#1: 206 one side faster then the other Author: hilton_marc, Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 11:05 am ---- Hi wonder if anyone can help i just noticed a slight knocking when i go over bumps and around corners ive jacked the front end of the car up and noticed that when i start to accelerate one side is going alot faster then the other
is this normal?
Any help would be much appreciated
Thanks Marc
#2: Re: 206 one side faster then the other Author: rlees85, Location: DaventryPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:49 pm ---- Does it behave the same when driving? if so then you have a problem. If it drives fine, its normal (to do with the diff, or something). More knowledgeable people will come along soon!
Knocking probably drop links, ball joint or track rod end
#3: Re: 206 one side faster then the other Author: kandlbarrett, Location: SwindonPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:42 pm ---- I assume that you accelerated with both wheels jacked up; if so then one wheel can easily accelerate more than the other and is almost certainly not related to the knocking noise.
The only thing I would check would be that the brake on the slow turning side isn't dragging. After that, if it drives normally, I wouldn't worry.
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