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Project 5 Door Diablo Red
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#16: Re: Project 5 Door Diablo Red Author: dan1995206 PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 5:45 pm
Thanks Very Happy

#17: Re: Project 5 Door Diablo Red Author: dan1995206 PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 3:02 pm

So basically just after Christmas a 'land rover' decided to spin in the ice and smash the back of my Pug :'(((((! the car has been classed as a category D write off however the other car has been made liable and i will be shortly receiving a cheque of £1200. The next step is to re-mot her and then its off to the body shop for a LOT of work!

the damage :'(


On the plus side i will some money left over so have big plans for her!

#18: Re: Project 5 Door Diablo Red Author: usher, Location: northallerton PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 12:15 pm
sorry to hgear about the car mine suffered similarly land rover+rear quater, but my rubish insurance settled 50/50, have you had a quote for the rear quater replaced doubt you would have much change tbh

#19: Re: Project 5 Door Diablo Red Author: dan1995206 PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:34 pm
I've had a price to knock out and fill, (I know a guy lol ) going to make it new. Rather him than me ! Got a price of £450 which i think is brilliant! Hopefully will tidy up some scratches as well and a new a rear bumper will be on the cards!

#20: Re: Project 5 Door Diablo Red Author: RoweY, Location: Middlesbrough PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:11 pm
Sorry to hear about the car mate, look forward to seeing it all fixed up Very Happy

#21: Re: Project 5 Door Diablo Red Author: dan1995206 PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:18 pm
Cheers so am I its just a excuse to buy new car parts Wink

#22: Re: Project 5 Door Diablo Red Author: Mada, Location: Manchester/ Aberdeen PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:20 am
That price seems fair mate, same thing happened to me, damaged drivers door and rear quarter. Got a quote from a body shop and they said £2000!!!

#23: Re: Project 5 Door Diablo Red Author: dan1995206 PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:57 am
Yeah it is Smile shes official booked in for the 7th April ! It's like counting down for Christmas Wink

#24: Re: Project 5 Door Diablo Red Author: dan1995206 PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 3:40 am

okay so its been a while but some people may remember that i had a accident in December and my car was written of cat D. well after a long two weeks of riding my push bike to work Very Happy my car was finally back from the bodyshop.

here is a couple of pictures from before Wink




and now how she stands after coming back from the shop I have added some new wheels and headlights Smile all comments welcome I bet these wheels will be a love or hate thing!




she's happy to be cruising again Wink


next up i'm defiantly lowering just haven't had chance to do it yet!

#25: Re: Project 5 Door Diablo Red Author: Tolkienfan001, Location: Spalding PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 3:55 am
Love the pic with the dog. I have exactly the same mod Very Happy

#26: Re: Project 5 Door Diablo Red Author: dan1995206 PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 4:12 am
Cheers Smile glad to be back !

#27: Re: Project 5 Door Diablo Red Author: dan1995206 PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 9:51 am

So as you may remember I sold this car after she went wrong again and bought a s***ty corsa. I then moved onto a Astra gtc which I built a show car out of and bagged it. But I've always missed my 206 so after seeing it driving one day I decided to follow the woman home and buy it back there and then! I've now started to rebuild it but I'm unsure of whether to build a showcar(full respray,smoothed bumpers) or to build more of a racecar and swap the engine over? Few pictures so far including some interesting fixes to the battery and airbag light! Some people scare me.







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