap them on, but other than that, i have no plans. with the baby on the way, im not doing a thing to this car.

#76: Re: Project: Wagasaurus-GT SW **update page 3** Author: wagsy206, Location: Coatbridge, Lanarkshire PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:25 pm
mattie wrote:
love the honda but it needs a GT bumper on! lol

Rolling On The Floor Laughing

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